Author has written 6 stories for Ranma, and Book X-overs. Hi everyone. I received an email on what I am doing. Currently, I am working with people wo work against story patents. Some idiot in the US is trying to patent book and movie plots. If successful, he will be able to start charging everyone, including those who write fanfiction. Things are not looking well, so I and others are working on this almost exclusively until we can get this idiocy by the US and the US State Department overturned. For example, one of the plots he patented literally means he can have the Sailor Moon series turned over to him, or have the owners of the rights turn over all the money earned to him. Until the situation is resolved with Knight and Associates who have four patent applications ongoing in the US with at least 10 more to come, I may not be able to write as much. Hitomi "The beginnings of wisdom is the ability to ask questions." |