Author has written 7 stories for Young Wizards, Bible, Animorphs, Pirates of the Caribbean, Troy, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Hey! Well lets see.. i'm not very good at these sort of things, but i figured i'd give it a shot cuz i'm bored, so we'll just see how this ends up.. so.. basic info: Lets start with my name..ha. which one? I have too many.. jade, kylie, kalyra.. take ure pick. I'm 18, green eyes, brown hair, vertically challenged, i love reading and writing poetry and fics, both fan and originaltoo (i have stuff on under the same penname.. yes i kno.. not very original..) Stuff I Hate: man this could get long... chemistry (EVIL EVIL SUBJECT), math (EVEN EVILER- if that's possible), siblings (particularly brothers), being late, computers that crash, writer's block (the bane of any author), people who don't use spellcheck, flamers, ect (this list will be updated frequently) Stuff I like: passwords (lol tiff), reading, writing, singing, biking, camp, movies, friendz, various random bands/groups/singers, reviews, ect. (this list will be updated probably less frequently than the above one..) WIP's only one to list here for now, Wizard's Choice, Wizard's Destiny Chapter 17 up status of next chap: 20 (this one's on hold cuz i gotta get all my stuff sorted out for university in the fall and haven't had time to write.. not to fear, i'm not abandoning it!) |