Author has written 2 stories for Inuyasha. 'ello everyone! I feel like such a horrible authoress. I haven't updated in...forever. I hate keeping track of times. Anyway, as you might have noticed/ or worried that I've stolen someone else's work, I changed my screen name from 'Hanyou Nina' to 'Sesshie's Nina'. Sorry, I'm an avid Sesshoumaru fan. And the 3 wall scrolls, 2 posters, 1 plushie, and the innumerable amounts of Sesshoumaru paraphanelia prove it! So ha! Anyway! Fanfic news! Alright, just as a heads up, I have two chapters written for "Realizations", I just haven't posted them up yet. I'm attempting to finish the story, and then posting everything at even intervals, so I can give you readers out there the decency and honor of stable readings. So yeah, a few more chapters, and I'll be finished. Gall, can't say when, just relatively soon. So, my sincerest appologies for making you guys wait for my 3rd rate melodrama crap...even if I do like it (sniff) So yeah...just wait a bit more, I'll be done soon. I have my own laptop now, so that should speed things along. Thank you for being...somewhat...patient with me...-_- |
CiraArana (16) faegirl-16 (1) Hika-chan1 (19) | Kuroibi (11) Nova Alexandria (16) Rasberries (3) Resmiranda (27) | Thunk (6) xanthos (5) Youkai no Yume (15) |