Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Howdy Partner! No not really...But Anywho...I love Vampires. I live and breathe for Vampires. I also love Frizzy's Magnetic Attraction. That's a rad fanfic! I'm also obsessing over a fanfic called 'Class No 13' and it's only the 3rd chapter!!! AHHHHH Ruff bark bark...anywho...yeah. Rititkikikikiki tavi??? What the hell? I looove System Of A Down!!!!! I'm obsessed!! My favorite song is Highway Song and Bounce and Chop Suey and Chic 'N' stu and Innervision and ALLL their songs! BWEehehehehehe... I love No Doubt too! I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex girlfriend My name is Brittany and I originally had black hair but when I read "Class No 13" I had to streak it blue and now it looks kick ass! Bwa! Um...I'm 5'4 yes I know short and I have light blue eyes but i wear DARK blue contacts that match my hair streaks. I have my belly button, tongue, ears, eyebrow, lip, and nose peirced. I have a boyfriend his name is Brian! I looove him with everthing I own!!! Bwahahaha. Anywho...I love to say anywho it's fun. I know I already said this but I love Harry/Draco fanfics! They're fun to read and I don't really like other pairings...=P Fav Pairings- I'll READ I HATE these pairings Anywho...the only fic I have is "Feeling This". Bum Bum Bum Clear throat* Fate fell short this time Bye! |