Author has written 8 stories for Ragnarok Online, and Naruto.
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Yeah, I know it's March. I said I'll post in January though it seemed that didn't work out, either. I'm here 'cause I had the measles. And my doctor made me promise not to go to work for a time of two weeks. Nice. When I get to work on Monday I'll have my salary without even lifting a finger. I even got promoted while I was away. Ohoho~
Expect more from me real soon.
= Scratch Board =
Naruto: One World
Completed: eight percent
A six-part AU romance series set in the world of the wealthy and in the competitive world of journalism.
Each part is a continuation of the previous but each can stand on its own without needing to read everything.
Genre: Drama/Romance/Humor/Alternate Reality
Length: 45,000 - 50,000 words (approx. 9-11 chapters each)
Rating: M
Yours for the Taking
Main: SasuHina.
Side Story: NejiTen.
Hinata is a painter who lives with her cousin, Neji. Sasuke has more than enough money to last him three lifetimes. They acknowledge their attraction to each other. Yet what's stopping Hinata?
Progress: Part VI (58/100); Part VII (2/100); Part VIII (15/100)
Main: NejiTen.
Side Story: ShikaTema.
Neji Hyuuga has a lot on his plate: the Hyuuga contention, the newspaper, Tenten, and the invisible presence of Lee, Tenten's departed husband.
Progress: Part I (5/100)
Au Contraire, Mon Chéri
Main: ShikaTema.
Side Story: NaruSaku.
Temari Sabaku, world-renowned war correspondent, was rarely (next to never) wrong. But she was wrong about dumping Shikamaru Nara, world-renowned gossip columnist. Now she wanted him back.
Never-ever Land
Main: NaruSaku.
Side Story: KibaIno.
A phone call from Temari goads Sakura to go back to Konoha to check things out for herself. Naruto has nothing to do with it, but why does it seem that they're spending more and more time together?
Lady Honey Pot
Main: KibaIno.
Side Story: SasuHina.
Ino Yamanaka has only one goal in life: marry any of the top ten most sought-after bachelors in Konoha. After all, she deserves nothing but the best!
Progress: Prelude (50/100)
The Money Game
(title subject to change)
And it all comes down to this. Money is, after all, the root of all evil.
Note: This AU series will most probably be the last of my Naruto fan fictions.
The Ninja Game
Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure/Humor
Progress: Under Reconstruction
Second Best
Genre: Drama/Action/Adventure
Progress: Chapter V (13/100)
I'm offering comprehensive reviews for completed works. It can be your choice whether I private message this review to you or submit it as a review to the story link. However, due to the length of the review, I have to warn you that it might get cut off by 's system.
I have the authority to accept or reject a story that was requested to be reviewed. I'm a nice person so most of the time it would get accepted. If it didn't then it only means this: your work sucked. You didn't give enough effort on writing that piece of fiction. Why should I give you a fully worked on comprehensive review when I would have obviously done more work than you did?
Still interested? So what does this comprehensive crap contain?
• My opinion on the introduction, middle part, and ending of the story
• My thoughts on the title, characters (including character development), and setting
• Pacing, layout, and spacing
• My favorite parts (if any -evil laugh-)
• Parts I think you need to work on
• Suggestions (mostly grammar, mostly on the story itself)
• Rating (1-10)
So I guess you're asking now, 'What are you, an expert?' Well, no. But I know my capabilities and I can tell you what I think without you worrying if I was sucking up to you. So if you are still willing for me to chop up your work of fiction into tiny little pieces then drop me a message.
my animé/asian drama watch list
Bleach • Naruto Shippuuden • Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei • D-Gray-Man • The Liar Game
my manga read list
Princess (manwa) • Bleach • Claymore • Spicy Pink • Gantz • Lovely Complex • Koukou Debut • Naruto • Nodame Cantabile • NANA • Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai (Tennai) •
Note: users in my favorite authors list are friends, not favorite author per se.