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Joined Oct 15, 2012, id: 4308720, Profile Updated: Jul 9, 2020
Author has written 1 story for Cthulhu Mythos, and RWBY.

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Subject: Gavenga323



Gender: Male

Description: REDACTED

Location: PENDING

Favorite franchises: Harry Potter, Warhammer, Star Wars(1), Halo, Skyrim, Fallout(2)(3), Doom, FURTHER RECORDS EXPUNGED.

1: See file pertaining to [THAT (REDACTED) MOUSE IS KILLING STARWARS] incident.

2: See file pertaining to [Look, it's a good game, but it isn't a good Fallout game] incident.

3: See file pertaining to [WHAT THE FLYING (REDACTED) IS BETHESDA THINKING? AAAAA-] incident.

Begin subject statement:

So... just... just talk into it?


Uh... hi.

So uh, I'm Gavenga323. I uh, like Fanfiction. I mean, I guess that's pretty obvious, given that I'm, well, here and all. I... tend to read a lot I guess. I started a story a while back... I didn't like where it was going. Took to reading again for a few years. Oh! Started a new story recently, it's called 'Jaune'Arc - H-'


What do you mean don't say it?

It's my [REDACTED] story!

I haven't written anything else!

Yes, I'm working on them, but they're just ideas right now!

Why can't I say it?

It will summon him?


End subject statement.

Further analysis is required.

Notes: For God's sake, don't mention the new Star Wars to him again. I prefer the subject when he's able to write and talk, not gibber and try to so beat a man to death with a boot.

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