Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hey, I'm Mistress Talon, a 19yr. old American. I love anime and fanfiction; I've been writing it for about two to three years now. Most of my stories are going under revision, as they suck because I was still new to be a fic writer when I first started. Now that I'm used to writing, I'll be going through them and rewriting them, posting them as I go.My favorite fandoms are and pairings in each are: Gundam Wing: 1X2, 3X4, 5Xjust about anyone (almost) Dragbonball Z/Gt: VegetaXGoku, PicciloXGohan, TrunksXGoten, ChiChiXBulma Kenshin: SanoXKenshin Harry Potter: DracoXHarry, RonXHermione, Blaise(male)XNeville, NevilleXGinny, BlaiseXPansy, any combo of Severus, Lucius, Remus, and Sirius Yu-Gi-Oh: Yami YugiXYugi Fruits Baskets: HaruXYuki, KyouXMomiji Card Capture Sakura: LiXSakura Sailor Moon: UranusXNeptune, HeliosXChibi-Usa, HotaruXChib-Usa, MamaruXUsagi, FioreXMamaru Weiss Kreuz: AyaXKen, NagiXOmi, SchuldichXYouji, BradXSchuldich, FarfieXSchuldich, FarfieXNagi, YoujiXOmi I think that's it for now. Yes, I'm a major Slash and FemSlash, yaoi and yuri, whatever you call it, fan. I love it. Love is love, no matter what form it comes in. To me, some of the best pairings in all these fandoms are of the same sex because they are so passionate, like Heero and Duo, Draco and Harry, Vegeta and Goku. Each of them argue like hell, but to me-there's a fine line between love and hate. ^,^ -=meow=- |
Dragongirl16 (9) |