Author has written 53 stories for Harry Potter, and Law and Order: SVU. !ATTENTION! I WILL NO LONGER BE POSTING HERE, BUT AT AND ! YOU CAN SEARCH MY NAME AS DRUSCILLA RYAN ON AND DRUSCILLA ON ! SORRY. My name's Druscilla Ryan and I'm from the sadly oppressed country called America. I have dropped the United part considering our country is no longer united. Hey everyone, I'm back to Harry Potter. I'm currently trying my hand at light humor and adding the last 2 chapters to Princess of Silence, so people will FINALLY be able to read it. (:Hides behind her notebook:) I'm basically updating on LONDON TONIGHT, RAINE TOMORROW daily and that might switch to every 2 or 3 days when school starts back up, but hey . . . I'm currently on (obviously) and (you should check it out, it's awesome). My screen name here is ryanz_raindrop and my name is druscilla_malfoy. I just recently joined and my user name on there is druscilla_malfoy as well. I'm also a member of or .org, I'm not quite sure. My user name there is druscilla_malfoy, too! If you every want to IM or just e-mail you can contact me at ryanz_raindrop@. Hope you all enjoy! Likes: Harry Potter, Tom Felton, Jason Isaacs, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Paris Hilton, Big&Rich, 'The Weakness in Me' by Joan Armatrading, , friends! Dislikes: The Republican Party, pork, pigs, the Charlie Bone series, snobs Ships: Lucius/Sirius, Sirius/James, Lucius/James, Draco/Harry, Draco/Ginny the only het I read, and the fluff ship Remus/Sirius Stories not currently on : Oceansoul LM/JP, Stay SB/SS, To Hell and Back DM/HP, Good-bye HG/RW, Wrong Again HP/HG, Dead Boy's Poem SB/JP, She is My Sin SB/JP, Away SB/JP, Boy-Child SB/JP, Bare Skin: Taken and Given LP/JP; RL/SB/OC; Last Call for Druscilla sequel to Bare Skin, etc. Please R&R. I'm always open to suggestions. Luvverzz, P.S. I am a starving artist. This means that I feed off of reviews. I review too! Please R&R. Just started up the whole Live Journal thing. Here are the links to my LiveJournal and LiveJournal slash community (which currently has ONE member, me). Oh, and I created a journal for Raine. And there's also Darkest Sin: Slash Community All things HP slash (old school, new school,ficlets, novellas, drabbles, poetry, discussion, art, etc.) http:///community/druscilla_black/ Druscilla Malfoy's LiveJournal Drabbles, Fics, and Pointless MutteringsFrom the Mind of Dru Raine Rose Black: Where 'London Tonight, Raine Tomorrow' Leaves Off 'Which "London Tonight, Raine Tomorrow" Character Are You?' |