Author has written 13 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, and Rurouni Kenshin. Welcome to my Profile Page! No Slash. No Smut. No 'Highschool' fics. Ever. About me? Real life has eaten me. No, I'm not kidding. It sank it's teeth into my brain and has been sucking...sucking...all life and creativity out of me. At least now I've gotten past the boring college classes and have gotten into all graphic design classes, which are fun. But on the flip side...they are all graphics classes. Which means homework and projects until I can't think straight. Yeah, I know I've been ignoring my fanfic terribly, and I'm wanting to get writing again badly, just have to pull together enough mental cohesion to put together plots, or to remember where I was taking my stories in progress to finish them. I will finish all my RK stories in good time (yeah SpaceRoses, I'm talking to you! So stop bugging me about it:-p ) heheh...nah, just kidding. I will finish them in time. I've kinda wanted to write FMA, but just have no story ideas that haven't been done to death. Right now though I'm officially obsessed with X-Men, what I really want now is that DVD set with all the movies. So yeah, I'm setting about plotting for there, as well as a few story ideas that will 'set right' some rather irritating points in so called third movie canon. Okay, I think I've talked enough for those of you that actually read all these diluted ramblings... FanFic authoress SpaceRoses is my younger sister so all you guys be nice to her. Also if you see a 'Holly-Sama' running around she's my other sister, so be nice to her too. ;) Oh yeah...and check me out on DA if you want, linkie is under 'homepage' I also want to give out special thanks to everyone who's reviewed my stories and everyone who's put me or any of my stories on their favorites or alert lists. Each and every one of you is awesome, its your support and interest that keeps me writing and posting! AUTHOR'S NOTE on 11/16/06: I still DO plan to finish everything I have in progress, I just can't guarentee when. College is being insane, I have 4-6 intensive assignments a week, most of which have a day and a half or 2 day turn around between classes, so yeah, I'm super busy. I will now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity |