Author has written 7 stories for Sailor Moon X-overs, Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z/Sailor Moon, and Sailor Moon. Hey everyone! July 12, 2006 Well, unlike so many writers, I want to fight for fanfiction. I have been in a super slump, but, when you push yourself through it and put on some really great music to write to, its like everything just flows. So, I urge anyone to fight for the love of fanfiction and set your prejudices aside, despite it people think its died, despite if people think that is isn't worth it because there is a lack of quality fanfiction, because there can be, if everyone just gets back in the groove. And that is what it is, the groove, getting the creative juices flowing. Anyway, I have decided to stop acting so mean to all my reviewers! I love you guys and I shouldn't treat you all so mean, so, thanks for sticking with me and reviewing my stories through my big-head-ed-ness...ish. So, moving on. Every single story below is getting rewritten or continued. And there are going to be a few new ones coming up soon. Soft Blonde Well, I updated the next chapter, and the next chapter is about 5 completed, and poor Usa! It's a doozy! Princess of Heart Princess of Moon 2nd chapter is about 50 completed. Everything else is getting revamped, PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! |