Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. 06-13-05 I've decided to update. Not that I've changed much or anything, but ... anyway. Here we are: About moi: I'm a seventeen year old American girl who likes to think that she's British, enjoys speaking in French whenever she can, has a tendency to spend way too much time in Barnes and Noble, and apparently refers to herself in the third person rather frequently. Chocolate, Starbucks, the movies, English class, my bed, bookstores, shoes, rain, Harry Potter, and music make my world go round. Right now I'm listening to a song by Incubus. And someone called Frou Frou.They definitely need a name change. Bolding random words is a very fun way to pass the time, too. You should try it. Really. About my writings: I only write for Harry Potter. I would give you a summary of all my stories, but ... you can just scroll down to see that. Now that you've done that, let's see, what do I like to read ... I love historical fiction, therefore making me a nerd. Especially The Birth of Venus, The Other Boleyn Girl, The Queen's Fool, A Northern Light, and Girl With a Pearl Earring. And I suppose that's all for now, folks. Go read! Be literate! And eat some chocolate! Oooh. I like this centering thing. Am now playing with the buttons. Look! Italics! Bold! Underlining! Sorry. Wishing all of you luck, world peace, and chocolate, ~theKnowItAll~ |