![]() Author has written 44 stories for Night World series, Secret Circle series, CSI, CSI: New York, Twilight, and Forbidden Game series. FOR ALL TWILIGHT FANS...CHECK OUT MY TWILIGHT CHALLENGE SITE AT /TWILIGHTPROJECTS CLICK ON THE LINK OR GO TO /CSIPROJECTS TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE FASTEST GROWING CSI FANFIC WRITING SITE! The first thing I always put on this is 'This page is in dire need of an update...as always'...well guess what...it's still true lol. Well anyway, heres a bit about moi... Name: Lenna (Lalenna)...well thats what I go by online away. Len is another one Ive aquired recently lol Age: 20 Location: Studying Business and Marketing at Sheffield Hallan Uni (boing boing Sheffield Hallam!!) but I spend my holidays in Wet and windy Wales :) AIM: lalennasanders MSN and Email: lalenna_sanders@ 2nd yr of uni + running CSI Projects = no time to write but with a few new hosts and a few weeks off hopefully Ill get a few up before the new year and the next 2 chapters of ISBY!! I am a complete CSI freak (in the best sense of course). And although Im a Sandle fan I am trying to experiment with other 'ships...watch out for these in the future. Im also on a mission to kill off every CSI character in at least one fic lol...I have my next dreath planned out already Mwahahahaha :) I started CSI NY in the summer and adore D/L, am thinking of taking my killing spree to that setting too lol. Most people on here will know me because of my writing or though the CSI Projects I run thoughtout the year, want any more info on them then PM or email me. I also write ff for US author L.J.Smith...I have finished Now and Forever...I just need to get around to typing the darn thing...hopefully there will be updates soon for that (I know, I know, I keep saying that). Pentagram 2: Water I will finish...I just need the time...Does anyone else agree that anpther 10 hrs to each day would be PERFECT?? Ive been reading LOADs of fairytales on here and have some of ideas so expect to see some of them up at some point. Twilight is my new cat Im slipping into. 2 Fics up so far...Soulmates will be my biggy with 2 updates a week coz Im lovely and my plot bunny has returned!! As you can more than likely tell from this lovely long list I am the WIP Queen...all now please bow before me...Last count it was something like 27 CSI, 3 CSI NY, 12 L.J.Smith and 3 Fairytales...not bad going. With any luck some of these will get finished soon. I promise I am trying just the thing with uni is they make you work lol. ISBY will get an update as soon as I have time to type it...I swear one day Ill teach my plot bunny to type for me :P Well until my next update (about this time next year knowing me) Have fun and happy writings all. -Lenna XxX |