Author has written 2 stories for Pride and Prejudice, and Supernatural. Hello Luci here, I live in Australia and I am a Fandom collector. I'm a Whovian, Hunter, resident of 221B Baker st, Potterhead,and a seahorse (Or fan of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Lydia's Vlogs and Maria's Vlogs oh and the Pemberly Digital vids) and what I think I'm going to call an Avenger, a browncoat, an active (Again, one of mine), . I also like NCIS, Castle, The Mentalist, Space Janitors, The Guild, Hustle, Dark Angel, Fringe, Grimm... yeah most cop shows, although CSI... I can't really stand. If you don't like me, I don't care, however, if you do like me, or my writing (The latter probably more likely) then please feel free to tell me. If you have any idea's on shows I would like, my tumblr username is revivalsword . kaycoolbye! Also, I have a list okay? if you want to recommend a TV show, it may already be on the list, don't worry thought I will get to it. Also, if you want to check out my blog... it's okay... now I'm done! |