Author has written 11 stories for Dirty Pair, and A Christmas Carol. Running Chapter Totals:- 'Xmas with the Dirty Pair' (Complete at 184)http:///photos/photo/426318" 'Angel Wings' (Finished at 87 chapters posted)http:///photos/photo/424775" 'Galactic Treasure Hunt' (Finished- 6 chapters posted) 'Angelic Pyramid' (Finished- 3 chapters posted) 'Yuri Donovan's Christmas Carol: AD 2255' (Complete in 7 Staves) 'Trucks In Space' (Complete in 20 Chapters) 'The Places Between the Stars' (Ongoing with 34 Chapters so far) Poll for Chapter 35 of Places (POLL) This poll's results will determine the outcome of Chapter 35 of Places ff. KonnichiWa Gang-We are the great Keiman and my Lovely Angel Kei (the Flash one-her birthday is We enjoy fighting, shooting, golf, football, kenjitsu and watching other anime. We welcome reviews and we run a sorta monthly anime trivia quiz on and on 'cause we also like japanese anime music. Kei has been teaching me Japanese romaji for a year and a half. We are also somewhat of an expert on animes of all kinds as well as the LA series of which we have all the videos on VHS. We also supply animeontv with updated listings of Anime Network shows on Cutting Edge which can be found at ComcastOnDemand. Well Domo Arigatou and Kami bless you all for your help and encouragement. Look for Chapter 2 soon! Happy Birthday to Kei on New Year's Day and don't miss Showtime Beyond's LA marathon on NY Eve beginning at 11:30 PM EST/EDT. They will show all the Original OVAs(10) and all of the Flash OVAs(15) in order for the first time anywhere. And if you can get them by all means get the LA Classic Japanese series(26) which are subs only. And Project EDEN, Affair at Nolandia and Conspiracy on Flight 009 are great too. And Crusher Joe the movie is a must see for our Angels 15 second debut appearance! Gomen this is so long but bear with us onegai. Flash Kei's voiceactress Sue Ulu voiced Grandma Spankenheimer on "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" on TV this Christmas season. She was so cool. Well happy holidays to you all from us both-Keiman and Kei. PS-Critiques welcome and we will try to answer them all.-KK Beginning with Chapter 3 of "Christmas With the Dirty Pair" (which we will post soon we promise) we will include a list of Japanese lingo we use fairly often along with the meanings in English. Remember we only started learning Japanese romaji a year ago or so. We may use the incorrect form of Japanese every now and then so please bear with Kei and myself for this. Domo arigato for the reviews-keep 'em coming! See ya soon and ai (love) you all. Kami bless-KK Kei says arigato to all of ya who remembered her birthday on January first. Happy New Year from us both. Chapter 3 just posted 1/4/04. Gomen if it's lengthy but them's the breaks hazu. We also added a list of words, terms, phrases and abbreviations we are using in our works. We also have included translations where needed. We also added more new characters etc. to the Cast List. Enjoy. Onegai read and review. Chapter 4 "Strange Visitors to the Higurashi Mall" coming soon.-KK Gomen onegai bear with us as the spacing may be crappy for first few chapters. We have not gotten the hang of MS Works yet. Chapter 4 soon.-KK OK Hazu-Chapter 5 "Paying a Call on the 3WA" is now up. Chapter 6 "A Most Unusual Tale is Told" will soon follow. Onegai r/r and arigato to all who read us. All comments welcome. Ja Mata. Don't forget the Yuris' birthdays on March 3 and March 18.-KK Chapter 6 goes in tonight-hope to get to 10 or 12 by end of weekend-Watch for the K vs K fight in Chapter 9-KK OK Chapter 6 now up. It's called "A Most Unusual Tale Is Told" or "More Sake and Cigarettes" Onegai RR-comments/suggestions always welcome to us. Next chapter 7 "The Lovely Angel Two Fellowship" or "What Not To Do On the Lovely Angel Two-Yuri Makes A Booboo" coming soon will feature the long awaited fight between Kome Sawaguchi and Kei O'Halloran as promised! See-we do act on suggestions. Later on we even have the Classic Angels visit the Flash pair too.-KK Sorry-Forgot to tell ya "baka" means "idiot". We'll be using it a lot now-KK Chaps 7 to 9 now up. Please r r. Happy 25th to the Angels and Happy Birthday to Classic and Flash Yuri in March. Enjoy. Ja Mata-KK We goofed! Chapter 9 and 8 are reversed on Chapter Guide. Gomen-KK Chapter 10 "Mess with an Angel/End up with a bear-Kome's Rematch" now up. All new words c. have translations following them in ( ) like this. Chapter 11 "Doctor to the Rescue" coming soon. Onegai rr. Domo arigato to our loyal fans/reviewers. Ja Mata for now.-KK To respond to Mike who anonymously reviewed Chapter 9-The K vs K fight ain't over yet! See Chapter 10 just posted. And if you carefully read Chapters 7 to 9 you would KNOW what is pissing off Kei and WHY she is so animostic towards Yuri. Remember Yuri is Kei's FORMER partner! Hint-It's really Yuri's fault this time! OK She told a tale she shouldn't have told! No more hints! Don't miss 10. 11 tonight MAYBE! Ja mata and arigato for your loyalty to us-KK Chapter 11 now up. Don't miss the answer to the cliffhanger! Did Kome kick Kei's skull? Who will save her? We sound like Flash Gordon? Gomen kiddies. Ask your parents who he was? Anyway enjoy tomos ours. Read/review. Chapter 12 coming soon "A very informal briefing/Mission: Foil the Black Ghost" Ja Mata-KK.Chapter 12 now up/pls rr. Ch 13 will be the long awaited blast off for Cybytron! Maybe this weekend. Arigato to our reviewers. we want more. Ja Mata-KK Liftoff chapter 13 and maybe 14 tonight. Please rr-all welcome-Ja Mata-KK Well 13's up. R R onegai. Now you guys can count to ten. You also learned some new words and what a cliffhanger! Hint-KY REALLY didn't do it this time! Tell us who you want in the ff in future, Don't fret-the 'Angel' holds 70 and more visitors are coming aboard! How? Think about it! Ja Mata-KK Sorry for the spacing but we just cannot firgure out the MS WORD processing crap-KKOK Chaps 14 to 18 or even 20 this weekend maybe. PLEASE R R. No reviews since Ch 9! Plenty of emails telling us what to put in and we have just added a golf match and a football game to the repertoire! Please review-all welcome even flames whatever they are- Ja Mata-KK Well we finally have liftoff and the gals are in trouble again-this time Starfleet is firing on them or are they? Posting 14 to 22 very soon now. Gomen for the delay but we had done these chapters at the office and copied them to a floppy but we can't access the info on that floppy at the home PC so wegotta do the chapters on Word all over again. Sniff! See ya soon-KK Well it has been awhile now since we posted but 14 is now up and the gang is about to land on Cybytron in pursuit of 'Black Ghost' at last! New abbreviations and words are marked in the spirit of fair play so onegai read and review. Ja Mata from KK Chapter 15 now up. We goofed a bit on the next several chapters! We copied 15 to 22 to a floppy and then erased it from the PC. Must first DL floppy back into PC and then post. We will try this weekend to do from 16 to 27. Please r/r. Ja mata-KK We now have Chapters 18 to 27 on floppy disks. We will repost 16 and 17 and then 18 to 27 soon. See ya and r/r 15-Arigato from KK OK we done it! Chapters 16 to 26 are now up! We will add titles later! See ya soon-KK OK we tried to add chapter titles but for some reason only one of each dual title name came out. Gomen for that. Next up will be Chapters 27 to 30. Maybe ashiata! Onegai read/review. See ya soon. Ja Mata-KK A note for Bancroft-arigatou for the reviews. Arigatou is thank you, Kami is God, shimatta can mean I love you so or (the way Kei uses it) dam or dammit, Kami shimatta ni jigoku means God dammit to Hell, jigoku is Hell, gomen can mean either I'm sorry or excuse me depending on the context. Hope you've been finding out oro(what) rei to jyuu(pronounced doo) mean! Now that you know them, reverse them! We are now just putting meanings, abbreviations etc. in parentheses ( ) after the words or phrases thus. We promise to update the list of the cast of characters in Chapter 27! Ever think a state of the arts starship could have 9 levels and hold over a hundred souls? Well the 'Lovely Angel 2' does! She also has four shuttles ('Raphael'. 'Michaelangelo', 'Donnatella' and 'Leonardo') on board. Her docking bays can hold up to 200 crafts. She also carries skysleds, surface craft, aircars, skycycles, and a few other cool riding toys! Look for the 'Starcrusher', the 'Sol Bianca', the 'Emerald Queen', the 'Flying Falcon', the 'Hammerhead' and 'Bebop' to join the lineup soon! And a few more shuttles as well as more visitors from Terra and Mars! More later. Ja Mata and see ya soon-KK Don't neglect to check out Mike the Big W's ff "Angels in Left Field". It is great! Shame that "Dirty Dragons" and "Agellos" have not been continued yet. Any of you onegai feel free to email me directly for anything. We rag about just about anything but mainly anime, Japanese stuff, Japanese history, cooking, golf, whatever! Ja mata and see ya soon-Sorry but we cannot submit Ch 27 yet due to the Document Manager being laid up today! So like Kei says "It ain't our fault!"-KK Ch 27 now up! Includes character/ships lists. See ya soon-KK Well Chapter 28 is now up. Enjoy. Please read/review. A few new characters etc. See ya soon-KK Chapter 30 just posted. For you YuGiOh fans take notice! We are adding Duel Monster games/duels to the recreational games of the starships' passengers and crew. A ways off yet though. We are now learning how to duel so our gang does not look like stupid bakas when they duel! Please r/r and see ya soon-KK OK-Here's the first third of Chapter 32. The last part will contain the ship's manifest so you can see who is aboard. Happy Hall-o-we'en to all and r/r please. The second part will deal with the arrival of the Saiyaans and some other characters aboard the ship. See ya soon-KK Chapter 33 just posted. Enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Go Ghost/Shell 2. Win an Oscar for us! See ya soon-KK Chapter 34 just loaded. Enjoy. Have a great Turkey Day and see ya soon-KK Chapter 35 posted. Have a great day. See ya soon-KK Ch 38 now up. Enjoy and happy holidays-KK Akeome (Happy New Year) and have a great 2005. Ch 39 just posted. Watch for new characters, a golf game, a football game, a new villian and -Kami bless and see ya soon-KK Chapter 40 just posted. Enjoy and Akeome to all. Please r/r. See ya soon-KK Ch 41 just posted. Enjoy and go Patriots! See ya soon-KK Won't say I told ya so but-sorry Eagles' fanatics! Better luck next time. Anyway, we made a snafu on Ch 41 so the first part of Ch 42 will be the conclusion of Ch 41. Sorry but we cannot figure out how to add to an existing chapter that we have not saved. Hope this does not detract from your pleasures. See ya soon-KK Just posted conclusion to Ch 41 and ALL of Ch 42 (The Big Golf Game!) This is a funny ep without any real seriousness whatsoever. Ch 43 will be the Big Football Game and some new characters show up too! Coming soon to a computer near you! Please r/r and Kami bless you all. See ya soon-KK Ch 43 posted. Ch 44 soon. Please r/r. See ya soon-KK Just posted Ch 44- The big football game between Kei's Killers and Bulma's Bruisers. Enjoy. Please r/r. Ch 45 'Success at last!' or 'It's 'Sai' Time!' to follow soon. Happy St Pat's Day and Cead Mille Failte (100,000 blessings) and Erin Go Bragh (Ireland Forever!) See ya soon-K&K Ch 45's other title is 'Berringer gets lucky!' and it has just been posted. See ya soon-K&K Ch 46 will feature the big game (Superbowl 247 in 2251) the Eagles and the Patriots! BION, we did NOT know those teams would be in SB 39 when we wrote that chapter! It's a great chapter so don't miss it when it's posted soon. See ya soon and have a nice day-K&K(Just posted Ch 46 'It's SAI Time' or 'Gathering Up the Gang'. Enjoy and have a great weekend-K&K Ch 47 just posted. Find out about the enemy from the Angels' past and where they go next! Ch 48 will have more SuperBowl details including who you must NEVER try to welch on when he bets you about a football game! Ch 48 coming after taxes. Cead Mille Failte/Erin Go Bragh to all our boyos and colleens tomos out there. Thanks for the interest and keep those reviews/suggestions coming! See ya soon-K&K Gomen (Kei's fault of course) but no SB 247 until Chapter 51! Finished our taxes and can now concentrate on posting! OK updated cast list, ships, shows, etc. coming with Ch 50-OK? Enjoy. r/r-K&K Chapter 49 just posted with some additions to the players/cast members. In the next chapter we will list the ships and shuttles. Chapter 50 will be called "Welcome to 'Frigid Inferno'- the dreaded ice caverns of 'Gysymeo' " or "You're invited to Yuri's New Year's Eve party" or "Angel meets Angel" and will take place in the ice caves. Please r/r/suggest. Thanks for all your support and see ya soon-K&K Ch 50 now up. Enjoy-K&K Sorry it's been so long between posts. Up to Chapter 64 now and the gang has left 'Gysymeo' in a frantic bid to reach home before Berringer's gets there! The Justice League and Teen Titans, the Ninja Turtles, the WOOHP girls and many others have joined the crew and more will follow. Spoiler here--The 'God Gun' will be fired at least four times before they reach home (Shimougou). Please r/r and suggest. Critiques welcome. However, I stand firm on my words/meanings issue. Shimatta does mean borth I love you deeply and dammit! See ya soon and Kami bless the Katrina victims. My NFL team (Saints) has become the ray of hope for the survivors and is the first team in NFL history to play all their home games without a home field advantage this year! Hope it inspires them. Go Brooksy and Deuce Mac and Coach Haslett and our defense!-K&K Chapter 66 just posted. Thought I'd let ya know about some of our more obscure 'guests' and how they are doing. A cute segment on what the elf hunters are going to do after the mission ends. Watch for Ivanhoe's 'trinket'. And in Chapter 67 Discipline returns to the ship while we meet some new characters from the 'baddies' in 'Ellen Rogers' Journal'. Have a great weekend-more later. Please r/r/s and see ya soon!-K&K OK- Here is Chapter 70. Enjoy and yes- the cliffhanger is back this time. Chapter 71 soon. Now it starts to get dangerous for Kagome Higurashi and Yumi Ishiyama especially! Do I give too many hints? Hope not. Happy 2006 and may Kami bless-K&K CH 71 now up. HB Kei on Jan 1, Happy 2006 and may Kami bless you all-K&K OK- I will fix the chapter mixups asap after the new year. OK?-K&K I am now 56 by the way and HB to Yuris in March, Mr T in November and Classic Kei in November too. See you soon-K&K Ch 72 just posted. Kag and Yumi are in deep do-do this time! Enjoy the fun.-K&K Ch 73 'Yumi's Decision' or 'The Kids' daring Venture' will follow soon.-K&K Ch 73 just posted. The kids and the wizards figure heavily. Please enjoy see ya and Kami bless-K&K Ch 74 'Spirited Away' or' Keisie to the Rescue' just posted. Ch 75 'Cat Amongst the Pigeons' or 'The Raiders Return' coming soon. Please r/r/s and have a nice weekend. Hope the Seahawks and Steeler make it to SuperBowl XL. See ya-K&K Chapters 75 and 76 posted today. Lots of action and a Kome/Kei cliffhanger too. Kami bless-K&K Ch 77 just posted. Enjoy-Kami bless you all-K&K Ch 78 now up. Meet Star and Arkie's sister Blackfire. Don't miss the Pirates coming in Chapter 79. Enjoy-K&K Ch 79 now up. Ch 80 soon. Enjoy-K&K Ch 80 now up. Ch 81 soon so enjoy. Kami bless-K&K Chapters 81 thru 85 now posted. Enjoy-K&K Ch 86 now up and 87 soon. Have a nice Easter and Kami bless-K&K Ch 87 now up. Ch 88 soon.-K&K Ch 89 and 90 now up so enjoy-K&K Ch 91 now up so enjoy-K&K Ch 91 to 94 now up. Sorry 94 is so long but 95 to 97 are short ones. Enjoy and please r/r/s away. Kami bless-K&K Ch 95 'Saiyaan Sortie'/Attack Plans' just posted. Ch 96 'Naraku's Gallantry'/Nyssa's Nightmare' soon. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Ch 96 up and Ch 97 'Beauties on the Bay' or 'Nyssa the Navigator' soon I hope. Enjoy and go Jazil in the Belmont. Onegai r/r/s and Kami bless you all-K&K 97 up. 98 soon.-K&K Ch 98 up Ch 99 'Arkton's Anger' or 'A Trakken's Revenge' soon. Enjoy and Kami bless all-K&K Ch 99 up. Ch 100 Mikos to the Rescue' or 'Nyssa Goes to Sleep' soon. Enjoy. R/R/S away and Kami bless-K&K Ch 101 up 'Angels Meet Archangels' or 'Bad Girl vs Firebrand'. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Ch 102 soon 'Righting the Loop' or 'Gathering the Troops' is title. Thanks and Kami bless-K&K Ch 102 now up 103 soon. Enjoy and Kami bless you all-K&K Chapter 103 'Rowdies in the Ready Room' or 'Pirates On parole' just posted. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Have now posted up to and including Ch 107. Ch 108 'Great Gun Match Battle' or 'Gunfight at the Angel Corral' coming soon. What is it? It's Kei O'Halloran vs Yuri Donovan one-on-one with get this- Mark III ion cannons in a combat ID target shootoff on the holodecks of the 'Angel 2' with the loser serving the winner breakfast in bed for a whole week! Enjoy. Please r/r/s away and Kami bless-K&K Chapter 108 'Found in Space' or 'Practice makes Perfect?' now up. Chapter 109 'Millenium Battle Match' or 'Gunfight at the Angel Corral' to come soon. Please r/r/s as usual and as always Kami bless you all-K&K Er, sorry for the run together ending paragraphs in 108. I'll do better in 109-K&K Ch 109 now up. Ch 110 soon.-K&K Ch 110 up and Ch 111 'Flay's Trump Card' or 'Missing Monk' coming soon. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Ch 111 now up. Ch 112 'Spike Makes A Date' or 'Of Cowboys and XANA' to come soon. Please r/r/s as always and Kami bless-K&K Ch 112 up Ch 113 (no title yet) soon. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Ch 113 'Kei on the warpath' or 'Kiva drops a bombshell' now up. Ch 114 'Antares at last' or 'Playful Angels' soon. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Ch 114 up and Ch 115 'Angelic Preparations' or 'Donnie's Surprise' to come soon. Enjoy and r/r/s away. Kami bless-K&K Just posted Ch 115 and 116 'Starfleet Meets Earth Alliance' or 'Scaring Kiva/Old Tomos Well Met' coming soon. Enjoy. R/R/S away. Have a great weekend and Kami bless you all. Don't forget the Vince Papale flick Invincible is in the theatres. He came from my county here in PA in the USA. Have a nice day-K&K Ch 116 up. Ch 117 'Southern Exposure' or 'Company's Coming' soon. Have a cool holiday weekend and Kami bless-K&K Ch 117 up. Ch 118 'The Dark Lord Cometh' or 'Dragon vs Angel' next up. Please r/r/s and Kami bless-K&K Ch 118 up and Ch 119 'Oddo's Trinkets' or 'Lessons from a Master' coming soon. Enjoy-K&K Chapter 120 'Rescue Mission' or 'Vacationing Vagabonds' now up. Enjoy and kami bless. Ch 121 (untitled as of yet) soon. See ya-K&K Ch 121 'Sontarran Sojourn' or 'Cruising with the Angels' now up. Ch 122 'Kiva's Dilemna' or 'A Quiet Tavern' coming soon. Enjoy and r/r/s away. Thanks for your interest in my work-K&K Ch 126 'Cleo Cleans Up' or 'Truant Trolls' now up. Sorry for the delay twixt postings. Busy at work man! Ch 127 'Coriander Crusaders' or 'Touring with the Wrecking Crew' coming soon I promise. Kami bless and arigato for the interest. Toodles-K&K Ch 127 'Coriander Crusaders' or 'Touring with the Wrecking Crew' now up. Sorry for the delay but hey! gotta work too ya know. Ch 128 as yet untitled up next and soon. Please r/r/s away and Kami bless you all for your interest. Sayonara for now-K&K Ch 128 'A trip through the Smugglers' Ravine' or 'Casey and Mikey don't mix' just posted. Arigato for the interest. Please r/r/s away. have a cool Belmont weekend and Kami bless you all. Ch 129 soon. Toodles-K&K Ch 129 'Dueling Dervishes'/Tale of the Jamie' posted. Ch 130 soon. The usual stuff. Have a nice day. See ya soon-K&K Ch 130 'Gypsy Rose Moonie' or 'Never Bet with Ed' up now. Please r/r/s away. Have a nice weekend. Ch 131 soon. Sayonara for now-K&K Ch 131 'Punishment to fit the Crime' or 'Gene's Problems are Just Beginning' posted. Please r/r/s away and Kami bless you all. Have a great weekend and 4th of July holiday. Arigato for your support. Sayonara for now and toodles untoil next time. Ch 132 is untitled but will come soon.-K&K Ch 132 'Going Home at Last' or 'Adventures in Asteroidland' now up. Enjoy and please r/r/s away. Kami bless you all. Ch 133 soon. Toodles-K&K Ch 133 'Clearing Out the Angel' or 'Blasting the Cosmos' now up. Ch 134 soon. Please r/r/s. Have a nice day and toodles. Sayonara for now-K&K Ch 134 'Going Home at Last' or 'Strange Travels Indeed' now up. Ch 135 soon enough. Please r/r/s away and lemme know oro ya think. SFN and toodles to you. Domo Arigatou for your support.-K&K Ch 135 'Explaining their Losses' or 'Ghosts on the Angel' now up. Please r/r/s away. Ch 136 soon. SFN and toodles-K&K Ch 136 'Unit 9 versus Unit 9' or 'Remaking the Angel' up now. Please r/r/s away. Ch 137 soon. SFN. Toodles-K&K Chapter 137 'Who's Left?' or 'Once More Into the Breach' now up. It includes a list of the remaining 'Arkites' so please r/r/s away. SFN. Kami bless and toodles. Ch 138 'Titantic Blunder' or 'Mimoto, Darius, Mars and ?' up soon. Enjoy and arigatou for the interest.-K&K Ch 138 'Titantic Blunder' or 'Mimoto, Darius, Mars and ?' now up. Ch 139 'They're Going Fast!' or 'Mars' Sojourn' coming soon. Please r/r/s away and have a great day. SFN. Kami bless all and toodles-K&K Ch 139 "They're Going Fast!' or 'mars Sojourn' now up. Enjoy. Toodles. Kami bless. SFN-K&K Ch 140 '2 Days Equals Half a Fortnight'/Abyssmal Homecoming' now up. The ship's really emptying out eh? Please r/r/s away. Have a great day. SFN. Kami bless all of you. Ch 141 soon. Toodles-K&K Ch 141 'Get off my turf!' or 'From Angel to Prince' now up. Ch 142 'Dewey to the rescue' or 'Substitute Angel' soon. Onegai r/r/s away and have a nice day. Kami bless you all and let me know oro ya think of my work now. SFN. Toodles-K&K Ch 142 'Dewey to the Rescue' or 'Substitute Abgel' now up. Ch 143 soon. Toodles and SFN-K&K Ch 143 'Hellfire Angel'/Missing Navigators' up now. Ch 144 'Trace Saves the Day'/New Comrades' soon. Have a nice day. Please r/r/s away. SFN and Kami bless. Toodles-K&K Ch 144 'Trace saves the day'/New comrades' up now. Usual drift and Ch 145 'Another narrow escape'/If she won't do it, sir then I will!' coming soon. Have a great weekend and Kami bless. SFN and Toodles to you-K&K Ch 145 'Another narrow escape'/If she won't do it sir, then I will' up now and Ch 146 'Sontarran Stopover'/The 'EA' wants to stay' coming soon. R/R/S as always. Have a nice weekend. SFN. Kami bless all. Toodles-K&K Ch 146 'Sontarran Stopover'/The 'EA' Wants to Stay' now up. Ch 147 'The Kids Return' or 'When Old Tomos Meet' up soon. R/R/S as always. Have anice day and SFN. Kami bless you all and toodles-K&K Ch 147 'The Kids Return' or 'When Old Tomos Meet' now up. R/R/S away. Ch 148 'Daydreams' or 'A New Beginning' real soon. Enjoy the day. Happy Vets Day and SFN. Kami bless and toodles-K&K--Ch 148 up now. Ch 149 'On to Onizuka' or 'Zero Hour Arrives' coming soon. Enjoy-K&K Ch 149 'On to Onizuka'/Zero Hour Arrives' up now. Trekkie fans- see clue at end of this chappie. Ch 150 'Major Revelations'/Taking Stock' now up. Ch 151 'Moon Mayhem' or 'Pizza Anyone?' coming soon. Enjoy and SFN. kami bless. Toodles-K&K Ch 151 'Moon Mayhem'/Pizza Anyone?' now up. R/R/S away and and Ch 152 'Blackfire's New Life'/An Ancient Prophecy' coming soon. Happy Thanksgiving and toodles. Kami bless you all and SFN and thanks for your support.-K&K Ch 152 'Blackfire's New Life/'An Ancient Prophecy' now up. Enjoy Turkey Day and r/r/s away as always. Ch 153 'Maelstrom in Space'/Saiyaan Airlines- The Only Way to Fly!' soon. Read or re-read Chapters 15 to 25 for a holiday jolly. Kei is O'Scrooge and Iris is McMarley while Yuri is 'McCratchit! Kome is Tiny Tim and er it goes like that in Kei's dreams anyway! Hey, the title is Xmas with the DP, ain't it? Have a nice holiday weekend, SFN, Kami bless you all and domo arigatou for the support. Toodles-K&K Ch 153 'Maelstrom in Space' or 'Saiyaan Airlines-The Only Way to Fly!' now up. Ch 154 'Anomaly Heaven' or 'Elda's Walkabout' coming soon. Please r/r/s away and SFN. have a great day and arigatou a lot for all your help and support, hazu! Toodles to you all-K&K Wanna hint about oro is still to come? OK then- Here are the titles of the next fifteen chappies starting with 155:- 155 'Arcturis in Space' or 'Tale of the Tardises' 156 'Ruhri's Adventure' or 'Malls can be Deadly' 157 'Soto's Dilemna' or 'Tommy Meets an Angel' 158 'The Prodigals Return' or 'Shopping Trip' 159 'Tommy's Secret Mission' or 'Bankotsu Flight' 160 'Gallifreyan Nightmare' or 'Demonic Angels' 161 'War on Gallifrey' or 'The Siege' 162 'Oro Just happened?' or 'Did it Work?' 163 'Dueling the Doctor' or 'Return Visit to Splattertown' 164 'KP Hijinks' or 'Kome Meets Kakashi' 165 'Mar Keeps the Peace' or 'No More Minis!' 166 'Naomi Has Reservations' or 'Big Spike's Decision' 167 'Garden of the Guardians' or 'Time Tacklers' 168 'The Angel Flies Again!' or 'No Rest for the Weary?' 169 'The Final Solution' or 'New Crewman Aboard?' Well now ya got the hints. I hope you stay tuned for the rest of the show. Toodles-K&K Ch 154 up and 155 soon. Ja Mata, tomos-K&K Ch 155 up Ch 156 soon. Have a nice weekend and r/r/s away. Arigatou for the support. Kami bless you all and SFN. Toodles-K&K Ch 156 up. Ch 157 soon. Enjoy and r/r/s away. SFN and Kami bless. Toodles-K&K Ch 157 posted and 158 coming soon. Enjoy the day and toodles-K&K Ch 158 posted. Shopping time and a new guy too! Ch 159 soon. Enjoy the day and r/r/s away. Kami bless you all. SFN and toodles-K&K--By the way I'll post the remaining chappie titles soon. The very last Chapter will be 183. Arigatou-K&K Ch 159 up. Ch 160 soon. Best of good fortune in 2008. SFN and Kami bless you all for your support. R/R/S away and toodles-K&K Here are the very last chapter titles (170 to 184). They are real doozies lemme tell ya:- Ch 170 'Mr. White Explains'/Feudal Arrangements' Ch 171 'Ojou's Error'/Ready Room Raiders' Ch 172 'We Aren't In Shirokin Anymore'/EJ- Phone Home!' Ch 173 'Are You Ready For Some Football?"/Killers vs Hawks- First Half' Ch 174 'Game In Holding Pattern'/Zoe Calls In A Favor' Ch 175 'Alchemist In The Backfield'/Arcanum Actions' (2nd Half of Football Game) Ch 176 'Trip To Seto Kaiba'/Winry's New Winter Wardrobe' Ch 177 'Gysymeo Again?'/How Does It Work?' Ch 178 'Winry Makes a New Tomo'/Return of Khan?' Ch 179 'The Bay Comes Back'/James the Storyteller' Ch 180 'Pizza Again?'Fancy Dress Football?' Ch 181 'Unexpected Guests'/Too Damned many Weddings!' Ch 182 'Vikers' Paradise Lost'/Rio To the Rescue' Ch 183 'Son of Shenron'/The Hunt Is On' Ch 184 'The Last Wish'/The End Of It All?' That's It and no telling when it'll be completed either! On paper it's done but posting is something else man! Have a nice day. Toodles-K&K PS- I had another birthday in July and now I am 58 years young! I have a website here too- /people/groups/anime-a-holics (or jsut anime will get you there too). Come check it out even if ya ain't over 50. I accept all ages there. Ja mata and SFN. Kami bless you all for your support and welcome to my newest pal allie39@. Enjoy and read/review/suggest away and lemme know oro (what) you think.-K&K Ch 160 up. Ch 161 soon. Happy 2008 and Kami bless you all in the coming year. s/s/r away and SFN. Toodles-K&K At /forums/fanfiction/Dirty Pair Fanfiction I have just finished posting Ch 1 thru 45 of this ff. Check it out if you'd like. It's a great way to play catchup or review earlier chapter(s) w/o going nut searching for it here. Have a cool day and SFN. Ja mata and kami bless you all. Please r/r/s away and toodles-K&K Just posted up to and incl Ch 56 (SB 247 in 2251 AD) at animeonline. Toodles-K&K Just posted up to and including Ch 60 at ANOL and just posted Ch 161 'War on Gallifrey' or 'The Siege' here. Enjoy and toodles-K&K I have now posted up to Ch 90 in ANOL and will soon post Ch 162 here. Please read my feelings about HBO closing out (after 31 gloroius years!) without a shadow of a doubt the greatest sports format show of all time- Inside the NFL! I have posted a message here:/Animeaholics1; /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction; /dirtypair2; /people/groups/anime-a-holics; /animeontv; newsroom@; /community; /fanfictions/woohpmeetstheangels&co.(continuedfromch160). While you're at this site check out my new avatar of Kei and then check out /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction/Profile and Home pages to see lots of Angels' stuff! Kudos to the manning bros and their dad the very first NO Saints' (QB) Hall of Famer! SFN and Kami bless you all. R/R/S away and ja mata. See ya soon and toodles-K&K All Chapters 1 through current chapter 161 are now in exact order on contents/chapters page. Enjoy the story and I hope to post 162 soon. Toodles-K&K Finally! Just posted Ch 162. Before 163 begins I will have a revamping of the crews again. That will be later as I got jury duty tomorrow. R/R/S away and SFN. Kami bless you all. Toodles and see ya soon-K&K Posted Ch 163 and Ch 164 soon. Up to Ch 110 at now. All chapters/titles listed at Profile page over there too. Special character list at beginning of Ch 163. Enjoy and r/r/s away. SFN and Kami bless you all. See ya soon. Toodles-K&K I just now finally finished posting all the way up to Ch 125 here: /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction. Hope you like 'em-K&K It is now official gang! I have now posted the first 150 chapters of Xmas with the DP at ! Yay! R/R/S away and a big domo arigatou to my loyal readers and helpers. Have a great weekend and I hope to post Ch 164 here soon! SFN and Kami bless you all. See ya soon. Toodles-K&K OK- Finally! Here is Ch 164 for ya with 165 not far behind it. Toodles-K&K I have achieved a miracle hazu! I have now managed to post Ch 1 through 164 both here and at /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction as well. I will continue to post here chappie by chappie and I will post at ANOL in 5 chappie increments. Domo arigatou for all the help and support tomos watashi. SFN and SYS. Ja mata and Kami bless you all. Enjoy the story and now it's time for me to do those blsted taxes for me, Mom and Brothers Bobby and Pete. Have a cool weekend and don't look for any updates for awhile eh? Toodles-K&K Chapter 165 has just been posted here and at as well. Please r/r/s away. SFN and toodles-K&K Chapters 166 to 169 have been posted here and at too. Enjoy and r/r/s away. Toodles-K&K Have now posted up to and including Ch 170 here and at as well. Enjoy and toodles-K&K Just added Ch 171 and 172 here and at as well. Enjoy.Kami bless and I just added Ch 173 to 184 at both places. Of course this ends the ff finally. Please r/r/s away and let me know how ya liked the story, my numerous cliffhangers and especially the ending if indeed it has an ending eh? I can use some suggestions and insights from all you tomos out there 'cause I'm gonna start a new ff featuring those two kawii Amazonian Angels- Kei and Yuri. Also included will be newbies Rio (Burn Up W) and Marina Oki (Cosmic Warrior Zero). As yet untitled both lasses will be newly assigned to positions in either Furool City or Elenore City on Shimougou. Both will be 'UG' and 3WA tro-cons although Marina has more experience hence she'll be a subaltern a suba while Rio a rookie will only be an ensign or a cadet from the Academy. Both are wild but not as bad as the Boss (Kei). Have a kawaii Derby weekend and if the powers that be think an extreme outside post start makes a favorite I beg to differ. Secretariat might win from there but not Big Brown. Tale of Ekati (named after the diamond mine up North on History Channel's Ice Rd Truckers series) with Coia up will take the prize. He's in Post 2 on the far inside. Toodles for a bit. Got an appraiser coming Monday for my refi so sfn and sys. Kami bless you all for your advice, assistance and support all these years. The new ff won't be anywhere near as long as this monster was! It's been great tomos watashi and Toodles-K&K Check out Xmas w/ the DP under Chapter Epilogue/Angel Wings. I need help with my newest ff attempt. Domo arigatou and any suggestions greatly appreciated man. SFN and SYS. Kami bless you all and toodles-K&K Just started ff 2 called 'Angel Wings'. Posted Ch 1 'Creature from the Black Lagoon'/'The Angels meet Revy Roberts'. It's all about oro Kei, Yuri, Blue, Kome, Mar and the rest are doing after the God Gun missions finish (did they really?). Kei and her cadre are running the 3WA Academy and several new characters are added as student trainees and as instructors. Who? Aw, that'd be telling. Please r/r/s away and have a hoob-a-dooble day! Toodles and Kami bless-K&K Ch 2 'A Spoiled Drink'/'The Returns Begin' now up. Enjoy Mom's Day and toodles-K&K Ch 3 'Another Doctor?'/'Ninjas On the Loose!' up now both sites. Enjoy and r/r/s away. I need ideas hazu! Toodles-K&K Ch 4- 'Reunion In Time?' or 'Closing Problems' Again?' now up both sites. Ch 5 now up. Ch 6 soon but not till next week. Enjoy the weekend. Toodles-K&K Ch 5 and 6 both up with Ch 7 real soon. Named the 3WA Academy 'Takachiho Academy' in honour of Mr. T himself. New characters coming and a new storyline and plot. Please r/r/s away and oh yeah Ch 1-6 are up both here and at ANOL as well. More later. Have a cool day hazu. SFN/SYS and Kami bless you all. Toodles-K&K I'll post more titles as they come to me. Check out my companion ff site at /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction especially my Profile page and my new signature photo of the Angels. It was made exclusively for me by 'highteckdudu' who is another ff writing lassie over there. Her Profile page is awesome and includes pix of her own original character Neko. She has graciously allowed me to use Neko in my ff's. She is a nekomata trill and Jon Harlock's navigator on the 'Botany Bay 2'. Her last name is Olson. Revy (Roberts) hails from 'Black Lagoon' a really cool anime series about guns for hire! And get this- Revy has a fouler mouth than Kei does! Just posted Ch 19 both places. Ch 20 soon. An unexpected guest of the Spies has just shown up. Guess who? A famous horseman 'the fox so cunning and free' kidnaps one of the crew in chapter (12) and Kei gets a new security chief. In Ch 13 she gets a new helper in engineering. Ch 14 brings Lupin and Zenigata aboard. Ch 15 is the Gate adventure. Ch 17 brings really surprised visitors and I guarantee you won't be able to guess who they are. Well Ch 19 is here and so are the IRTs. Who are they? Read it and find out. Ice Road Truckers' load count: Eric has 27, Hugh has 25, Bear has 24, Alex is at 23, Rick has 15 and Drew has only 11 so far. There are a total of 125 delivered to Basilisk with 50 to go out of a total of 175 loads. Who will win? Just posted Ch 23 both sites. By the way on IRT on HC as of 8/17 Eric and Hugh are tied at 59 loads, Bear has 52, Rick has 45, Alex has 22 and Drew is still dead last with 7 or maybe 8 loads. My ff has 'em hauling 175 loads up the ice on Gysymeo then going to Workoh to do a rescue mission with the Angels. Ch 25 posted. Ch 26 real soon I hope. More details later.Toodles-K&K HERE ARE THE CHAPTERS FOR 'ANGEL WINGS':- KonnichiWa Gang-We are the great Keiman and my Lovely Angel Kei (the Flash one-her birthday is We also supply animeontv with updated listings of Anime Network shows on Cutting Edge which can be found at ComcastOnDemand. Well Domo Arigato and Kami bless you all for your help and encouragement. Look for Chapter 2 soon! Happy Birthday to Kei on New Year's Day and don't miss Showtime Beyond's LA marathon on NY Eve beginning at 11:30 PM EST/EDT. They will show all the Original OVAs(10) and all of the Flash OVAs(15) in order for the first time anywhere. And if you can get them by all means get the LA Classic Japanese series(26) which are subs only. And Project EDEN, Affair at Nolandia and Conspiracy on Flight 009 are great too. And Crusher Joe the movie is a must see for our Angels 15 second debut appearance! Gomen this is so long but bear with us onegai. Flash Kei's voiceactress Sue Ulu voiced Grandma Spankenheimer on "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" on TV this Christmas season. She was so cool. Well happy holidays to you all from us both-Keiman and Kei. PS-Critiques welcome and we will try to answer them all.-KK Beginning with Chapter 3 of "Christmas With the Dirty Pair" (which we will post soon we promise) we will include a list of Japanese lingo we use fairly often along with the meanings in English. Remember we only started learning Japanese romaji a year ago or so. We may use the incorrect form of Japanese every now and then so please bear with Kei and myself for this. Domo arigato for the reviews-keep 'em coming! See ya soon and ai (love) you all. Kami bless-KK Kei says arigato to all of ya who remembered her birthday on January first. Happy New Year from us both. Chapter 3 just posted 1/4/04. Gomen if it's lengthy but them's the breaks hazu. We also added a list of words, terms, phrases and abbreviations we are using in our works. We also have included translations where needed. We also added more new characters etc. to the Cast List. Enjoy. Onegai read and review. Chapter 4 "Strange Visitors to the Higurashi Mall" coming soon.-KK Gomen onegai bear with us as the spacing may be crappy for first few chapters. We have not gotten the hang of MS Works yet. Chapter 4 soon.-KK OK Hazu-Chapter 5 "Paying a Call on the 3WA" is now up. Chapter 6 "A Most Unusual Tale is Told" will soon follow. Onegai r/r and arigato to all who read us. All comments welcome. Ja Mata. Don't forget the Yuris' birthdays on March 3 and March 18.-KK Chapter 6 goes in tonight-hope to get to 10 or 12 by end of weekend-Watch for the K vs K fight in Chapter 9-KK OK Chapter 6 now up. It's called "A Most Unusual Tale Is Told" or "More Sake and Cigarettes" Onegai RR-comments/suggestions always welcome to us. Next chapter 7 "The Lovely Angel Two Fellowship" or "What Not To Do On the Lovely Angel Two-Yuri Makes A Booboo" coming soon will feature the long awaited fight between Kome Sawaguchi and Kei O'Halloran as promised! See-we do act on suggestions. Later on we even have the Classic Angels visit the Flash pair too.-KK Sorry-Forgot to tell ya "baka" means "idiot". We'll be using it a lot now-KK Chaps 7 to 9 now up. Please r r. Happy 25th to the Angels and Happy Birthday to Classic and Flash Yuri in March. Enjoy. Ja Mata-KK We goofed! Chapter 9 and 8 are reversed on Chapter Guide. Gomen-KK Chapter 10 "Mess with an Angel/End up with a bear-Kome's Rematch" now up. All new words c. have translations following them in ( ) like this. Chapter 11 "Doctor to the Rescue" coming soon. Onegai rr. Domo arigato to our loyal fans/reviewers. Ja Mata for now.-KK To respond to Mike who anonymously reviewed Chapter 9-The K vs K fight ain't over yet! See Chapter 10 just posted. And if you carefully read Chapters 7 to 9 you would KNOW what is pissing off Kei and WHY she is so animostic towards Yuri. Remember Yuri is Kei's FORMER partner! Hint-It's really Yuri's fault this time! OK She told a tale she shouldn't have told! No more hints! Don't miss 10. 11 tonight MAYBE! Ja mata and arigato for your loyalty to us-KK Chapter 11 now up. Don't miss the answer to the cliffhanger! Did Kome kick Kei's skull? Who will save her? We sound like Flash Gordon? Gomen kiddies. Ask your parents who he was? Anyway enjoy tomos ours. Read/review. Chapter 12 coming soon "A very informal briefing/Mission: Foil the Black Ghost" Ja Mata-KK.Chapter 12 now up/pls rr. Ch 13 will be the long awaited blast off for Cybytron! Maybe this weekend. Arigato to our reviewers. we want more. Ja Mata-KK Liftoff chapter 13 and maybe 14 tonight. Please rr-all welcome-Ja Mata-KK Well 13's up. R R onegai. Now you guys can count to ten. You also learned some new words and what a cliffhanger! Hint-KY REALLY didn't do it this time! Tell us who you want in the ff in future, Don't fret-the 'Angel' holds 70 and more visitors are coming aboard! How? Think about it! Ja Mata-KK Sorry for the spacing but we just cannot firgure out the MS WORD processing crap-KKOK Chaps 14 to 18 or even 20 this weekend maybe. PLEASE R R. No reviews since Ch 9! Plenty of emails telling us what to put in and we have just added a golf match and a football game to the repertoire! Please review-all welcome even flames whatever they are- Ja Mata-KK Well we finally have liftoff and the gals are in trouble again-this time Starfleet is firing on them or are they? Posting 14 to 22 very soon now. Gomen for the delay but we had done these chapters at the office and copied them to a floppy but we can't access the info on that floppy at the home PC so wegotta do the chapters on Word all over again. Sniff! See ya soon-KK Well it has been awhile now since we posted but 14 is now up and the gang is about to land on Cybytron in pursuit of 'Black Ghost' at last! New abbreviations and words are marked in the spirit of fair play so onegai read and review. Ja Mata from KK Chapter 15 now up. We goofed a bit on the next several chapters! We copies 15 to 22 to a floppy and then erased it from the PC. Must first DL floppy back into PC and then post. We will try this weekend to do from 16 to 27. Please r/r. Ja mata-KK We now have Chapters 18 to 27 on floppy disks. We will repost 16 and 17 and then 18 to 27 soon. See ya and r/r 15-Arigato from KK OK we done it! Chapters 16 to 26 are now up! We will add titles later! See ya soon-KK OK we tried to add chapter titles but for some reason only one of each dual title name came out. Gomen for that. Next up will be Chapters 27 to 30. Maybe ashiata! Onegai read/review. See ya soon. Ja Mata-KK A note for Bancroft-arigato for the reviews. Arigato is thank you, Kami is God, shimatta can mean I love you so or (the way Kei uses it) dam or dammit, Kami shimatta ni jigoku means God dammit to Hell, jigoku is Hell, gomen can mean either I'm sorry or excuse me depending on the context. Hope you've been finding out oro(what) rei to jyuu(pronounced doo) mean! Now that you know them, reverse them! We are now just putting meanings, abbreviations etc. in parentheses ( ) after the words or phrases thus. We promise to update the list of the cast of characters in Chapter 27! Ever think a state of the arts starship could have 9 levels and hold over a hundred souls? Well the 'Lovely Angel 2' does! She also has four shuttles ('Raphael'. 'Michaelangelo', 'Donnatella' and 'Leonardo') on board. Her docking bays can hold up to 20 crafts. She also carries skysleds, surface craft, aircars, skycycles, and a few other cool riding toys! Look for the 'Starcrusher', the 'Sol Bianca', the 'Emerald Queen', the 'Flying Falcon' and the 'Hammerhead' and 'Bebop' to join the lineup soon! And a few more shuttles as well as more visitors from Terra and Mars! More later. Ja Mata and see ya soon-KK Don't neglect to check out Mike the Big W's ff "Angels in Left Field". It is great! Shame that "Dirty Dragons" and "Agellos" have not been continued yet. Any of you onegai feel free to email me directly for anything. We rag about just about anything but mainly anime, Japanese stuff, Japanese history, cooking, golf, whatever! Ja mata and see ya soon-Sorry but we cannot submit Ch 27 yet due to the Document Manager being laid up today! So like Kei says "It ain't our fault!"-KK Ch 27 now up! Includes character/ships lists. See ya soon-KK Well Chapter 28 is now up. Enjoy. Please read/review. A few new characters etc. See ya soon-KK Chapter 30 just posted. For you YuGiOh fans take notice! We are adding Duel Monster games/duels to the recreational games of the starships' passengers and crew. A ways off yet though. We are now learning how to duel so our gang does not look like stupid bakas when they duel! Please r/r and see ya soon-KK OK-Here's the first third of Chapter 32. The last part will contain the ship's manifest so you can see who is aboard. Happy Hall-o-we'en to all and r/r please. The second part will deal with the arrival of the Saiyaans and some other characters aboard the ship. See ya soon-KK Chapter 33 just posted. Enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Go Ghost/Shell 2. Win an Oscar for us! See ya soon-KK Chapter 34 just loaded. Enjoy. Have a great Turkey Day and see ya soon-KK Chapter 35 posted. Have a great day. See ya soon-KK Ch 38 now up. Enjoy and happy holidays-KK Akeome and have a great 2005. Ch 39 just posted. Watch for new characters, a golf game, a football game, a new villian and -Kami bless and see ya soon-KK Chapter 40 just posted. Enjoy and Akeome to all. Please r/r. See ya soon-KK Ch 41 just posted. Enjoy and go Patriots! See ya soon-KK Won't say I told ya so but-sorry Eagles' fanatics! Better luck next time. Anyway, we made a snafu on Ch 41 so the first part of Ch 42 will be the conclusion of Ch 41. Sorry but we cannot figure out how to add to an existing chapter that we have not saved. Hope this does not detract from your pleasures. See ya soon-KK Just posted conclusion to Ch 41 and ALL of Ch 42 (The Big Golf Game!) This is a funny ep without any real seriousness whatsoever. Ch 43 will be the Big Football Game and some new characters show up too! Coming soon to a computer near you! Please r/r and Kami bless you all. See ya soon-KK Ch 43 posted. Ch 44 soon. Please r/r. See ya soon-KK Just posted Ch 44- The big football game between Kei's Killers and Bulma's Bruisers. Enjoy. Please r/r. Ch 45 'Success at last!' or 'It's 'Sai' Time!' to follow soon. Happy St Pat's Day and Cead Mille Failte (100,000 blessings) and Erin Go Bragh (Ireland Forever!) See ya soon-K&K Ch 45's other title is 'Berringer gets lucky!' and it has just been posted. See ya soon-K&K Ch 46 will feature the big game (Superbowl 247 in 2251) the Eagles and the Patriots! BION, we did NOT know those teams would be in SB 39 when we wrote that chapter! It's a great chapter so don't miss it when it's posted soon. See ya soon and have a nice day-K&K(Just posted Ch 46 'It's SAI Time' or 'Gathering Up the Gang'. Enjoy and have a great weekend-K&K Ch 47 just posted. Find out about the enemy from the Angels' past and where they go next! Ch 48 will have more SuperBowl details including who you must NEVER try to welch on when he bets you about a football game! Ch 48 coming after taxes. Cead Mille Failte/Erin Go Bragh to all our boyos and colleens tomos out there. Thanks for the interest and keep those reviews/suggestions coming! See ya soon-K&K Gomen (Kei's fault of course) but no SB 247 until Chapter 51! Finished our taxes and can now concentrate on posting! OK updated cast list, ships, shows, etc. coming with Ch 50-OK? Enjoy. r/r-K&K Chapter 49 just posted with some additions to the players/cast members. In the next chapter we will list the ships and shuttles. Chapter 50 will be called "Welcome to 'Frigid Inferno'- the dreaded ice caverns of 'Gysymeo' " or "You're invited to Yuri's New Year's Eve party" or "Angel meets Angel" and will take place in the ice caves. Please r/r/suggest. Thanks for all your support and see ya soon-K&K Ch 50 now up. Enjoy-K&K Sorry it's been so long between posts. Up to Chapter 64 now and the gang has left 'Gysymeo' in a frantic bid to reach home before Berringer's gets there! The Justice League and Teen Titans, the Ninja Turtles, the WOOHP girls and many others have joined the crew and more will follow. Spoiler here--The 'God Gun' will be fired at least four times before they reach home (Shimougou). Please r/r and suggest. Critiques welcome. However, I stand firm on my words/meanings issue. Shimatta does mean borth I love you deeply and dammit! See ya soon and Kami bless the Katrina victims. My NFL team (Saints) has become the ray of hope for the survivors and is the first team in NFL history to play all their home games without a home field advantage this year! Hope it inspires them. Go Brooksy and Deuce Mac and Coach Haslett and our defense!-K&K Chapter 66 just posted. Thought I'd let ya know about some of our more obscure 'guests' and how they are doing. A cute segment on what the elf hunters are going to do after the mission ends. Watch for Ivanhoe's 'trinket'. And in Chapter 67 Discipline returns to the ship while we meet some new characters from the 'baddies' in 'Ellen Rogers' Journal'. Have a great weekend-more later. Please r/r/s and see ya soon!-K&K OK- Here is Chapter 70. Enjoy and yes- the cliffhanger is back this time. Chapter 71 soon. Now it starts to get dangerous for Kagome Higurashi and Yumi Ishiyama especially! Do I give too many hints? Hope not. Happy 2006 and may Kami bless-K&K CH 71 now up. HB Kei on Jan 1, Happy 2006 and may kami bless you all-K&K OK- I will fix the chapter mixups asap after the new year. OK?-K&K I am now 56 by the way and HB to Yuris in March, Mr T in November and Classic Kei in November too. See you soon-K&K Ch 72 just posted. Kag and Yumi are in deep do-do this time! Enjoy the fun.-K&K Ch 73 'Yumi's Decision' or 'The Kids' daring Venture' will follow soon.-K&K Ch 73 just posted. The kids and the wizards figure heavily. Please enjoy see ya and Kami bless-K&K Ch 74 'Spirited Away' or' Keisie to the Rescue' just posted. Ch 75 'Cat Amongst the Pigeons' or 'The Raiders Return' coming soon. Please r/r/s and have a nice weekend. Hope the Seahawks and Steeler make it to SuperBowl XL. See ya-K&K Chapters 75 and 76 posted today. Lots of action and a Kome/Kei cliffhanger too. Kami bless-K&K Ch 77 just posted. Enjoy-Kami bless you all-K&K Ch 78 now up. Meet Star and Arkie's sister Blackfire. Don't miss the Pirates coming in Chapter 79. Enjoy-K&K Ch 79 now up. Ch 80 soon. Enjoy-K&K Ch 80 now up. Ch 81 soon so enjoy. Kami bless-K&K Chapters 81 thru 85 now posted. Enjoy-K&K Ch 86 now up and 87 soon. Have a nice Easter and Kami bless-K&K Ch 87 now up. Ch 88 soon.-K&K Ch 89 and 90 now up so enjoy-K&K Ch 91 now up so enjoy-K&K Ch 91 to 94 now up. Sorry 94 is so long but 95 to 97 are short ones. Enjoy and please r/r/s away. Kami bless-K&K Ch 95 'Saiyaan Sortie'/Attack Plans' just posted. Ch 96 'Naraku's Gallantry'/Nyssa's Nightmare' soon. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Ch 96 up and Ch 97 'Beauties on the Bay' or 'Nyssa the Navigator' soon I hope. Enjoy and go Jazil in the Belmont. Onegai r/r/s and kami bless you all-K&K 97 up. 98 soon.-K&K Ch 98 up Ch 99 'Arkton's Anger' or 'A Trakken's Revenge' soon. Enjoy and Kami bless all-K&K Ch 99 up. Ch 100 Mikos to the Rescue' or 'Nyssa Goes to Sleep' soon. Enjoy. R/R/S away and Kami bless-K&K Ch 101 up 'Angels Meet Archangels' or 'Bad Girl vs Firebrand'. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Ch 102 soon 'Righting the Loop' or 'Gathering the Troops' is title. Thanks and Kami bless-K&K Ch 102 now up 103 soon. Enjoy and kami bless you all-K&K Chapter 103 'Rowdies in the Ready Room' or 'Pirates On parole' just posted. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Have now posted up to and including Ch 107. Ch 108 'Great Gun Match Battle' or 'Gunfight at the Angel Corral' coming soon. What is it? It's Kei O'Halloran vs Yuri Donovan one-on-one with get this- Mark III ion cannons in a combat ID target shootoff on the holodecks of the 'Angel 2' with the loser serving the winner breakfast in bed for a whole week! Enjoy. Please r/r/s away and kami bless-K&K Chapter 108 'Found in Space' or 'Practice makes Perfect?' now up. Chapter 109 'Millenium Battle Match' or 'Gunfight at the Angel Corral' to come soon. Please r/r/s as usual and as always Kami bless you all-K&K Er, sorry for the run together ending paragraphs in 108. I'll do better in 109-K&K Ch 109 now up. Ch 110 soon.-K&K Ch 110 up and Ch 111 'Flay's Trump Card' or 'Missing Monk' coming soon. Enjoy and kami bless-K&K Ch 111 now up. Ch 112 'Spike Makes A Date' or 'Of Cowboys and XANA' to come soon. Please r/r/s as always and Kami bless-K&K Ch 112 up Ch 113 (no title yet) soon. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Ch 113 'Kei on the warpath' or 'Kiva drops a bombshell' now up. Ch 114 'Antares at last' or 'Playful Angels' soon. Enjoy and Kami bless-K&K Ch 114 up and Ch 115 'Angelic Preparations' or 'Donnie's Surprise' to come soon. Enjoy and r/r/s away. kami bless-K&K Just posted Ch 115 and 116 'Starfleet Meets Earth Alliance' or 'Scaring Kiva/Old Tomos Well Met' coming soon. Enjoy. R/R/S away. Have a great weekend and Kami bless you all. Don't forget the Vince Papale flick Invincible is in the theatres. He came from my county here in PA in the USA. Have a nice day-K&K Ch 116 up. Ch 117 'Southern Exposure' or 'Company's Coming' soon. Have a cool holiday weekend and Kami bless-K&K Ch 117 up. Ch 118 'The Dark Lord Cometh' or 'Dragon vs Angel' next up. Please r/r/s and Kami bless-K&K Ch 118 up and Ch 119 'Oddo's Trinkets' or 'Lessons from a Master' coming soon. Enjoy-K&K Chapter 120 'Rescue Mission' or 'Vacationing Vagabonds' now up. Enjoy and kami bless. Ch 121 (untitled as of yet) soon. See ya-K&K Ch 121 'Sontarran Sojourn' or 'Cruising with the Angels' now up. Ch 122 'Kiva's Dilemna' or 'A Quiet Tavern' coming soon. Enjoy and r/r/s away. Thanks for your interest in my work-K&K Ch 126 'Cleo Cleans Up' or 'Truant Trolls' now up. Sorry for the delay twixt postings. Busy at work man! Ch 127 'Coriander Crusaders' or 'Touring with the Wrecking Crew' coming soon I promise. Kami bless and arigato for the interest. Toodles-K&K Ch 127 'Coriander Crusaders' or 'Touring with the Wrecking Crew' now up. Sorry for the delay but hey! gotta work too ya know. Ch 128 as yet untitled up next and soon. Please r/r/s away and Kami bless you all for your interest. Sayonara for now-K&K Ch 128 'A trip through the Smugglers' Ravine' or 'Casey and Mikey don't mix' just posted. Arigato for the interest. Please r/r/s away. have a cool Belmont weekend and Kami bless you all. Ch 129 soon. Toodles-K&K Ch 129 'Dueling Dervishes'/Tale of the Jamie' posted. Ch 130 soon. The usual stuff. Have a nice day. See ya soon-K&K Ch 130 'Gypsy Rose Moonie' or 'Never Bet with Ed' up now. Please r/r/s away. Have a nice weekend. Ch 131 soon. Sayonara for now-K&K Ch 131 'Punishment to fit the Crime' or 'Gene's Problems are Just Beginning' posted. Please r/r/s away and Kami bless you all. Have a great weekend and 4th of July holiday. Arigato for your support. Sayonara for now and toodles untoil next time. Ch 132 is untitled but will come soon.-K&K Ch 132 'Going Home at Last' or 'Adventures in Asteroidland' now up. Enjoy and please r/r/s away. Kami bless you all. Ch 133 soon. Toodles-K&K Ch 133 'Clearing Out the Angel' or 'Blasting the Cosmos' now up. Ch 134 soon. Please r/r/s. Have a nice day and toodles. Sayonara for now-K&K Ch 134 'Going Home at Last' or 'Strange Travels Indeed' now up. Ch 135 soon enough. Please r/r/s away and lemme know oro ya think. SFN and toodles to you. Domo Arigatou for your support.-K&K Ch 135 'Explaining their Losses' or 'Ghosts on the Angel' now up. Please r/r/s away. Ch 136 soon. SFN and toodles-K&K Ch 136 'Unit 9 versus Unit 9' or 'Remaking the Angel' up now. Please r/r/s away. Ch 137 soon. SFN. Toodles-K&K Chapter 137 'Who's Left?' or 'Once More Into the Breach' now up. It includes a list of the remaining 'Arkites' so please r/r/s away. SFN. Kami bless and toodles. Ch 138 'Titantic Blunder' or 'Mimoto, Darius, Mars and ?' up soon. Enjoy and arigatou for the interest.-K&K Ch 138 'Titantic Blunder' or 'Mimoto, Darius, Mars and ?' now up. Ch 139 'They're Going Fast!' or 'Mars' Sojourn' coming soon. Please r/r/s away and have a great day. SFN. Kami bless all and toodles-K&K Ch 139 "They're Going Fast!' or 'mars Sojourn' now up. Enjoy. Toodles. Kami bless. SFN-K&K Ch 140 '2 Days Equals Half a Fortnight'/Abyssmal Homecoming' now up. The ship's really emptying out eh? Please r/r/s away. Have a great day. SFN. Kami bless all of you. Ch 141 soon. Toodles-K&K Ch 141 'Get off my turf!' or 'From Angel to Prince' now up. Ch 142 'Dewey to the rescue' or 'Substitute Angel' soon. Onegai r/r/s away and have a nice day. Kami bless you all and let me know oro ya think of my work now. SFN. Toodles-K&K Ch 142 'Dewey to the Rescue' or 'Substitute Abgel' now up. Ch 143 soon. Toodles and SFN-K&K Ch 143 'Hellfire Angel'/Missing Navigators' up now. Ch 144 'Trace Saves the Day'/New Comrades' soon. Have a nice day. Please r/r/s away. SFN and Kami bless. Toodles-K&K Ch 144 'Trace saves the day'/New comrades' up now. Usual drift and Ch 145 'Another narrow escape'/If she won't do it, sir then I will!' coming soon. Have a great weekend and Kami bless. SFN and Toodles to you-K&K Ch 145 'Another narrow escape'/If she won't do it sir, then I will' up now and Ch 146 'Sontarran Stopover'/The 'EA' wants to stay' coming soon. R/R/S as always. Have a nice weekend. SFN. Kami bless all. Toodles-K&K Ch 146 'Sontarran Stopover'/The 'EA' Wants to Stay' now up. Ch 147 'The Kids Return' or 'When Old Tomos Meet' up soon. R/R/S as always. Have anice day and SFN. Kami bless you all and toodles-K&K Ch 147 'The Kids Return' or 'When Old Tomos Meet' now up. R/R/S away. Ch 148 'Daydreams' or 'A New Beginning' real soon. Enjoy the day. Happy Vets Day and SFN. Kami bless and toodles-K&K--Ch 148 up now. Ch 149 'On to Onizuka' or 'Zero Hour Arrives' coming soon. Enjoy-K&K Ch 149 'On to Onizuka'/Zero Hour Arrives' up now. Trekkie fans- see clue at end of this chappie. Ch 150 'Major Revelations'/Taking Stock' now up. Ch 151 'Moon Mayhem' or 'Pizza Anyone?' coming soon. Enjoy and SFN. kami bless. Toodles-K&K Ch 151 'Moon Mayhem'/Pizza Anyone?' now up. R/R/S away and and Ch 152 'Blackfire's New Life'/An Ancient Prophecy' coming soon. Happy Thanksgiving and toodles. Kami bless you all and SFN and thanks for your support.-K&K Ch 152 'Blackfire's New Life/'An Ancient Prophecy' now up. Enjoy Turkey Day and r/r/s away as always. Ch 153 'Maelstrom in Space'/Saiyaan Airlines- The Only Way to Fly!' soon. Read or re-read Chapters 15 to 25 for a holiday jolly. Kei is O'Scrooge and Iris is McMarley while Yuri is 'McCratchit! Kome is Tiny Tim and er it goes like that in Kei's dreams anyway! Hey, the title is Xmas with the DP, ain't it? Have a nice holiday weekend, SFN, Kami bless you all and domo arigatou for the support. Toodles-K&K Ch 153 'Maelstrom in Space' or 'Saiyaan Airlines-The Only Way to Fly!' now up. Ch 154 'Anomaly Heaven' or 'Elda's Walkabout' coming soon. Please r/r/s away and SFN. have a great day and arigatou a lot for all your help and support, hazu! Toodles to you all-K&K Wanna hint about oro is still to come? OK then- Here are the titles of the next fifteen chappies starting with 155:- 155 'Arcturis in Space' or 'Tale of the Tardises' 156 'Ruhri's Adventure' or 'Malls can be Deadly' 157 'Soto's Dilemna' or 'Tommy Meets an Angel' 158 'The Prodigals Return' or 'Shopping Trip' 159 'Tommy's Secret Mission' or 'Bankotsu Flight' 160 'Gallifreyan Nightmare' or 'Demonic Angels' 161 'War on Gallifrey' or 'The Siege' 162 'Oro Just happened?' or 'Did it Work?' 163 'Dueling the Doctor' or 'Return Visit to Splattertown' 164 'KP Hijinks' or 'Kome Meets Kakashi' 165 'Mar Keeps the Peace' or 'No More Minis!' 166 'Naomi Has Reservations' or 'Big Spike's Decision' 167 'Garden of the Guardians' or 'Time Tacklers' 168 'The Angel Flies Again!' or 'No Rest for the Weary?' 169 'The Final Solution' or 'New Crewman Aboard?' Well now ya got the hints. I hope you stay tuned for the rest of the show. Toodles-K&K Ch 154 up and 155 soon. Ja Mata, tomos-K&K Ch 155 up Ch 156 soon. Have a nice weekend and r/r/s away. Arigatou for the support. Kami bless you all and SFN. Toodles-K&K Ch 156 up. Ch 157 soon. Enjoy and r/r/s away. SFN and Kami bless. Toodles-K&K Ch 157 posted and 158 coming soon. Enjoy the day and toodles-K&K Ch 158 posted. Shopping time and a new guy too! Ch 159 soon. Enjoy the day and r/r/s away. Kami bless you all. SFN and toodles-K&K--By the way I'll post the remaining chappie titles soon. The very last Chapter will be 183. Arigatou-K&K Ch 159 up. Ch 160 soon. Best of good fortune in 2008. SFN and Kami bless you all for your support. R/R/S away and toodles-K&K Here are the very last chapter titles (170 to 184). They are real doozies lemme tell ya:- Ch 170 'Mr. White Explains'/Feudal Arrangements' Ch 171 'Ojou's Error'/Ready Room Raiders'http:///photos/photo/418807" Ch 172 'We Aren't In Shirokin Anymore'/EJ- Phone Home!' Ch 173 'Are You Ready For Some Football?"/Killers vs Hawks- First Half' Ch 174 'Game In Holding Pattern'/Zoe Calls In A Favor' Ch 175 'Alchemist In The Backfield'/Arcanum Actions' (2nd Half of Football Game) Ch 176 'Trip To Seto Kaiba'/Winry's New Winter Wardrobe' Ch 177 'Gysymeo Again?'/How Does It Work?' Ch 178 'Winry Makes a New Tomo'/Return of Khan?' Ch 179 'The Bay Comes Back'/James the Storyteller' Ch 180 'Pizza Again?'Fancy Dress Football?' Ch 181 'Unexpected Guests'/Too Damned many Weddings!' Ch 182 'Vikers' Paradise Lost'/Rio To the Rescue' Ch 183 'Son of Shenron'/The Hunt Is On' Ch 184 'The Last Wish'/The End Of It All?' That's It and no telling when it'll be completed either! On paper it's done but posting is something else man! Have a nice day. Toodles-K&K PS- I had another birthday in July and now I am 58 years young! I have a website here too- /people/groups/anime-a-holics (or jsut anime will get you there too). Come check it out even if ya ain't over 50. I accept all ages there. Ja mata and SFN. Kami bless you all for your support and welcome to my newest pal allie39@. Enjoy and read/review/suggest away and lemme know oro (what) you think.-K&K Ch 160 up. Ch 161 soon. Happy 2008 and Kami bless you all in the coming year. s/s/r away and SFN. Toodles-K&K At /forums/fanfiction/Dirty Pair Fanfiction I have just finished posting Ch 1 thru 45 of this ff. Check it out if you'd like. It's a great way to play catchup or review earlier chapter(s) w/o going nut searching for it here. Have a cool day and SFN. Ja mata and kami bless you all. Please r/r/s away and toodles-K&K Just posted up to and incl Ch 56 (SB 247 in 2251 AD) at animeonline. Toodles-K&K Just posted up to and including Ch 60 at ANOL and just posted Ch 161 'War on Gallifrey' or 'The Siege' here. Enjoy and toodles-K&K I have now posted up to Ch 90 in ANOL and will soon post Ch 162 here. Please read my feelings about HBO closing out (after 31 gloroius years!) without a shadow of a doubt the greatest sports format show of all time- Inside the NFL! I have posted a message here:/Animeaholics1; /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction; /dirtypair2; /people/groups/anime-a-holics; /animeontv; newsroom@; /community; /fanfictions/woohpmeetstheangels&co.(continuedfromch160). While you're at this site check out my new avatar of Kei and then check out /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction/Profile and Home pages to see lots of Angels' stuff! Kudos to the manning bros and their dad the very first NO Saints' (QB) Hall of Famer! SFN and Kami bless you all. R/R/S away and ja mata. See ya soon and toodles-K&K All Chapters 1 through current chapter 161 are now in exact order on contents/chapters page. Enjoy the story and I hope to post 162 soon. Toodles-K&K Finally! Just posted Ch 162. Before 163 begins I will have a revamping of the crews again. That will be later as I got jury duty tomorrow. R/R/S away and SFN. Kami bless you all. Toodles and see ya soon-K&K Posted Ch 163 and Ch 164 soon. Up to Ch 110 at now. All chapters/titles listed at Profile page over there too. Special character list at beginning of Ch 163. Enjoy and r/r/s away. SFN and Kami bless you all. See ya soon. Toodles-K&K I just now finally finished posting all the way up to Ch 125 here: /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction. Hope you like 'em-K&K It is now official gang! I have now posted the first 150 chapters of Xmas with the DP at ! Yay! R/R/S away and a big domo arigatou to my loyal readers and helpers. Have a great weekend and I hope to post Ch 164 here soon! SFN and Kami bless you all. See ya soon. Toodles-K&K OK- Finally! Here is Ch 164 for ya with 165 not far behind it. Toodles-K&K I have achieved a miracle hazu! I have now managed to post Ch 1 through 164 both here and at /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction as well. I will continue to post here chappie by chappie and I will post at ANOL in 5 chappie increments. Domo arigatou for all the help and support tomos watashi. SFN and SYS. Ja mata and Kami bless you all. Enjoy the story and now it's time for me to do those blsted taxes for me, Mom and Brothers Bobby and Pete. Have a cool weekend and don't look for any updates for awhile eh? Toodles-K&K Chapter 165 has just been posted here and at as well. Please r/r/s away. SFN and toodles-K&K Chapters 166 to 169 have been posted here and at too. Enjoy and r/r/s away. Toodles-K&K Have now posted up to and including Ch 170 here and at as well. Enjoy and toodles-K&K Just added Ch 171 and 172 here and at as well. Enjoy.Kami bless and I just added Ch 173 to 184 at both places. Of course this ends the ff finally. Please r/r/s away and let me know how ya liked the story, my numerous cliffhangers and especially the ending if indeed it has an ending eh? I can use some suggestions and insights from all you tomos out there 'cause I'm gonna start a new ff featuring those two kawii Amazonian Angels- Kei and Yuri. Also included will be newbies Rio (Burn Up W) and Marina Oki (Cosmic Warrior Zero). As yet untitled both lasses will be newly assigned to positions in either Furool City or Elenore City on Shimougou. Both will be 'UG' and 3WA tro-cons although Marina has more experience hence she'll be a subaltern a suba while Rio a rookie will only be an ensign or a cadet from the Academy. Both are wild but not as bad as the Boss (Kei). Have a kawaii Derby weekend and if the powers that be think an extreme outside post start makes a favorite I beg to differ. Secretariat might win from there but not Big Brown. Tale of Ekati (named after the diamond mine up North on History Channel's Ice Rd Truckers series) with Coia up will take the prize. He's in Post 2 on the far inside. Toodles for a bit. Got an appraiser coming Monday for my refi so sfn and sys. Kami bless you all for your advice, assistance and support all these years. The new ff won't be anywhere near as long as this monster was! It's been great tomos watashi and Toodles-K&K Check out Xmas w/ the DP under Chapter Epilogue/Angel Wings. I need help with my newest ff attempt. Domo arigatou and any suggestions greatly appreciated man. SFN and SYS. Kami bless you all and toodles-K&K Just started ff 2 called 'Angel Wings'. Posted Ch 1 'Creature from the Black Lagoon'/'The Angels meet Revy Roberts'. It's all about oro Kei, Yuri, Blue, Kome, Mar and the rest are doing after the God Gun missions finish (did they really?). Kei and her cadre are running the 3WA Academy and several new characters are added as student trainees and as instructors. Who? Aw, that'd be telling. Please r/r/s away and have a hoob-a-dooble day! Toodles and Kami bless-K&K Ch 2 'A Spoiled Drink'/'The Returns Begin' now up. Enjoy Mom's Day and toodles-K&K Ch 3 'Another Doctor?'/'Ninjas On the Loose!' up now both sites. Enjoy and r/r/s away. I need ideas hazu! Toodles-K&K Ch 4- 'Reunion In Time?' or 'Closing Problems' Again?' now up both sites. Ch 5 now up. Ch 6 soon but not till next week. Enjoy the weekend. Toodles-K&K Ch 5 and 6 both up with Ch 7 real soon. Named the 3WA Academy 'Takachiho Academy' in honour of Mr. T himself. New characters coming and a new storyline and plot. Please r/r/s away and oh yeah Ch 1-6 are up both here and at ANOL as well. More later. Have a cool day hazu. SFN/SYS and Kami bless you all. Toodles-K&K I'll post more titles as they come to me. Check out my companion ff site at /forums/fanfics/Dirty Pair Fanfiction especially my Profile page and my new signature photo of the Angels. It was made exclusively for me by 'highteckdudu' who is another ff writing lassie over there. Her Profile page is awesome and includes pix of her own original character Neko. She has graciously allowed me to use Neko in my ff's. She is a nekomata trill and Jon Harlock's navigator on the 'Botany Bay 2'. Her last name is Olson. Revy (Roberts) hails from 'Black Lagoon' a really cool anime series about guns for hire! And get this- Revy has a fouler mouth than Kei does! Just posted Ch 19 both places. Ch 20 soon. An unexpected guest of the Spies has just shown up. Guess who? A famous horseman 'the fox so cunning and free' kidnaps one of the crew in chapter (12) and Kei gets a new security chief. In Ch 13 she gets a new helper in engineering. Ch 14 brings Lupin and Zenigata aboard. Ch 15 is the Gate adventure. Ch 17 brings really surprised visitors and I guarantee you won't be able to guess who they are. Well Ch 19 is here and so are the IRTs. Who are they? Read it and find out. Ice Road Truckers' load count: Eric has 27, Hugh has 25, Bear has 24, Alex is at 23, Rick has 15 and Drew has only 11 so far. There are a total of 125 delivered to Basilisk with 50 to go out of a total of 175 loads. Who will win? Just posted Ch 23 both sites. By the way on IRT on HC as of 8/17 Eric and Hugh are tied at 59 loads, Bear has 52, Rick has 45, Alex has 22 and Drew is still dead last with 7 or maybe 8 loads. My ff has 'em hauling 257 loads up the ice on Gysymeo then going to Workoh to do a rescue mission with the Angels. Ch 26 posted. Ch 27 real soon I hope. More details later but some old tomos and a new one will show up real soon- Hint: think pirates!Toodles-K&K THE CHAPTER TITLES FOR 'ANGEL WINGS' ARE:- 1- 'Creature From the Black Lagoon' or 'The Angels Meet Revy Roberts' 2- 'A Spoiled Drink' or 'The Returns Begin' 3- 'Another Doctor?' or 'Ninjas On the Loose!' 4- 'Reunion In Time?' or 'Closing Problems- Again?' 5- 'Revy's Raiders' or 'Turtles and Reapers and Ninjas- Oh My!' 6- 'Shinigami Shenanigans' or 'Book Of the Dead?' 7- 'Revy Rocks the Ark' or 'Feudal Funk' 8- 'Two Cats' or 'The Doctor's Sunbird' 9- 'Peri Meets Snow White' or 'Jonins In Jeopardy' 10- 'An Apple A Day' or 'The Spies Who Came In From the Cold' 11- 'Snake In the Bays' or 'Mandy In the Morning' 12- 'Oz Meets Wonderland?' or 'Turmoil On the Holodecks?' 13- 'Two Katanas Are Better Than One?' or 'Whose Woman Are You, Kaggie?' 14- 'Lock Up Your Valuables- Lupin's Back!' or 'Peri Makes A New Tomo' 15- 'The Galactic Gate' or 'Pray That This Works, Folks!' 16- 'Revy Meets the Major' or 'Strange Bedfellows' 17- 'Ice Road In Space?' or 'Space Age Truckers?' 18- 'Basilisk Or Bust!' or 'Rampage On Rygiel' 19- 'Angelic Contract- Again?' or 'Johnny's Back!' 20- 'Johnny's Angelic Insurance Policy' or 'Raven To the Rescue' 21- 'Raven's daring Plan' or 'Viscious's Hospitality Suites' 22- 'Of Gysymeo And Galthorgs' or 'Iceroading In Style'http:///photos/photo/418783" 23- 'Angel In Peril' or 'Reaper Roundup' 24- 'Goodbye Gysymeo' or 'Ice Brigade Decision' (In two parts here and three at ) 25- 'Ice Road Shooters' or 'The 'Kitten' That Couldn't Be Tamed'http:///photos/photo/429556" 26- 'A Nefarious Plot' or 'Aizu (Eyes) In the Shadows?' 27- 'The Final Solution' or 'Yuri Hunts A Ghost' 28- 'Ghostly Gambit' or 'Kei Makes A Deal'http:///photos/photo/418799" 29- 'Springing A Trap' or 'Kei Keeps A Promise' 30- 'Talk or Die' or 'Blue eets A Pirate From the Past' 31- 'Angelic Travel Plans?' or 'New Navvie?' 32- 'PNO'-'Navigational Nightmares' or 'Nami Joins the 3WA' 33- 'What's In A Name?' or 'The Boss, the 'Glave' and the 'Beast'- 'Krull'!' 34- 'Mithril Battle Armour' or 'Back to School' 35- 'The Scarecrow of Jakotsu' or 'Sally Tells the Truth' 36- 'Daddy Calls It Quits' or 'The Brat Awakens' 37- 'The Siege That Never Was' or 'Heaven Is A Quiet Holodeck' 38- 'Secret Talks' or 'Designated Driver' 39- 'Tapping A Supernova' or 'Ariadne's Thread' 40- 'The Two Towers' or 'Kei Cracks the Code' 41- 'The Gladys Solution' or 'Final Preparations' 42- 'The Queen of Supernovas' or 'The Guardians Explain' 43- 'Hyuga Transfusion' or 'Shadow In the Bays' 44- 'Message From the Garden' or 'Big Game Rematch' 45- 'We'll Leave the Lights On For You' or 'Team Rosters' 46- 'The Big Game II- First Quarter' or 'A Strange Start' 47- 'The Big Game II- Second Quarter' or 'Three the Hard Way' 48- 'The Big Game II- Halftime' or 'Desperation Time/ Pep Rally' 49- 'The Big Game II- Third Quarter' or 'Using All Your Options' 50- 'The Big Game II- Fourth Quarter' or Outta Time In More Ways Than One' Gonna be awhile like a few weeks or so before I post anything again. You see my employers Landamerica just terminated me after almost 30 years with them and almost 40 in the title business overall. Read all about it at my other websites. Gotta split so the usual stuff and SFN/Toodles-K&K It has been awhile and now I'm fighting Hotmail for my keimanzero email acct. The bastards closed it for no reason and now they're dragging their feet about reopening it! It's playing Hell with my work too because that's how I make a living these days. Surveys, blogs, writing jobs, surf webads, contests, games, data entry work, etc. My blogs are all screwed up and even AH1 and anime-a-holics (AAH) are mucked up now as well. ANOL has 'lost' my Profile/Bio/pix pages and nobody seems to know howto recover 'em! Anyway Chapters 1 through 30 are now up and posted here and at ANOL. Please r/r/s away and a happy belated hb to both Keis and Yuris. A belated Meri Kurisumasu and HNY to all my tomos watashi out there. Dunno how I could have navigated these rough seas w/o your loyalty and support folks! Visit my websites and blogs please and review them and AW for me please: /yahoogroups (Animeaholics1) TRIOND and soon MySpace Freelance Home Writers are my new job source and they only charged 3 to join. I get a job bank, assistance, ebooks, support- you name it and I get it! My fanficcys are of course Xmas w/ the DP and Angel Wings Well my Saints didn't make it this year bu the Az Cards did for the very first time! Hooray! Keitarou's team vs Ojo's! Don't miss next week's SB from Tampa FL. Remember and old chestnut called Black Sunday? Gotta go but here are my emails for the time being. Any of ya are more than welcome to correspond with me directly and if anyone knows Hotmail's phone number please email me or just post it somewhere! Please! I need my email acct back from them and damned soon too! I'm starving man! lilbearpal@ (My brother Bobby's acct. He's getting a new 2009 Suzuki XL7 Monday. Sayonara to his 2007 Jeep Liberty Sport SUV.) keiman0@ (My acct at yahoo which I didn't even know I had) lovely.angel4@ (My Mama's acct at Hotmail) Looks like I might be getting back my Hotmail 'keimanzero' email acct at last! Hooray! I can start making a little swag again! No jobs in my profssion around here for a good while. If I relocate a few hundred miles away from here- yeah that is if I want to start from the bottom up- I'm 59 for Kami's sake! Anyhow here's the latest posts for AW. Up to and now including 31! Ch 32? Soon I hope! Check out my two permanent blogs: Visit my ol clubs/blogs too: Wednesday eh? No anime on tv tonight dammit! My anime schedule for tv? OK here it is gang. Read it and cry! Sunday- None Monday- 11PM ET to 1 AM ET Sci Fi Channel has Ani-Mondays which is Gundam 00- Season 2 (2 eppys) followed by a double eppy of Rave Master Tuesday- Until recently we had HellGirl at 8:30 PM ET and 11:30 PM ET with Witchblade at 2 AM ET. Both repeated Fridays at 11:30 PM ET or 12:30 AM ET (HG) and 2 AM ET (WBL) Now they show the same Friday schedule but Tuesdays times are 3 AM ET (HG) and 3:30 AM ET (WBL) Oh they air on IFC the Independent Film Channel. Wednesday- None Thursday- Sometimes but none now. Friday- See Tuesday above. Saturday- Jackpot! 7 PM ET to 9:30 PM ET is an anime or cartoon film 9:30 PM ET- An eppy of Naruto (Not No More) 12:30 AM ET to 1 AM ET - Bleach (2 eppys) 1:30 AM ET- Moribito 2 AM ET- Code Geass 2:30 AM ET- Fullmetal Alchemist 3 AM ET- Death Note 3:30 AM ET- Ghost in the Shell 4 AM ET- Cowboy Bebop 4:30 AM ET- Big O 5 AM ET to 6 AM ET- InuYasha (2 epys) Sunday- If we're lucky sometimes Starz Encore Action has afternoon films but not very often. Arigatou Kami for ComcastOnDemand especially Cutting Edge where there is a little anime to befound for free. Not much available on PPV OnDemand either! Well as always r/r/s away and know this- AW (on paper) is up to Ch 60 already! The usual endings and toodles my tomos all-K&K 4 AM ET- Check out the pix albums at AAH and AH1 and my blogs too! SFN/SYS/JM/KBYA/KYSOTI/TTFN/Toodles-K&K Just posted Ch 32 'PNO'-'Navigational Nightmares' or 'Nami Joins the 3WA'. Next up will be Ch 33 'What's In A Name?' or 'The Boss, the Glave and the Beast- Krull!' in which our fave redheaded heroine ain't just in hot water- she's in hot lava! In the previous chapter (32) Nami's real Christian name was revealed to be Oranmia! Wait until the other cadets at Takachiho Academy fnd that out! R/R/S away and don't forget that the Ides of April are fast approaching! Time to start our income taxes eh? One more thing tomos- I just started yet another blog. Where? BION I was watching HellGirl on IFC on tv or was it Witchblade? No matter they were advertising their blogsite at so I opened 'Keiman's Anime Blog' over there. Just one post so far 'HellGirl Is Here!' I hve added a few more blog posts at http:// and at http:// Sorry but MySpace and Facebook are too virus prone so they have both seen the last of the Keiman I'm afraid. My Animeaholics1 at YG and my anime-a-holics at EONS have new posts. By the way my old keimanzero@ email acct has been illegally closed- for the nonce! My new one is keiman0@ I just got EONS aoh back online for posting and stuff. If you are brave enough MySpace has over 700 pix in my album there. AH1, aoh, dyla, aff and a few of my blogs/clubs do as well. Just posted Ch 34 'Mithril Battle Armour' or 'Back to School' which introduces two new characters to AW. Dr Sally Mimoru is a 28 year old ash blonde quantum physics research scientist and Kira Gordon is a 12 year old schoolgirl with BetaZoidlike psychic powers. Oh yeah and she's a genius scientist kid to boot! Ch 35 'The Scarecrow of Jakotsu' or ''Sally Tells the Truth' coming real soon I hope. 's 'Keiman's Anime Blog' has been posted to twice so far. The first is about 'Hell Girl' ad the second's about 'Witchblade'. They're cool so check 'em out and comment if ya like. Cool pix in all my blogs. Found some motorcyclists/animefans at where Bobby (my brother) is a lifetime member. Think I overdid it with the pix though. So I 'albumed' them instead of having them run nonstop. Hey! Nonstop! That's the title of the Flash Angels' theme I liked a lot. 'Nonstop Angel' and I even used to sing the lyrics in Japanese while humming the tune too. That's the theme that features the 'Sailor Moon' and 'Cutey Honey' Angelic 'morphing' scenes. I'm watching an anime now called 'Valkyrie' (UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie is its full moniker which explains why I'd never heard of it before) about an lien princess (Valkyrie) who transforms in Angel fashion into her true form as a grown up female Viking babe. Her usual form is a precocious five year old brat! Valhalla is the planet she called home until she came to Terra. She was found by a teenaged boy who ran a bathhouse (hot springs) and he fell in love with her. A short time later to save his life Valkyrie kissed him thus trapping herself in the kid form. It ain't to clear how everyone else at the bathhouse can also 'morph' into warriors but I'm watching Season 2 on COD/CE/TAN/Valkyrie. Just starting at COD/CE/TAN is DN Angel butI haven't seen it yet. Burst Angel on COD/CE/AnimeSelects/WickedAnime looks like a female version of Trigun (Vash the Stampede) only it's Terra not Gunsmoke and the gals are cops not outlaws! Damn! COD dropped 'Naughty Ninjas' after just one run (12 episodes) and it was a cool anime too! Forget it, man. I have already looked for it online to buy and there is rei (nothing) except Amazon which as a couple of episodes. Morabito is up to Vol 3 which has Eppys 8 to 10. Vols 1-2 have Eppys 1 through 7 and more are not due to be dubbed for a long while! IFC now shows Hellgirl and Witchblade back to back at 3 AM ET Tuesdays and Fridays. HG is being run in order but WB got up to 22 (COD/CE/IFC/Anime/WB has 21 and 22 running now) then cut back to 9 last night. AniMonday's Sci Fi Channel had a good old chestnut if you like riddles. It was 'X'- Dragons of Heaven vs Dragons of Earth? Remember? Kamui vs Kamui? Well it makes no sense at all unless you've seen or read the prior animes in the Babylon series. Or you could read the X mangas which ended unfinished. Another problemo is that there are thee X's- the movie, the series and the OVA (direct to video) and each is a mite different, however, each one has an ending of sorts. SF aired the movie X Monday night wich is about the only one ever shown. Well like Shin Chan Nohara always says 'Time to go' so don't forget to r/r/s away and hooble-toodle-doo. Kami bless you all and sayonara for now. See ya soon-K&K AW Update: Chapters 1 through 40 now posted here, at ANOL, at http://, at /Keiman's Anime Blog and at /groups/group/anime-a-holics Ongoing chapter titles' list above updated. This entire Profile is viewable at all above blog sites and was just transferred to http:// and my ANOL messages boards. Two new characters and several old ones have arrived on AW and a siege at a mountain cabin may be in the offing. Another fave anime guy is coming in another chapter or two. Hint: He want Suba Marina Oki back a his exec! His 'new' ship is the 'Liberator' and Villa is in AW but not Blake. Learn all about novas and Ariadne, Guardians and the like. Ch 43 features two rare Ninja chakra jutsus and only Neji and Hinata can do them! Hinata saves the day and the Black Guardian comes to her aid in her time of need. A Silurian makes an appearance of sorts and then comes the rematch of the Big Game betwixt Hans Hawks and Keis Killers on the holodeck gridiron. Get out there and win one for the 'Kitten'! as Mikey says. R/R/S away and check out my blogs. Just started 'Angels & Tomos' pix album over at ANOL with first 15 of 60 posted. Gomen but 60 is their max now. The entire 'A&T' album is at eons/anime-a-holics and yup mine is still the only 'real' anime club at EONS! Blog Alert: ABHORS anime and ADORES cartoons so much that they flat out REFUSED to publish any of my blog posts! I have 700 pix at but MS seems to be virus prone so I have stopped using it! is IFC's blogpages website and it is so-o-o easy to use! You can type, transfer copy directy, add images, add documents, add videofeeds, theworks and it is all FREE! Blogspot and Today are free as well. Don't miss Hell Girl tonight on IFC at 11:30 PM ET. No Witchblade though dammit! Tomorrow night is our night on CN's AS with Bleach, CG, FMA, SC, DN, GS, CB, Big O and IY all night long! Dunno about Naruto at 9:30 PM ET but Bleach kicks off the fun at 1 AM ET! Go to eons and today blogs for ComcastOnDemand TV Anime viewing updates on the 1st and 15th of the month. Hellgirl tonight at 3 AM ET on IFC followed by Witchblade. Sci Fi's AniMonday featured Ninja Scroll last night with a poisonous Wendee Lee and an evil Richard Epcar! As Shin Chan Nohara would say 'Time to go' and so as 'CC' says 'I'm gone, good buddy. Bye bye.' R/R/S away and toodles. Sayonara for a little while-K&K Been awhile guys and gals and I truly do apologize for the delay. Now up to 49 chapters and soon I'll add to the above chappie list. More soon I promise. I'm gone- K&K Happy 4th of July gang! I have just begun a group at Windows Live Hotmail called Animefriends. Come check it out and join if you like. I emailed re the omission of Angel Wings from the Anime/Dirty Pair list of ff works. Hopefully they WILL correct this grave oversight. I did change from Adventure/Fantasy to SciFi/Adventure for the genres. By the way did ya know that on 7 July (I turn 60 the next day but stll feel like 15) SciFi Channel/ becomes SYFY Channel/? Nobody can figure out the reason for the change. Anyone? Time to go as Shin Chan Nohara says so th-th-that's all folks! See ya round the web- K&K Now I have posted up to Ch 58 of Angel Wings. Twice monthly I post an anime on TV guide for ComcastOnDemand programming. That's on the 1st and 15th of each month at various places but always at /groups/group/anime-a-holics/files. Check it out and let me know how you like it. You'll find a list of my websites, blogs, fanfiction posting sites, etc. there as well. More soon. Sayonara for now- K&K Been awhile I know and finally I can report that Ch 59 has just been posted. Yay! I have several more blogs now and a coupe of new websites too. I even have a number of sporting website groups (NFL esp the NO Saints- my fave team and Kei's too). I added a new current pix of Haruka Takachiho the ANGELS' creator to my pix at my EONS/anime-a-holics site and at my WindowsLive wall and FaceBook wall too. My MySpace wall/blog has almost a thousand pix now. Hope to post Ch 60 of AW by Thanksgiving. Just began reposting Christmas w/ the DP chapters at Gaia- I just found out they have forums and accept fanfiction works. And you can earn gold just by surfing, posting, inviting friends, playing games, commenting, blogging, practically everything and you can use that gold to equip your avatar, his/her house, car, aquarium, or trade 'em for cash to buy real stuff for you! Go to and you'll see oro I mean. Happy holidays to all of my tomos out there and may Kami bless you all- K&K As I write this 23 Nov 09 I am starting to post Chapter 60 of Angel Wings and know this- you can now find AW along with Christmas at Why? Because I dropped its M rating to K on advice from the moderators at . Ch 60 up before Turkey Day. We'll try!-K&K It's been awhile I know but with 5 anime club websites, innumerous online groups, the anime on TV twice monthly guide, Q&A trivia, reviews, PC problems, legal difficulties, writing even more faficcys, the death of Mama 26 June, selling the house, taking care of Mama's final expenses, finding a new house, moving, etc. along with my being a guest of the County of Delaware for two months on picayune trumped up charges, now being under house arrest home monitoring and being unable to see my new home until 12 August at the earliest- there has just been no time for anything. I came home 18 June and eight days later Mama crossed over to be with her 'knight in shining armour' my dear Papa. They are now interred head to head in the same mausoleum crypt as they both wanted. It still hurts and having been diagnosed with severe depression and having to take Wellbutrin (150 mgs) daily I am starting to slip backwards into the area of th dark again. Maybe I should halve my dosage. I do have lots more to say but that's for later- after we have been resettled into our new home and Bobby can allow the roshii to 'rest in peace' at long last. One minor problem tody. This AM a circuit breaker 'tripped' and I had to have an electrician in to replace it. Took him less than ten minutes and arigatou Kami it wasn't on the same circuit as our TV and PC. Boy will I be glad when I get this thing off my leg. Then we can fumigate the house and rid it of those detestable vermin and the smell from that leaky spray can of pepper spray Mama had had squirreled away for years. OK it's Sayonara for now and see ya soon from K&K the Scion of Anime (Tell ya later) fka the Keiman or the Boss. still here in Brookhaven PA-SA at least for the time being anyway. Let's try for Ch 70 either 6 or 9 August to be posted here. You are all my dear tomodachis bar none and I think of you as part of my global family. Sayonara for now and see ya soon- K&K the Scion of Anime Gomen hazu (Sorry gang)! I know I swore to post Chapter 70 by either Hiroshima or Nagasaki Day but things got all flummoxed up what with losing Mama in June and now it's 5 October 10 and I am STILL under house arrest and I have YET to have my day in court! 16 continuances with the majority being done by the prosecution which means I will have all charges against me dropped and the case tossed out for undue and unnecessary delay as provided for by Pennsylvania law! My attorney was flabbergasted when the 16 September date was yet AGAIN continued until 28 October- 3 days before the Dark Night of Samhain aka Hall-o-we'en! We hope this will be the last time the case is deliberately and maliciously delayed by the prosecution or to tell the whole truth- the plaintiff himself, a Pennsy state senator I cannot name but his initials are exactly the same as the Angels' 'other' name- the one that gets you belted in the chops if you mention it in their presence! The DP of course! Lots to tell but for now suffice it to say that there was only a single edition of September's twice monthly COD anime on TV viewing guide for various reasons. Hope I can do two in October. Several new irons in the fire that will have to wait. I haven't had any suggestions for anything in a long while now. Ditto for reviews/critiques of Xmas and Wings. I did write two new ones re the Deadly Dynamic Duo and both concern the True Knights of the Temple and their sole surviving descendant who just happens to be an officer in the galactic Space Command in the 23rd Century. A few old enemies return to bedevil the Angels and as usual all jigoku (Hell) breaks loose! I wrote them but I won't post them until Wings concludes. The same goes for my two very first writing endeavours from my hs days in the 60s and my 70s college days. The one is apropos for Hall-o-we'en and I may be persuaded to post it before my court date. It and the other one are each only a few pages long so relax folks. Xmas was 180 chapters and Wings is up to 70 (almost) but I promise Wings IS winding down and I must confess I am a bit stumped- not exactly writer's block but pretty close to it. Frustrating to be worrying over selling a house and finding another one yet being unable to house hunt save over the web and phone. OK I posted a few lengthy messages at aah (EONS) and at AH1 (YG). I have begun posting Xmas and Wings chapters at the latter under Files. I've now got a wall on FaceBook and you can tweet me on Twitter or zang me on MySpace. I have a group called Anime Friends at Windows Live Messenger and a wall of sorts at (keiman0@). My other email is keimanzero@ and is used very sparingly these days. And I believe I have founded the only anime and sports group ever. It's Saint K's Anime Friends and it's at Showtime's Inside the NFL at . I'm over at and I just got back into (Arigatou Kami (Thank God) for Windows 7). I post illustrated chapters at and at anml under AL Journals/KeimanzerosAnimeAnnouncementsParlor. I am also a Dawn Radical clansman at anml too thanks to The Zorch and a few other true friends from YG and EONS. Well sayonara for now, it's time to go and see ya soon and keep your stick on the ice but before I go I want to entice you guys and gals to onegai (please) R/R/S away! I have several reviews of Xmas you've done but hardly any for Wings and not very many suggestions for it either. So I'll say ja mata (see you later) and toodles tomodachis (very good friends) all- K&K the Scion of Anime fka the Keiman of Anime Done this 5 October 2010. Been awhile and I'll do a proper catchup later. At EONS I belong to 12 groups now:anime-a-holics; Anime Music Videos; Getting Around On EONS; Computer Technology & Internet Solutions; Topical Breezes; 2 Work from home groups; Studio; Managers & Moderators; Restless Nights; Irish Coffee House and Becomng One With All. I manage aah as well as YG's Animeaholics 1 and I moderate ICH. All are elcome at any of our groups. C'mon over and see how you like us. Join if you like. Just be over 12 for my groups and contrary to popular belief EONS is NOT just for the over 50 crowd anymore. Thanks to yours truly and my mods and a lot of other kind folks EONS now allows us founders and managers to set the age limits so long as there is no upper age limit and we make sure the small fry don't get into the wrong clubs. Hence my over 12 for anime rules. More later. Sayonara for now and see ya soon. Keep your stick on the ice and ja mata. Tooles tomodachi mai- Jack/K&K Scion fka Keiman of Anime. Been awhile but I have been busy since our big move to Campbelltown in Lebanon County PA-USA. We live betwixt Hershey and Palmyra, Lebanon and Harrisburg way out in the boondocks baby! OK Christmas is done, so at last is Angel Wings as well as Galactic Treasure Hunt and Angelic Pyramid. Soon to be posted- Goblins and Operation: Diversion, both of which were written in my long ago 'salad days' of my youth. Don't get me wrong now. Although I turn 63 in July (eighth) I still feel like I'm ichigo (one five = fifteen). I live with my disabled younger brother Bobby who is 56 and our youngest brother Pete (54) still lives in Chester PA back in Delaware County. In March we mourned the 17th year without Papa who passed over in 1995. In June it will be two years since Mama passed on. She was 83 and Papa had been 70. Family that like me all live in Erin the old country except for a few who ignore us. Family that hate me all live within 50 miles except for one in CA, one in WA and a few in Australia. No friends save my online 'families' to whom I feel closer than my own real 'blood kin'. Once more here are the links to my illustrated chapters at Gaia- http:///gsearch/topichistory/keimanzero/12292579/ Well take care and keep yer sticks on the ice me old boyos, kawaii colleens and handsome gossoons!- keimanandkei aka keimanzero Scion fka Keiman of Anime of PA. I turn the big 6-4 on 8 July 2013 but yeah I still feel like a 15 year old kid BION! Gaia has seen fit to ban me for no reasons I can fathom but it's their loss not mine eh? Everything I have so far written has been posted here or elsewhere- Facebook, Twitter, Google, MySpace, YG at AH1 and my new group there 3WA Lovely Angel Kei Express, EONS aah group, , or my blogs. The sole exception is my just begun 'The Places Between the Stars' two chapters along which may not be posted at a lot of places yet. E have two other very old short tales I wrote in my youthful 'salad days' but I did not post them here or at Fictionpress although I probably will post them at the latter sometime soon. They are posted elsewhere online. They are 'And the Goblins Will get YOU!' and 'Operation: Diversion'. Both got rave reviews from my generous readers! I humbly domo arigatou them for their kindnesses. OK more later and go Oxbow at Belmont and go Big Easy Ernie Els at US Open at Merion next week! Later folks- Jack/K&K May kami bless all of you and have a swell Father's Day. Remember Operation Overlord today the sixth of June in 1944. RIP fallen patriots.- JKMc/K&K Here are all my fanfictions to date (As of 11 Dec 2013): Christmas With the Dirty Pair Angel Wings Galactic Treasure Hunt Angelic Pyramid Yuri Donovan's Christmas Carol AD 2255 (Apologies to Mr Chas Dickens!) Trucks In Space Places Between the Stars (8 chapters so far) Goblins Operation: Diversion That's all for now folks! Have happy and joyous and safe holiday season so buckle up and make sure your kid has the correct size and type carseat before you parents dot another 'i'! Kami bless and may the good Susannah Oh bring good fortune to us all in 2014! Meri Kurisumasu & Happy New Year!- K&K Been a good long while since our last chat folks! Places is now 32 chapters strong with lots of new faces, the familiar old ones and some we have not seen for some time as well. It's now June 2014 and almost Independence Day in the States. Four days after that, yours truly hit the big 65, BION! Anime fans here's the newest ASToonami lineup weekends from midnight to 6 AM ET on Cartoon Network and the ONLY anime we get on TV all week! Sorry they now begin AST at 11:30 on Saturdays! So here we go:- Attack on Titan; Bleach; Space Dandy; Naruto Shippuden; OnePiece; Blue Exorcist; Black Lagoon; Uncut Naruto; Beware the Batman!; Samurai Jack; Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood; Star Wars:The Clone Wars and finally Sym-Bionoic Titan. Up here we get RetroTV which airs old flicks hosted by a beatnik trio of Maxwell Truth, Bird and Zelda called OffBeat Cinema Sats/Suns at 10 PM ET. Saturday is my TV night guys and ladies! METV; RetroTV and AST/CN begins at 6 PM with a double dose of Adam 12 then a double dose of Batman! Wonder Woman follows and then either Star Trek or I Spy depending on my mood. Opposite WW is Route 66 if I have seen the WW entry. OBC from ten to twelve meaning I usually miss Titan but I have it and most of the other anime entries on DVD or VHS. WalMart has decided to join the anime revolution at last albeit online rather than in stores. Several of my survey groups where I earn my living have added anime merchandise to their offerings and I just got all 4 of the InuYasha films for free. Oh and by the way, we now watch Cold Squad and Cold Cases from Canada on RetroTV. One of the stars is Gary Chalk (he voiced Femur on War Planets and Optimus Prime on Transformers) as a Vancouver City police captain. A recurring character is a waiter at the police bar hangout played to the hilt by Richard Ian Cox (InuYasha. He had bits in RV with Robin Wms and Ghost Rider w/ Nicky Cage). A new character is a suspect's wife played by Teryl Rothery (Princess Abi on InuYasha). She also played a police detective/now coroner's ex-wife on both DaVinci's Inquest and DaVinci's City Hall both of these set in Vancouver City as well. Who says anime voicers can't act eh? The new Bebop live action film is an on again/off again thing which may be directed by Peter Jackson of Lord/Rings and Hobbit fame and at last check only Keanu Reeves had been penciled in as Spike Steigel. The Lovely Angels live film? Fun to speculate and pick actors/actresses for it and my choice for Kei (O'Halloran) is Angelina Jolie. Yuri (Donovan)? How about Alison Eastwood, Clint's kid? Tough yet feminine. Morgan Freeman might make a great Donald Poporo. Who else now? Anyone? OK. More soon but for now I have another idea for my ff. Later- K&K Nope. Didn't get back to Places yet. Here's the latest scoop about 4th of July weekend on ASToonami on CN on TV and TV around our house. No Boston Pops Goes the 4th this year so at 10 PM ET we'll watch the Macy's Fireworks display on the Brooklyn NY Docks. Lousy music but great boom booms! So Off Beat Cinema which we'll jump to at 10 PM Sat. Now AST is airing Eps 13 and 14 of Season 1 of Space Dandy from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM which means no Titan and no Bleach. At 12:30 AM Space Dandy begins Season 2! This series is nutty but fun and cool. I thought it was a piece of crap what w/ virtual unknown voicer Ian Sinclair (?) as the Elvis-like Dandy! From 1 AM to 6 AM Sunday it's biz as usual w/ OnePiece; Naruto Shippuden; Blue Exorcist; Black Lagoon (Second Barrage now); Beware the Batman!; Uncut Naruto; FMAB; Samurai Jack; Star Wars:The Clone Wars and Sym-Bionic Titan. Hercules hits theatres soon and RoboCop and Godzilla already have! This is the Summer of Remakes it seems and some are pretty cool! Don't care for the new Hercules but then again I grew up w/ Steve Reeves versions from Italy! Lou Ferrigno was almost as lousy as Arnie the Guvanator (Hercules in NY) but Kevin Sorbo (Kull the Conqueror) on TV was great! BTW, Kull and Conan were both Robert E Howard brain kids and Kevin and Arnie are the only guys to portray both Hercules and a Howard character. Arnie was Conan the Barbarian and Conan the Destroyer. He also played Kull in Red Sonja opposite Brigitte Nielsen and that too was from Howard's pen! Tonight OBC rounds out June with Bobby Vaughn as a Teenage Caveman at 10 PM ET. We lost a great actor this week when Eli Wallach passed on at the age of 88. Eli is best known for the Eastwood spaghetti Western The Good, the Bad and the Ugly but he was also the bail bondsman in Steve McQueen's final film Hunter and Eli was one of the TV Mr Freezes on Batman from the 70s. The others were Otto Preminger and George Sanders. Mr F was voiced by Chuck 'Rifleman' Connors and on the big silver screen the hapless villain was played to the hilt by Arnie the Guvanator. Sorry but I dunno if Mr F will even make a bow in the newest Beware the Batman! series. OK Chapter 32 of Places will feature a few new faces when Joe Friday and Bill Gannon of Badge 714 later known as Dragnet are discovered aboard Edie's 'space rig' by Holmes and Dr Watson! BTW, how about we give her rig a name? Any suggestions? Well think on it guys and ladies. The suggestion box is always here for ya at keiman0@ or at FB, TW, G, my blogs, websites, clubs or groups. Bobby's upset because Tiffany his friend who is soon to be wedded by Brian hasn't shown up yet, emailed or called. This babe says 'see ya at 10 AM' and shows up at 1400 hours the next day! I am used to being screwed but Bobby ain't. Gotta go now so Happy 4th and how about an eCard or two for my own birthday on 8 July? I'll be 65 and on MediCare BION!- Jack/K&K Chapter 32 of Places is now up. Bobby's stitches come out tomorrow. I have my 65th natal day Tuesday 8 July and I get to celebrate by going to Dr Pauli with Bobby again. He's a foot doctor. On 24 July I get to go w/ him to Doc Welch for his quarterly doctor GP visit. Don't I have lots of fun folks?- Jack/K&K Chapter 34 of Places now up. Please take this poll Poll Question for Chapter 35 It will determine whether or not Jonathan Smith and/or Mark Gordon from Highway to Heaven TV series are permitted to take part in the shooting matches to be held aboard the Mary Celeste space rig in deep space in the 23rd Century. Some readers are of the opinion that a real Angel should not be permitted to carry or discharge a firearm ever! However, a precedent of sorts was set in the TV series when both Mark and Jonathan (The Angel) worked as police officers. In fact, Mark is a former Oakland CA police officer himself. During the time they both served as cops, they both carried guns. Whether or not they ever fired them I cannot recall. Hence, the poll where majority will rule. Bobby had his quarterly check up w/ Doc Welsh. Next up I will try and afford an eye exam and new glasses. Not until the fall though because after I pay the $61 to Aetna for my MediCare supplement plan I won't be able to afford the $35 co-pay to my GP or for the eye exam and new glasses. Helluva way to treat a US Veteran who put his life on the line for the citizens of this nation for 8 long years, eh? Ah well, I am getting used to disappointments and stuff. I am still starving but never fear, Bobby still gets his one meal a day to my none. I keep hoping for a taste test survey so I can at least get part of a meal sometimes but nobody cares about me! I just wish I could go to sleep and never wake up again! I'd be better off dead and that's what everyone else wants to happen anyway, right? 26 July 2014 Just posted Ch 35 of Places. Watch for the big quick draw showdowns and the shooting matches. In Ch 36, we return to the real missions. I am determined to finish this saga before the end of this summer! I hope I can live up to my promise! Have a nice day this 7 Aug 2014. Chapter 36 is gonna be a tickler. I have to re-read from Chapter 33 on before I can figure out where I am in the storyline plots. Still looking for suggestions for this ff and for the upcoming one if anyone cares to share? Big news on Toonami is that Blue Exorcist is now history! Coming weekend in its 2 AM ET time slot is the return of Gurren Lagann! Just a refresher now for the weekend Toonami 11:30 PM to 6 AM (All times Eastern) lineup: Attack on Titan; Bleach; Space Dandy; Naruto Shippuden; Onepiece; Gurren Lagann; Beware the Batman; Black Lagoon; Uncut Naruto; FMAB; Cowboy Bebop; Star Wars:The Clone Wars and Samurai Jack. I miss the oldies like InuYasha and IMGPX and Bleach is fast approaching its final season. A damned shame that Toonami nor Nick nor Funimation even can get our Lovely Angels back on TV! Guess I'll have to bring them back to the newsletter and BTW, I have that on hiatus until the kids go back to school in September! For ME TV fans of Adam 12, its Sat 6 PM ET time slot is being used for the old old B&W Superman TV shows which starred George Reeves as the big guy and Noel Neill as Lois Lane. Sherlock Holmes and One Step Beyond have been bumped to Sats at 4 and 5 PM resp. Replacing them at 8 PM M-F on Retro TV are the really old Dr Who shows starring Wm Hartnell as the Doctor. His 3 compadres are 'grand-daughter' Susan Foreman (Carole Ann Ford); her teachers Ian Chesterton (Wm Russell) and Barbara Wright (Jacqueline Hill). Unfortunately for this series which made its TV BBC debut in 1963, they chose 22 November, the same day JFK was assassinated. This robbed the fine series of its initial fanfare, however, us 'Whovians' fought hard and now Dr Who which boasts 12 regenerations of the Doctor- 11 on TV and the first two films in the mid '50's which starred Peter Cushing as the Doctor- is again becoming a well known cult classic series. The doctors following Hartnell are Patrick Troughton; Jon Pertwee; Tom Baker (The Best); Peter Davidson; Colin Baker; Sylvester McCoy; Paul McGann (FOX TV film); David Tennant was #9 followed by the next two BBC actors which include the current kid who plays the Gallifreyan globestrotter but I lost interest when they replaced McCoy with McGann! Tennant was lousy and so were the ones that followed him including the reigning moron they are using! When this dude's contract is up, technically he's #12 if we count Cushing as #1 and Hartnell as #2. Terry Nation set the standards for time lords at 12 regenerations. Only The Master as played by Anthony Ainsley managed a 13th when he slew Nyssa the Trakken girl's father in 'The Keeper of Trakken' and assumed his form. Can we see the good and kindly Doctor committing cold-blooded murder to regenerate himself? Of course not! So, how do we manage to keep the Doctor after the 12th regeneration actor leaves? A nit of trivia- Terry Nation not only created Dr Who but also The Avengers John Steed (Patrick Macnee) and Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) TV series. Terry's 'Daleks' are the most recognizable villains in the sci fi genre even today. They resembled mammoth salt/pepper shakers and were designed by Terry himself. Dr Who never did have a big budget until the show regenerated itself with Tennant on SYFY TV. Then when they had oodles of swag to waste, the FX became horrible! The only decent thing they have done is get a good replacement for The Master but did not explain how the Master regenerated himself for a 14th time! We fanatic Whovians notice this stuff! Like Terry Nation (in his books) DID give the Doctor a name and a family heritage yet he is always just the Doctor! OK he's from the House of Prydonia but what is his real name? Anyone? I'm gonna try and find out for us! Sayonara for now- Jack/K&K 10 Aug 14 Been a great long while since I last visited here, folks and for that I most humbly apologize! I temporarily curtailed Places when I switched/upgraded from Win 7 to Win 8.1 and now I will soon be upping to Win 10. In the meantime, I wrote and posted two more ff's and now I am up to Ch 38 for New Galactic Solutions which will end both ff and long saga soon! Next up 'Victors of Victorine'. No explanation needed if you have been following Solutions. More soon I promise! 24 Oct 2019 Yes, I realize it has been a bloody long hiatus I have been on but it just could not be helped. Writer's Block and a cantankerous Muse are to blame. Anyhow, I just posted Ch 39 of Places Between the Stars and I have Berringer and his cronies having dinner on Victorine w/ the 3WA gang headed by Alison Poe-Prydonia who now rules the place and is Ambassador to Shimougou and Gallifrey. I promised to post Ch 39 before Halloween and I made it. Now, however, I must figure out how to get from where they are now back to Earth where Victors of Victorine begins in stately Wayne Manor where through no faults of their own the Batman crowd including Alfred the Butler and Aunt Harriet Cooper somehow wind up on Victorine. Then I must figure out how to end the saga w/ Victors. Maybe this will occur before Xmas 2019 but I cannot be certain of that fact. To reach me now, please use my Facebook page or my Animeleague or Gaiaonline pages or use my newest email address of thekeiman0@ and again I apologize for my lengthy absence. Happy Halloween to all of you and thank you for your loyalty and support. I am very grateful- keiman and kei. |
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