Author has written 18 stories for Despicable Me, How to Train Your Dragon, Harry Potter, Twilight, Monster High, Legion of Super Heroes, x-men, Ultimate Spider-Man, Monsters Inc., Naruto, Son of Batman, and Young Justice. Hey guy's! Okay, apparently some people feel the need to comment about how my characters don't follow some of the stories rules or the fact that they seem out of place so I thought I'd clarify some things. To stop confusing myself, as I often write six stories at once, I tend to use the same characters. They usually follow the same personalities, looks and abilities, granted some may change for some stories but I thought I'd put them here to avoid future confusion. Sophia Marie Jones. Is my main character. She had medium reddish brown hair, that usually stops a little under her shoulders. She is the leader of most of my groups and often holds a fairly calm head on her shoulders. She is looked up to by the others for guidance and has a usual love interest with the youngest/most sensitive member of the group. Sophia is extremely skilled and very lethal, often hiding more than one trump card up her sleeve, even from her own team/friends. Despite her good intentions Sophia can be seriously flawed, not truly trusting anyone, and makes the wrong choices in an attempt to not repeat the past. Nathalie. Is my heavy hitter and often the second in command. She has long vibrant red hair, stopping a little below the bottom of her bum, which is often put into a high ponytail. Nathalie likes to break rules, often hitting first and asking questions later. She has a lust for violence and causes a lot of unneeded problems for the others. She is the older sister of the youngest member, AKA Sophia's love interest, and tends to spend most of her time picking on the others. Alex/Alyssa. Is the oldest of the group and often acts like the mother when Sophia isn't around or is to busy dealing with the others. She has short black pixie cut, with bangs cut to the left. Like Nathalie she hate to lose or fail her current objective. She is highly skilled in many things but often uses less force then others, easily subduing her victims, not killing them. She is calm-natured and has a strong heart but wont hesitate to stop a fight if needed. Christina. Is the light and often comic relief of my stories. She has shoulder length, blonde hair that's often let loose around her shoulders. Christina is a bubbly blonde who often looks on the bright side of things even in the worst situation. She has the biggest heart you've ever seen and will do what ever she can to help out. Christina is one to avoid violence at all costs, trying to keep the peace till all hope is lost. This happiness covers up a dark past that is often brought out in times of severe trouble, a side that puts Nathalie's blood lust to shame. Sammy. Is the youngest, usually three or four years younger and is often times the love interest for Sophia. She is a small brunette that often avoids fights all together, using her advanced genius and memory skills to help solve any situation. Sammy is very logical, often putting aside her feelings to assess a situation with logic not emotion to determine the best outcome yet is easily flustered by the other girls. She can be as ruthless as needed for a mission but will often hold her heart on her sleeve, usually bending Sophia to her will or stepping in when more compassion is needed. Sammy possesses very little combat skills and often sits on the sideline per Sophia's request. Dauphine/Delphine. Is Sophia's guardian/mentor. She is often on Sophia's side and in the loop on most of her secrets, even hiding secrets from Sophia. Dauphine is in her mid thirty's, brown hair and a no nonsense sort of personality. While she adores all the girl equally, Dauphine has a soft spot in her heart for Sophia which will get her to go above and beyond the normal measures for her. Dauphine is well versed in lying and usually works in some form of law enforcement but her true values lie with Sophia and Dauphine has shown no qualms about being a double agent. She is a well skilled fighter, often chosen to fit along or teach Sophia, and seems to have ageless beauty in any world. Marcus. Is my main antagonist, second in command or regular nuisance for the girls. He is a well built male, a smooth talker and total ladies man with brown hair and popularity that flocks to him as easily as it does to Sophia. His age can vary from story to story along with his abilities. Marcus holds Sophia close in his heart, often wanting her for reasons he can't explain. Boredom, lust, anger or simply the thrill of the chase. Marcus is a well known business man, often having the top spot in any world, a boss, football star or small town hottie, but shows no real attachment to anyone and will feel little remorse about cutting someone down to get what he wants. Though he will fight back if his click is threatened, going to great lengths to humiliate anyone that challenges his ego or reputation. *Please note that sometimes the appearances may change as I can forget who looks like what but the personalities will always be the same. I do not and will not change any names for stories or to suit different languages when using these characters. Thank you.* MY STORIES ARE INTENDED FOR AN OLDER VEIWING AUDIENCE! THERE IS A LOT OF SMUT, SWEARING, DRUGS, ALCOHOL. FAINT OF HEART BE WARNED LOL. xxxxXTheJonesStoriesxxxxX |
moonlitrose17 (1) | NotActive1094 (13) |