Author has written 15 stories for Spirited Away, Card Captor Sakura, Ella Enchanted, Charmed, Host, and Twilight. (1.3.13): So, I realize that it's been years since I last updated. I would like to say that I am on a hiatus for all my stories. They will most likely remain unfinished, but I may still post one-shots every once in a while. Currently, my life and post-graduate studies have really kept me busy, and I find less and less time to do some writing for pleasure (or for much else really). For all those who still read my old stories, thank you so much for your support! I have really enjoyed my years as a member of this site. ...Does anybody read these? Name: jaded image; or JI, Jiji, 'hey, you!'...whatever Sex: I'm very much female...or I was the last time I checked... Age: tsk tsk, it's rude to ask a girl her age Nationality: Chinese (and damn proud of it!) Story Stats One-shots The Sketchbook (CCS)- Eriol/Tomoyo Miscommunication (CCS)- Eriol/Tomoyo Married (Ella Enchanted)- Drabble. Ella/Char The Trouble with Notes (CCS)- Eriol/Tomoyo To Look Through the Windows of the Soul (CCS)- Eriol/Tomoyo Graduation Day (CCS)- Drabble. Eriol/Tomoyo Blush (The Host)- Wanda/Ian Ours (The Host)- Wanda/Ian Condoms (The Host)- Wanda/Ian Touched (The Host)- Wanda/Ian Ongoing Royal Task (SA)- Chapter 12 up Father Figure (CCS)- Chapter 1 is up! And who really knows when the 2nd will be up... Babysitting Cupid (Charmed)-Chapter 2! So Close, Yet So Far (Ella Enchanted)- Chapter 9 up Bio Update: 1/3/13 |