Chapter 17: Epilogue: I am Zelgius

"Well friend." The prime minister called to the knight. "If you are to serve in Begnion, what name would you like to go by? What name do you see the men of the realm screaming as they flee in fear? In Daein you are the faceless Black Knight, but what about in Begnion? What are they to know you as?" The question put the young knight into a quandary. He had chosen the name Alex before; many years ago when he fled from the house of slavery where he was nameless, save the yelled utterance "Turd" for many years. He thought about the names of the warriors he feared and respected. He thought in his head how each one of their names echoed upon the hearts of those who feared and fought them. He thought of lord Gawain and the power of his name. The knight wished in his mind to forge a name that would be uttered in the same esteem as the name of his former general always was, with sense of hush and awe. Then he thought back to the fond memories he had of his two best friends. His friends that fought with him for many a year; the same friends who married after escaping the house of slavery with the knight, and then bore the child Sothe. He thought back to them, Gaius the Knight and Zell the archer. His comrades in arms and his best friend's save perhaps Sephiran and Micaiah. Alex knew that with his name in Begnion he wished to honor his fallen friends with a new name that would grow to become feared and respected by the realm.

"Sephiran." He replied to his master and friend. "My name is Zelgius.""