![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, and Nisekoi/ニセコイ. The first time I typed down my bio for this profile was the time when I had practically created this account. Since I have spent some time over here, I planned to sort of, change it. Let me start with a little about myself. I am young, I am a little bean which has yet to sprout open and dig its roots deep into solid ground. I am Eighteen (as of March 2016’), and among many little strands of interests which I have includes writing and reading, which should be quite obvious since I own this account. Reading to me is quite a different aspect unlike with most of the people out there. I don’t read to pass time, or to improve my abilities as a writer, or even just because I enjoy it. I read because to me, paragraphs of letters or enriched plots open gates to different worlds. Imagination is a unique ability which is in possession of every human being, and to feel the ideas and the passion which other people portray in words fascinates me to limitless ends. That’s only what pushes me to write my own jumbled up thoughts and feelings too. Although, I am only yet growing. Then comes Gaming – Anime/Manga. The thing which resonates around the aforementioned things is that they themselves are art. The idea of art shouldn’t just be restricted to drawing circles and other body parts using different tools. Games – Animes/Mangas are works of pure art. Narrations, stories, graphics and deep pools of feelings. An artist is any person who can sway a person’s heart, mind or emotions. May it be that he makes everyone read his ideas, play his ideas or watch them in front of a television. To be completely blunt, even a mother is an artist. She can so gracefully handle her crying child and put him at rest effortlessly while others can only stand there and gawk at the secret set of skills which she has. Now moving onto the work’s which I have so far. The Mask This was the very first story which I published to this site. Irony being, it was the only story which came to a halt even before it could start, and flourish into the minds of you readers. This was a very Naruto centric story. I had personally started it to give writing a try, and when I wanted to know how bad I was, I uploaded it to this network. It has typos, it may contain errors but nevertheless, it’s still there. It is an abandoned entity, waiting to be nourished and brought up while being provided with the attention which it deserves, and if I ever get a chance to get a hold of it, I will continue it. Unseen Developments This being my second story to be uploaded to this site. Unseen Developments was an idea which randomly hit me during my journey deep into the heart of my imagination. I liked the idea and started off by plotting the situations and the short events which might ever take place in the story. Again, it was a story based on Naruto. Once you go through it, you may stumble upon a rushed plot, with undefined grammar and pre-mature written material. The story was like a quest, I was a hunter with the sole mission to complete the story. To be completely honest, the first favs, follows and reviews which I received on this story are the rich treasuries which I have saved deep within this complicated heart and complex feelings. The story lives completely up to its title as the couple in the story, experience advances in their relationship under hidden circumstances. Not only that, my own developments in this story were unseen by many, which many may notice after comparing chapter by chapter. Yes, I was a different person in the Epilogue which I posted. A survivor, who had learnt and struggled its way towards the end of this story. Revelations Love, false love. It’s not what you all may think. I wasn’t a romantic psychopath in this fic, nor was this completely romance centric. That’s actually the name of the Manga/Anime on which this story was based upon - Nisekoi. This was a story where I had dared myself to try out a POV (point of view) stroked story. It was my first effort on an angst based POV. Though what I find amusing is the lacking market which Nisekoi has here. Though still, the little support which I got from this One-Shot was something which I appreciated and dwelled upon. Nisekoi is a harem, and no one is oblivious to the un-denying fact that a harem always springs up pairing wars. That was a difficult situation to compete in. Though I wasn’t that bad in the end, and it turned out to be okay for starters. Reveries Dreams - Reveries. Still a work in progress, Reveries is by far the best and most professionally typed down work I have ever produced. The idea is extracted from the roots of my boredom and aimless imagination. This one is another subject directed towards a Naruto x Hinata fic, though this time its Hinata centric unlike Unseen Developments. Giving a little descriptive touch to the story, the story contains hints of humor and romance. The former heir keeps on having dreams about the blond, though as much as she likes her fantasies, they are the very reasons which keep her at bay since she can’t help but lose her senses in front of the knuckle head because of them. Though, when she suddenly has to spend a lot of time alone with the blond, it produces an unexpected turn of events at the humorous development which’ll lead to romance and a new blossoming of love. Now, what exactly have I planned for any future projects? I have gone through a simple story, a POV and now aim for many other categories and styles of writings. I aim for descriptive projects as my first priority since I personally believe that they are the grounds where I haven’t tested myself out yet. And descriptive won’t be limited to simple descriptions. The things I want to try out should be on par with the professional writers. Besides, I am only growing. Tasks such as descriptions or different categories like horror, romance and tragedy can’t be compared to the thin threads of life and death. I want to study myself deeper, open up the sealed vaults which are deep inside the areas of my mind where even I have yet to reach. And if Lord is willing enough, I may be able to achieve my dreams and aims as a writer which I have planned for my future. So all I ask from you all out there, is for endless support, lots of criticism and limitless love. Cheers! |