Author has written 2 stories for Detective Conan/Case Closed. Welcome to my profile, I am TheReluctantSeeker! Please enjoy your stay!! Something about me: I've been on this site for ages. I first found this site when it became clear that Harry and Hermione were not going to end up with each other in the books and found happiness reading some Harmony stories. I never made a profile because I thought I would just be reading and never thought I would want to write fanfiction. But after rediscovering one of my favorite shows as a kid, Detective Conan/Cased Closed, I found myself inspired to write some and actual post here! Therefore, expect most of my work to be centered around Detective Conan/Case Closed. I don't think I'll be writing or posting too much. Only when I have time and feel inspired, but I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer :) Pairings I ship: Harry Potter - Hermione Granger: The pairing that allowed me to discover this site. While I don't read Harmony fics too often anymore, unless its to reread some of my favorites from the past, this pairing will always have a special place in my heart. Harry Potter - Daphne Greengrass: This is my new favorite Harry Potter shipping. In canon, Daphne Greengrass is an unknown but the way she is commonly written in fandom makes her a very interesting character and romantic partner for Harry. Kudo Shinichi (Edogawa Conan) - Miyano Shiho (Haibara Ai): This is the ship that has actually inspired me to begin writing and sharing what I wrote (if its good enough). I find this pairing very fascinating! I've probably been on this site as a lurker for close to a decade and have read countless stories, but I think some of the stories I've read between these two are some of the best I've ever read. My Stories: The Changes in Their Eyes:Premise: Since the return of Kudo Shinichi in her life, Ran sees the changes he has undergone in his time away. Anyway, I'll accept all constructive criticisms and would love to read reviews so write away! |