Author has written 9 stories for Fire Emblem, Orange Is the New Black, Final Fantasy: Record Keeper, Final Fantasy X, Pokémon, One Punch Man/ワンパンマン, and Cobra Kai. Hello! I love fire emblem beyond all else. I have a huge obcession with J-RPG's, and i love anime series that have a JRPG esque feel. shows like DBZ, YuYu Hakosho for example. They aren't truly JRPG shows but they center around a group or team of characters that frequently team up to take down the evil threats. This is what i like to see as i really don't like shows or games that really only have a single character or person as a focal point of the story, i like the team idea. Then again i did grow up in the boy band era in america so that may have influenced why i prefer to see a team tackle the giant rather than a solo act going all the way. Funny thing usually in those games and shows a side character ends up being my favorite because of a certain character trait or flaw that i identify with. I started writing back in 2004 when i was in middle school on a Fire Emblem RP site. (I got into the site thinking it was an actual MMO for fire emblem and decided to give it a try). I was horrible at first and struggled to put together 400 words. I pity the moderators of the site for putting up with me then. With each year I find myself more refined and observant of the scene of the story. Yes, I do tend to make silly grammar errors here and there still, but i find that my technique and styling improve with each year. Now i look back at myself and laugh at how i was in awe of the "long" story. I felt that as a teen that i could never put together a 10 page story let alone a 150 page tale.I guess my hope for this site is that my work grips you and is fun to read. I love comments and hope to make friends here. Its so funny how quickly time rolls onward. I'm so happy to have this page and chronicle or stories. :) the comments, the pride of seeing everything with the stories and seeing my evolution as a story teller it just makes my day. for instance as mentioned earlier i stunk when i started back in 2004. then i grew to being able to tell a dry story without detail. then i grew to be able to extend a story beyond a chapter. then i wrote my first full novel. i was so proud when i finished and looked back to see 48k words on the document. However, with Gallian king i am amazed at myself for being able to extend a scene so deeply without falling into redundant speech and fluff. the entirety of the story to date (52k words at the time of this update) takes place in the setting of one day in one location. it amazes me how far I've come. I know i am no genius writer and i know there are errors in the writing itself but nonetheless i am incredibly proud. below you can see a listing of my major story projects and ideas for the future. I will occasionally do other "short stories" off the book but below are my "serious works." Finished Stories: ()the history of Zelgius. ...Zelgius is an amazing character, full of duty and dedication and i love how he is set to purpose. throughout Radiant dawn, it is shown that sephiran and Zelgius are the reasons behind much of the past two wars as they tried to crack the medallion and release the godesses in chaotic war. Yet i see he is never truly a villain and is really just an ()The coronation process for Skrimir. ...if you're like me then you love the laguz characters that were in the world of Tellius. yes i am Tellius biased, but come on, its the best realm of the whole FE universe. radiant dawn states that Caineghis (the Gallian king and basically one of the top five characters in the game) allowed succession to occur after the war against Ashera. however, the laguz have long lives compared to the Beorc. I wanted to tackle a situation where there was a different kind of process to be named king in the brutish kingdom of Gallia. Current projects: () Fire Emblem: Darkness Blade. ever since i was a kid i had legos and i had several made up characters i really loved. this story is my attempt to finally weave them into a Fire Emblem world, set on an original continent, with an all original cast. ...other antihero whom i respect for his values. essentially the story is fun because it gives extra insight into what could have been before the POR and RD stories with several surprises showing other important character origins. Upcoming Projects...ideas?? ()The sealing war (where Ashera and Yune fought each other) the focus will be on Lehran and the dragon king ()Ike in the north (what happened on ike's adventures to the distant realms ()Life in Hatari (medicine is weak in hatari, the wolf queen has to decide to send some of her people to Begnion to learn healing arts |
DestructoKat (3) | Gunlord500 (22) |