Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha. Okay. From Here to There status So...I know lots of you are wondering when I'm going to update From Here to There , but right now i'm on a short hiatus. It's not going to take like a year to put up another chapter, but I'm still not sure where to start. Writer's block. I'm sure plently of authors or writers have experienced that. When I first started the story, I had these 18 chapters planned out pretty well, now I'm going to have to take time to think again. Please don't be mad, and email me if you have any questions. But I promise you that this story will continue no matter what. Chapter 19- 5 done. Heartache Status Hehehe...I started on the third chapter and I got pretty far. But now I can't find the file on my disk...or, it somehow got deleted. So that means I must start over on it. I'm still searching though in case I put it on another floppy disk. The thing is, this has happened to me before, and I need a while to cool off. Only because I get mad at myself for being so stupid. I've started already and hopefully it will be out in the next couple of weeks. From what I read (from reviews) a lot of you guys like this story, so I have decided to continue. Thanks for the support! Chapter 3- 15 done Married at 18 Status My newest story yet. It's great to know that some of you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Made me real happy. I've got a lot of ideas for this one, and right now I'm trying to update it as constantly as I can. Hopefully it turns out good! Chapter 3-5I hope that you guys read this and let me know what you think. Ideas are welcomed, and email me if you have questions. I wish I had more time to focus on, but right now it's busy busy busy! lol. Some possible stories below: Leave a review or email me on what story you think should be next: Title: Undetected Title:Perfect Model Title: My son Title: Silver Bullets Title: No such thing as love Let me know what story you think should be next in line! I'll take your call! KNE |