Author has written 23 stories for Trigun, Misc. Books, Avatar: Last Airbender, Fullmetal Alchemist, Kiba, and Mushishi. Name: Pico Age/Grade: Senior in college. Interests: Writing, writing, reading, writing, anime, writing, internet, drawing, writing, etc. (Also: hiking, climbing, running, pottery, camping, weaving, and a billion other things.) Also? Writing. Major: English. Minor: Chinese. Favorites: Avatar, the Last Airbender; Serial Experiments Lain; Mushishi; Kino no Tabi (Kino's journey); Gilgamesh; Kiba; Miyazaki, others. Manga: BLAME!, Qwan, Silver Diamond, others. Books: Emma Bull's Finder and War for the Oaks, anything at all by William Gibson, Connie Willis' Doomsday Book, Samuel Delany's Babel-17, anything by Lord Dunsany, Michael Scott Rohan's Winter of the World series (yeah, they're a tad old-school, but well-written and -researched for all that), anything by Diana Wynne Jones. Characters: All of my own, Zhao, Mercutio, Hamlet, Gaara, Millions Knives, Shiroi Kumo, Kaze. Pairing: Zhao/Azula (aka Sanako, Evil Girl, Zula). |