Author has written 19 stories for Fire Emblem, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy VIII, and Final Fantasy VII.
OMG the last time I updated my profile I was 16... ack O_o
Soooooo... Now I'm 20, 21 in a few months XD
Still from small-town Newfoundland (Canada :P), still school (University), still a nut-case C:
Oh my jesus I haven't written anything in over two years, I swear to god I'm getting back into it, I just needed something to
inspire me. Well, for some strange reason I was inspired by (of all things) Terminator . Yeah went see the fourth movie a few
weeks back, am a total sci-fi/game/fiction/book/vampyre/zombie (et cetera) nerd 8) Loves it :)
And as you can tell I'm hyper, or more than likely just a very happy fangirl! Anyways, I like writing about anything, I mostly write to
vent, or to get my feelings out in the open. I'm looking to broaden my writing, even if it's just a personal passtime :) There's a few
pieces I'm working on, one of which it "The pillar that supports me", which I've been horribly neglecting ;_; Am working on a terminator
fic as well, hope to polish it up sometime...
Now for the stupid little likes/dislikes/faves section... I dunno, I write to get things out, might as well :)
Game series :
The legend of Zelda ( Have played this series since I was like, 4, I swear )
Final Fantasy ( Best STORIES EVER )
Resident Evil ( Hahaha what can I say... Need to blow off steam? Get a gun and shoot things :) Favorite game series )
Fire Emblem ( Loved it, but sadly lost insterest :( )
Super Mario (C'mon, staple of Nintendo )
Kingdom Hearts ( Best Crossover game of all time, a perfect mix of a final fantasy storyline and disney's rich characters )
Conker's BFD ( OMG what perverted fun! )
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 ( Gotta love Kyle :) Love mystery games )
Books/Series of Books:
School of Night Series ( Just got hooked on this, it's awesome! )
Lord of the Rings ( Yes, I know, me and everyone else! )
Harry Potter ( Yes, I know, total dweeb! )
A time of Angels ( Just a good story )
Suzanne's Diary to Nicholas ( So very sad :( I bawled reading this )
LOTR again ( Beautiful cinematics! )
Resident Evil ( Good old-fashion zombie arse-kicking action :) )
Star Treck ( OhmysweeteffinggodIcan'tbelieveIwrotethat... )
Terminator ( Seriously, I remember watching these movies when I was, like 6, the only thing I can remember from back then is
the "governator" ;) )
Underworld ( Werewolves and vampires, 'nuff said :D )
Sam Worthington ( My one and only fav actor :D Can't wait to see more movies :) )
Aaaaand that's about it for me xD Will write about almost any of these mentioned above I guess :D