Author has written 7 stories for Sherlock, and Supernatural. Philosophy student, 19, English, has recently gained a real-life-random-house-publishing-contract (ohmygawwdddd) and am hoping one day to write forever. Previously more of the HPFF fandom (four completed novels, two novella, three short stories, eight WIPS and fourteen one-shots here ) but fell in love with Sherlock and wished to be elsewhere and separate and new for a bit. Could write endless novels about how beautiful I find the Sherlock/John friendship/relationship (and I mostly intend to) as well as endless novels about how long the wait for series 3 has been (pleassee save me). And then... Supernatural happened. Oh, man, how SPN happened. My feels surrounding everything to do with that show is probably going to result in a lot of me questionably trying to write American dialogue (I suck at it) for a loooong time. |