Author has written 2 stories for Angel. I'm a biochemistry major at a DC university. Fandoms include Harry Potter, Angel, Buffy, Lost, Phantom of the Opera, and Scrubs. Favorite characters: Wesley (AtS), Lilah (AtS), Illyria (AtS), Angel (AtS), Holtz (AtS), Spike (BtVS), Sawyer (Lost), Locke (Lost), Eko (Lost), Snape (HP), McGonagall (HP), Erik (PotO), Dr. Cox (Scrubs) Favortite ships: Wesley/Lilah (AtS), Holtz/Justine (AtS), Spike/Buffy (BtVS), Erik/Christine (PotO), Snape/Hermione (HP) and Harry/Bellatrix (yes, you read that right - HP) In case you can't tell from the above lists, I like dark characters. A lot. My fics: Diary of a Mad, Blue Woman -Complete. Hopeless Wishing - In Progress. Nominated for five awards over at Shadows and Dust: http:///SDFA/ As soon as Ifigure outhow to do a button/banner, I'll put one up here. |