Unfortunately Harry Potter does not belong to us. sigh I wish it did. But you know the ropes. We love you JK Rowling!!

Chapter 1


It was a warm spring day, the birds outside were chirping, and the bees buzzing. The squid glided majestically across the lake. Harry sighed as he stared out the window at the glorious scene. He was thinking about how soon the school year would be coming to an end and how much he dreaded the thought of going back to Privet Drive. He was looking out the window for a few moments before Professor McGonagall realized that this was the third time today that Harry wasn't paying attention in her class.

Clearing her throat, she calmly stated, "Mr. Potter is there something outside that window that you would like to share with the rest of the class?" A few of the Slytherins laughed as Harry quickly snapped back into reality.

"What?" Harry replied.

"Nothing Mr. Potter. Please try to keep your mind inside the class room and not outside. Hmm?"

Harry blushed at least two shades of pink and in a small voice said, "Sorry Professor."

"Now that I have everyone's attention again I can go back to explaining how to turn an ordinary butterfly into a cat."

After about twenty or so minutes of explaining, McGonagall had given each student a butterfly and they had to try to turn it into a cat. Unsurprisingly Hermione was the first student to perform the spell correctly; also unsurprisingly Ron screwed it up. Harry himself couldn't help but laugh when he turned his monarch butterfly into an average sized calico with wings too small for a fly.

However Draco took it on step further: "Nice job Weasel. Not only do you not have the brains or talent to turn a butterfly into a cat. You have to use that poor excuse of a wand too! Your father had best just quit his job. It's not like it would make much of a difference any way."

At that, the Slytherins busted out into a fit of giggles, while Ron's ears turned a shade of red that rivaled his own hair. Professor McGonagall sighed as Ron's face went through the entire red color spectrum. Harry growled as the Slytherins still laughed at his best friend.

He stood up and wand raised, growled above the laughter, "Take that back Malfoy! Or else!"

Malfoy got up and knocked over his chair also raising his wand and pointing it at Harry. "I'd like to see you try Potter. I highly doubt that you will do anything to me. You don't have the balls to do anything to me in front of a teacher."

That was the fourth time this week that the two had been fighting in her class. McGonagall had just stood to yell at them when sparks went flying from both their wands.

Whatever Draco yelled, seemed to have missed, however Harry's Petrificus Totalus spell hit dead on and Draco found himself in a full body bind lying on the floor.

Everyone in class was quiet as their eyes went from Harry to Draco then finally to McGonagall. Her mouth gaped open as she stared at Harry who seemed unbothered by what he had just done. She at first could not find the words to say anything at first but quickly regained her composure.

"Harry Potter! I cannot believe what I just saw! Now matter how much Mr. Malfoy deserved that, you do not bewitch students in my class! Ten points from Gryffindor and five from Slytherin!" A few of the Slytherins went to protest but when they saw the look in McGonagall's eyes and they shut their mouths.
"And further more, the two of you have detention for two weeks!"

She muttered the counter curse on the spell Harry used and helped Draco stand up. "Now I want the two of you to sit outside for the rest of the class. First, give me your wands. Now!" The two boys grumbled as they reluctantly handed her their wands. "Now go!" She pointed to the door, the boys grumbled as they headed out of the classroom.

They both sat on the ground a few feet away from each other, glowering.

Draco curled his lip and muttered, "Good job Potter!"

"You started it," murmured Harry as he shot him a nasty look. But he felt guilty for a brief moment as he swore that there was a tint of hurtfulness in the tender silvery gray eyes. However it was only for a brief moment.

"I may have started it, but I intended to finish it just the same," snickered Draco, as a thought entered his head. One that scared him very much: He wondered what it would be like to run his fingers through his God forsaken mess that he called hair.

Harry stood up and growled, "Oh really." With his fist cocked and ready for a fight, he added, "Bring it on Malfoy."

"Any time anywhere Potter." He said as he two stood up and ready for a fight.

Just before the first fist flew, the bell rang and they were called back into class. The two boys glowered at each other as they reentered her class. "Well…" McGonagall started. "Since you two seem so apt at starting fights with one another, perhaps a little companionship might do you some good."

Both boys mouth dropped as they said at the same time "WHAT!?!?"

"Yes, I believe that is exactly what you two need: Some quality time together. Two weeks, no contact with Mr. Weasley, Miss. Granger, Mr. Goyle, or Mr. Crabbe. No one! Just you two…"

Harry and Draco started to babble incoherently about how wrong and unfair her decision was. But McGonagall just smiled.

"Oh by the way…" She started with a sly smile upon her face. "Quidditch games will be canceled and you are both excused from practices for the next two weeks."

"Professor please don't make us miss Quidditch." Harry pleaded with McGonagall.

"Yes, please I'll stay with Potter for the damn two weeks but making us miss games and practice that's just ludicrous!" Draco stated.

"I've made up my mind boys and there is nothing you can do to change my mind. Now Harry I suggest you go and get clothes for a week because you will be staying in the Slytherin for the first week. Now move!!!!"

Harry gave a look at Draco and started his way to get his things and he thought to himself: Maybe this won't be so bad. What the hell am I thinking of course its going to be bad.