Summary : Tenten is new at Konoha Private High School. By mistake she and Neji began to text each other. Tenten knows who he is but Neji doesn't know who she is. He made a deal with her. What will happen?
Dear Asswhole
Chapter 1
Day 1
Remaining days: 110
Dear asswhole,
I can't believe you actually said that. I mean I understand that the girl's quite a pain but you could've been a little nicer. She might have understood if you told her nicely. Even if she acted like a viper … animal deserves loving too.
Dear animal lover,
I'm not an asswhole. Everyone knows that I don't do relationships. She knew it too. When girls will understand that they can't change me… I'll be happy.
Dear manwhore,
Keep your mind straight. It will never happen.
Being a girl I can assure you they'll always think they can change you for the better. They all think they're special to you and when you tell them your infamous : "I never saw anyone like you in my whole life.." they get stuck on you like a gum on pair of shoes, thinking they are the only ones that can make you feel like this and that can truly loves you.
Believe me, being a girl sucks.
At the end, you tend to prove them they were wrong but it's already too late; they've already made the wedding plan. Deal with it; you're stuck with these kinds of girls.
Dear wedding planner,
What do you mean by "these kinds of girls" ?
Dear mister oblivious,
It's pretty obvious to see. The girls you flirt with? They are all the same.
They're pretty but not too smart so they can actually believe you love them.
They've got perfect C-cup breast size, slim waist, long tanned legs and one hell of a butt… so YOU can actually believe that you love them.
They're either cheerleaders, preppy, popular or more like the party type because it's easier to get them and ditch them afterwards.
It's a vicious circle where you search for a one night stand with girls who actually think they can get you for real.
Dear shrink,
How come you know me so well? We never met before.
I feel rather insecure about this. You know who I am but I know nothing about you. Give me at least a clue.
Dear Insecure,
Are you kidding me? Neji Hyuuga being insecure? Ha! I'm going to save this text because when you'll be head of your whatever-its-name company, I could use this as blackmail.
P.S. - One clue? I have brown hair. Have fun finding me sweetheart. :P
Dear brunette,
I prefer blondes but I think you're going to do the job. What do you give me if I find you?
Dear bastard,
Blondes are overrated. Since Marilyn Monroe's death they're not all that hot anymore.
If you find me? I'll give you whatever you want cause I know you'll never caught me.
Dear sassy girl,
You're way too arrogant. You underestimate my determination.
Let's make a deal, if I find you… you're going to the prom with me at the end of the school year.
Dear lonely boy,
What is it? You have no more fan girls to ditch?
Plus what makes you think you would like to go to the prom with me? You don't know me.
I may be ugly. I may be a man for all you know. I may even have herpes.
P.S. – I won't have sex with you.
Dear man,
I know you're a girl just from the way you write. And my instinct telling me you're pretty. My instinct never failed me before and something tells me he isn't going to start now.
So respond to my question. Are you in for the deal?
P.S. – Lies, lies… I know I'm your biggest fantasy.
Dear fortune teller,
Your instinct? We'll see about that! You'll need it.
And for the deal?
Bring it on.
Dear cheerleader,
Are you a cheerleader?
Dear stupid boy,
Bring it on is a movie of cheerleading not for cheerleaders. Stop assuming things.
Dear movie watcher,
Why are you so mean? I'm trying to know you. Let's spice it up a little. Everyday you're going to tell me something about you. You choose.
We're March the fourth. We have 110 days before graduation. This means 110 truths about you.
Are you still in or are you getting scared?
Dear spice boy,
I'm still in. This is getting interesting maybe you'll find me.
Ha! I almost believed myself. There's no chance for you to win.
Dear mystery girl,
Open one of you secrets to me.
Dear secret stealer,
I'm running late.
See you later.
Sakura's POV
"RUN!!!! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" I yelled running past the empty hallways.
"I KNOOWWW!" my brown haired friend said.
"THIS IS ALL YOU FAULT!" I cried as we climbed the stairs to the third floor.
"YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT!" she replied as we ran through another hallway.
"We… arrived… alive." The first one panted as they took their seats.
"And on time…" the second one added.
Hi, my name is Sakura. I study at the infamous Konoha Private High School. My best friend Tenten and I went here on order of Tenten's mom and my dad.
Tenten's dad ran away when she wasn't even born yet. He never knew that Misuki (Tenten's mom) was pregnant.
My mom died when I was three because of a breast cancer. My father Hitaki is the most caring dad of the world.
When I was six, he remarried with Misuki and since then I always thought of Tenten as my sister.
We're pretty rich since my dad is the owner of a company that sells rice and other cereals (but mostly rice) all across the country. And Tenten's mom is a great actress but she stopped so she could take care of Tenten. Now she's working with my father doing the all the press stuff because she's never nervous or scared around the photographers or reporters. Unlike my father!
Three months ago, our parents send us to this fancy High School. No need to tell you that it changed us from our last school. Things are bigger, fancier, prettier and always more expensive. We didn't felt comfortable in here first. But our parents insisted for us to stay saying that studying in a school like that opens many doors after graduation.
But since they had to take care of their business, they sent us alone. Well, they surely pay for all we need (and more) like a magnificent apartment overlooking the city, groceries, supplies and money. And even Richard. Who is Richard? He's like a granny who looks after us. We love him very much, you'll meet him later.
I have pink hair. It's said. I have pink hair and most of the people think that I dyed it. IT'S NATURAL! I have emerald eyes. I guess you have to know that I get brutal when I get angry which happens a lot. My biggest wish is to become a doctor and for that I work really hard. Because of it I got surnames like bookworms, nerds or no life. But no matter what, Tenten always beat the crap out of them… I guess I'm not as confident as her so she helps me a lot when I get nervous around people (I took that from my dad).
Tenten is rather tomboyish. I sometime look at her and I know that she could be just like her mother. Stunning. She has long chocolate hair; they slightly curl when she let them down. She has brown eyes with a gleam of gold. She's really athletic and sportive. She did a lot of sports and she loved doing ballet when we were young. She got the legs of a dancer.
But nobody knows it because she always wears her hair in two buns on the top of her head. She wears baggy pants and large t-shirts. In fact, you don't notice her at all. And she loves it that way.
She never wanted to be pretty. I think it's because of what happened between her mother and her father. She doesn't want people to get interest in her beauty.
Plus, she doesn't want to be compared to her mom.
"You don't know what!" Tenten exclaimed making me jump.
"Dear god," I responded. "Don't frighten me like that! What's the matter?"
"Neji, he's trying to find me," she laughed. "He really thinks he can."
"I don't see why you're laughing," I reasoned. "He actually can"
"No," she said still laughing, "He won't because… Because he just won't!"
"You're way too sure of yourself."
"No I'm not! But wait! There's more…" She trailed.
I raised a brow.
"We made a deal. If he finds me, I'll go to the prom with him!" She said with a smile.
"OH MY GOD!" I yelled only to be shushed by the teacher.
We're in mathematics and our teacher, Hatake Kakashi, don't give a damn about what we do. Way too busy with that orange book of his.
"That's great Tennie!" I continued. "So what are you going to do? Let him wait a little and then let him find you or…?"
"Are you crazy? He's not going to know who I am!" She narrowed her eyes. "I've known him pretty well since we started texting each other. And I can assure you that it's the type of guy that every girls should ignore. He's…a heartbreaker!"
She laughed at what she said.
"You're creeping me out…" I said to her.
Normal POV
"So what's new with your prince charming?" Sakura asked bending over Tenten who was holding her phone.
She sat down opening her milk when something caught her eyes. Chicken butt.
She looked intently at his charcoal eyes.
"Beautiful…" she whispered.
"Saki…?" Tenten asked. "You freak me out what are you staring at…?"
"Ssshhhhhuuuutt! He's thinking…" She said her eyes still on him.
"You look like a psycho." Tenten whispered to her ear.
She suddenly turned her head.
"Tenten…I think he cut me…" she hissed. "He's looking at me…?" Sakura asked
Tenten looked up and saw a staring Uchiha.
She gulped her milk.
"Oh shit, he's going to think I'm some kind of neurotic fan girl!" she said as she laid her face down.
"Oh come on Saki, why don't go talk to him already?"
"Because," She started. "Because…"
"Because ?"
"He doesn't talk to anyone!"
"No, it's true!"
"Plus I'm not very talkative myself."
"Sakuuraaa…" Tenten said again.
"Yeah I know that I am talkative but the thing is that when I see him it's like if I had no more brain which totally freaks me out! I mean, really! I don't want to be a fan girl or anything! You understand that huh?"
"Yeaahh.." Tenten answered. "But the thing is … "
Tenten pointed at something behind Sakura.
"Oh," She said in a weak voice. "He's right behind me isn't he?"
Tenten nodded.
"For a long time?"
"Actually, yes." A man voice said.
The pink haired girl went automatically red. She didn't even dare to turn around.
"H-hi.." she merely said.