A little about me:
Nicknames: Yoshi(god knows why I got that one), sharky, sockrates(they say I talk to much)_ (if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a boy.)
Stuff I like: Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, oh and there is also Chronicles of the Lodoss War, so most of all it's anime I like.
Also I would like to draw your attention to the great story Dorei Youkai Tokyo by Midoriko-sama. Please read it and then see the one that is plagiarised by the author at which is called Kenshiro. Please people, go and report this outrage at admin@ If you want proof that Dorei Youkai Tokyo is the original, then just look at the publish dates.
Fic information:
http:///search.php?q=Lovev=56"Love is strange isn't it: Inuyasha is the last hanyou on earth, with a painfull past and lost http:///search.php?q=lovev=56"love , but when Kagome apears in his life, it all takes a new dirrection.But Kouga want's Kagome back, dead or alive, so Inuyasha is hired to guard her. Have I mentioned that he's the best mercenary on earth?
COMPLETED! Epilogue on the http:///search.php?q=writingv=56"writing plan.
The way we are:
This is a small poem asembly that I made, mostly on Inuyasha and Kagome and how they feel,it's all romantic poems,if you like poems, then you should read it, it had positive feedback.
Shadows beneath the surface:
Kagome had it all, the looks, the brains, she was extremly popular, but why does this Inuyasha make her blush and tingle every time he aproaches her? An what secrets is he hidding?
Ch.17 0 done
For my poems, I just get them while I do something that has to do with a pen.
All of them are a little bit different then the rest. I get the weirdest ideas while watching TV. I had an idea to write a fic about Inuyasha, that would be an addaption of Casablanca (imagine him saying :"Of all the fucking bars in the world she had to walk into mine" ROFL)or even Terminator. I also thought of 'The taxi driver' or some other http:///search.php?q=moviesv=56"movies . But I guess I'll just stick to keeping Inuyasha normal in his own special way, but maybe I'll do a crossover with X men.But still there are some other ideas going through this weird head of mine :p