Disclaimer; I do not own Rurouni Kenshin. The characters all belong to someone else with a really great imagination.
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Can anyone say, "Slumber Party?"

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Part 1: The invitation

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The letter was written on a piece of pink paper decorated with pink hearts and smiling weasels. The message was short, and that should have made it clear, but it only made things a little confusing for the group of people reading the invitation.
Hello everyone! It's Misao! Please come to the Aoiya on Saturday for a slumber party. See you there!
Needless to say, Himura Kenshin was more then a little confused by the message. "Misao-dono wants us to go to the Aoiya . . . . .for a party?" he asked in surprise. The former Hitokiri Battousai had never been to a slumber party before, and had never even heard of one.

Yahiko looked at the invitation with confusion written on his face, and Sano just looked baffled. "Slumber means sleep, right Jou-chan?" he asked the only unconfused person in the room.

Kamiya Kaoru was in the process of putting on her sandals so she could tell Megumi about the party. "Of course, Sano, don't you know anything?" she demanded.

The tall ex-gangster glowered at her angrily. "Well excuse me for asking. I didn't realize that you were going to get so upset about it."

Yahiko began to nod his head vigorously, catching everyone's attention. "Of course she's going to get upset. She can't help it. I heard that really ugly girls lose their temper much quicker then the average person." He snickered. "I guess that means Kaoru is really the ugliest - "

Whatever he was going to say was cut off as his cheeks were roughly pulled away from his face. "Take that back!" Kaoru shouted hotly, an enraged look on her face.

Yahiko reached over and pulled at her cheeks in retaliation, and from there a full melee occurred that ended with Kenshin holding a large lump and lying in a daze on the floor. Yahiko was crouching beside the swirly-eyed rurouni holding his sore head in his hands. Kaoru had whipped the young boy across the room, and he had ended up headbutting Kenshin.

It was an accident, but it still happened, and at the moment, Kaoru didn't really care. She knew from experience that Kenshin would be all right, and she wouldn't have thrown Yahiko if she had thought he wouldn't survive the landing.

"I'm going to see if Megumi wants to come to the slumber party," she said before strolling out the door.

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Saito Hajime glowered angrily at the offensive piece of pink paper decorated with hearts and smiling weasels on his desk. The message was short, but as cryptic as hell. It invited him to something called a 'slumber party', but being a former squad leader for the Shinsengumi, he didn't know what a 'slumber party' was. He had never even heard of one.

He did know that 'slumber' meant sleep, so that meant if was a sleep party, but that didn't clear things up at all. In fact, it only confused him more then he was already confused. How could you have a party if you were already sleeping?

Briefly he considered asking Chou what a 'slumber party' was, but his pride wouldn't let him. he had to discover what it was before someone learned that he didn't know. He lit a cigarette, and using the match, he burned the pink piece of paper.

He would go to this 'slumber party' that the weasel girl was having. He didn't have a choice, he had to know what it was.

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Hiko Seijuuro looked at the pink piece of paper for the eighth time. He didn't like not knowing what a 'slumber party' was, but that didn't bug him too much. In order for anything to be a party, it had to have sake, and if someone wanted to invite him to a party, the least he could do was accept the invitation.

Not to mention the fact that he was rather flattered by the invite. Nobody had ever invited him to a party before. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't see why he hadn't been invited to parties in the past. He was a great guy, wasn't he? He looked good, was a genius in every sense of the word, and well, all in all, he was the perfect man. It irritated him that he had never been invited to a party before.

He stood up, his decision made. He would go to this party. It would be rude not to, not to mention he did like to party.

He also needed to know what a slumber party was. Having a whole in his knowledge wasn't a happy thought. He had spent most of his life training in the Hiten Mitsururgi Ryuu and didn't have many close friends. That meant the only way that he would learn what a 'slumber party' was would be to go to the Aoiya.

Not to mention that their would have to be sake.

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Misao had just finished getting the men out of the Aoiya. This was a girls only party, and she didn't intend to have any men over at all. It would be a great opportunity to talk with Kaoru and Megumi about their love lives. She hoped that one of them had better luck then she had been having with Aoshi lately.

"Do you think this nightgown makes me look fat?" Okon asked from behind her.

"Misao turned, appraising the older ninja with a critical eye. "No, it looks lovely, absolutely gorgeous."

Okon smiled. "Thanks, Misao-chan," she said. "I want to look good for the men. This party was a brilliant idea! It the perfect chance to -"

Misao was shaking her head violently. "No, no, no, no! If there were to be men here, it wouldn't be a slumber party, and everyone would have to wear decent closes,
and . . . . . " she finished, her voice trailing off and her enthusiasm dying.

"You would feel bad because Aoshi-sama wouldn't come," Omasu suggested. She was already in her nightgown too.

"Hai!" Misao said. "But if we invited them, then we wouldn't get a chance to talk about them, because they would be right there listening."

Okon and Omasu looked at each other nervously. They had mailed out three extra invitations that they hadn't told Misao about. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, and they hadn't thought that it would bother her.

"I didn't think she cared who came. Her invitation to the Kamiya Dojo said, "Hello everyone." She invited Kenshin, Sano, and Yahiko, right?" Omasu whispered to Okon while Misao wasn't paying attention.

Okon bit her lip nervously. "That's what I thought too, but what if. . . . "
"What if what?" Omasu whispered.
"What if Misao was saying 'hi' to everyone, and. . . . well just inviting the girls. She's only a child, and is bound to make mistakes."

"This should be interesting. I wonder how Misao-chan will react when the boys arrive, that is, if they arrive," Omasu said softly.

"We shouldn't really have to worry. What are the chances that they will actually show up anyway?" Okon asked. "They won't come. I mean do you really think those guys have nothing better to do then attend slumber parties?"

Both of them reassured themselves that the only extra guests, if any, would be from the Kamiya Dojo, and that wouldn't be their fault. Misao had written that invitation herself.

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Thanks for reading,

I hope you like it. I'm not sure if there are any more uninvited guests, but if anyone has any ideas, let me know. Please read and REVEIW!