John sat at with his laptop at the desk finishing his blog entry for the day. He needed the perfect word to describe the insane Moriarty they had encountered earlier that evening. Something to describe the cruel personality.
"Demonic." suggested a voice behind him.
John nearly jumped from his skin. Quickly he spun around to see a man in a trench coat.
The man stared at John a few more moments with blue eyes before moving forward a few steps.
"The word you're looking for is demonic." He said again.
John was trained in the military for moments like this. Within a second he had pulled his gun from its holder and now stood facing the man, gun pointing in between the mans orbs of blue eyes.
"Who are you?" John demanded standing his ground.
"I'm Castiel," the man said unfazed by the gun. "I'm an angel of the lord."
John opened his mouth to speak but the room was now empty. Johns gun merely pointing to the wall. He blinked his eyes then looked to his watch. Three A.M. John lowered his gun looking around for the man in the trench coat, but he was gone, or never there.
"I need sleep." John murmured, shut his laptop and went upstairs to his room.
Hello reader. Thanks for reading and reviewing my story! (hint, hint) The first few chapters are very short and allow you guys to get an idea of how the different SuperWhoLock characters interact. If you want to go straight to the main plot them I'm sorry, but everything here is timey whimey until the end where everything will be pulled together to make sense. Trust me. My chapters are all really short so it's not going to be difficult to catch up. Enjoy! Oh and if you don't like it please state why in the comments below. I love helpful criticism!