Author has written 13 stories for Digimon, Wolf's Rain, Naruto, Static Shock, Sweeney Todd, and Sandman. Updates Wow, it's been a long time. Anyways--fiction can be found on my shiny writing journal, where I will always always always post fic before I do on here, because gives me a headache and has become far too complicated. I mean, really. One new fic for you lot: Boy, Reborn. Still rough but long, and promising to be longer as I scribble out POVs from everyone else. Quotes So, we're on the humans' side, are we? Hah. From the day I was born till the day I die, the only side I'll be on is my own! About Me ~ OMG I'm so flattered and like what should I like say OMG I'm not really like all that anything except Korean and like yeah. ~ Links My Livejournal ~ http:// |