Author has written 28 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Monkey Island, Ayashi no Ceres, Final Fantasy VIII, D N Angel, Utena, Xenogears, Hikaru no Go, Trigun, Excel Saga, Suikoden, Naruto, Vagrant Story, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Misc. Anime/Manga, Tales of Vesperia, Last Remnant, and Portal. I read. I write. I work, which is like doing 'rithmetic only rather more complex. If my employer knew I had an account here, I'd probably be fired -- more for having bad taste than for teh ghey. Hooray! These days I love The Last Remnant and the Vorkosigan Saga the most, but who knows what tomorrow will hold. Note: Anything published on this site before November 2005 was written expressly for a 100-word drabble challenge issued on behalf of my friends. Complaining about the length of something that is deliberately that precise number of words will only get you laughed at. Capisce? I'm also archived on and AO3 if adult fic is a little more your speed. |