![]() Author has written 17 stories for Star Fox, Fire Emblem, StarTrek: The Next Generation, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: 2009, Elder Scroll series, Big Hero 6, Dota 2, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG-1, Winnie the Pooh, and Doctor Who. I love writing, mostly original fiction, but when I'm bored I will often find myself writing fan-fiction, mostly about Star Trek or Stargate. And mostly crossover-fiction, just because it's crazy fun and diverting stuff to write. Here are the rules I live by when it comes to writing stuff like this: Currently working on (at a snail's pace) (in order of priority): Drž Se, Miláčku. (Stargate: Atlantis family drama) Radek Zelenka learns his family back on Earth needs him. I can't stop working on this. Send help. (Currently, we rescued someone we probably shouldn't have.) (Next time: Nobody died. That's it, that's all the good news I got.) SG-1's Long Trek Home. (Star Trek TV series-Stargate SG-1 crossover) This is a story I've been piecing together bit by bit for a long time. And will continue to do so for a long time. Unfortunately, as I revisited it recently, I realized the ending I'd written seemed unbearably awkward to me. I'm currently looking for a new ending... (Currently, the team is on Deep Space 9. Sam knows why we're here. Daniel needs to figure out how to get home. Unfortunately, Doctor Bashir's curiosity has thrown a wrench in the plan.) (Next time: What did you do now, Julian?) Prime Directive. (Star Trek TV series-Stargate SG-1 crossover) A story request. I am pretty much unclear what I'm doing with it. However, I have some few ideas. (The Enterprise-D, the Defiant, and the Redding have landed in the Stargate universe. It's just hit everyone that they're not going home for a long time.) (Next time: No idea.) A few things to know about me: I have a very low tolerance for romance of any kind. Essentially, I will pretty much never write a fic the central point of which is romance (the only exception to this is Fire Emblem and possibly SG-1 for Daniel and Janet...). Anyway, I don't write it well and read it only slightly better. I don't generally stray from canon pairings (or no-pairings?) otherwise. Romance as a secondary or tertiary, though, I do that a lot. I will never have anything over PG-13 in my stories and that's a promise. Most times I will only barely brush that rating and stick around PG. The most you will find usually is character-applicable swearing, and if a character does not use vulgar language in source material, then neither will I. Science fiction is awesome. You may notice an affinity for Star Trek and Stargate in particular. I'm one of those people that likes--no, loves anything Trek. From TOS to Into Darkness and beyond. (See what I did there?) (Yes, I am actually that lame.) Stargate characters were like my best friends when I had none. So actually, anything sci-fi is awesome. I pretty much only fanfiction film, television, and games. I find fanfiction for books sort of strange because I'm pretty attuned to style and things like that. So it just strikes me as incredibly hard to read and write. This isn't an issue with visual media. I literally could not care less about your political/moral/anything-else opinions. And I know no one else cares about mine. So why waste your time and mine by expounding upon them in my bio? You'll learn more than you ever wanted to know about me by reading my writing anyway. God is good. Can I get an amen? |