![]() Author has written 1 story for Natsume Yūjin-Chō. Hello, all you unfortunate beings who have stumbled across this profile _ Fiametta1808 is, obviously, a pen name, but that is what you shall know me by from now on, since I've been raised to believe that it's never a good idea to disclose your full name on a website such as this. I'm from Britain, home to Harry Potter, which makes us the best (political correctness be damned) and my life currently exists somewhere between University, work and essay deadlines, which is to say, my life currently does not exist at all. Since real life is hectic at best, exhausting at worst and downright impossible right before coursework deadlines, I must give forewarning that my story(ies) won't get updated every week, unless it's during August when I don't actually have anything other than work to contend with. I do guarantee though that all of the works I put on this site will (eventually) be finished, and anything my muse decides to abandon will be taken down. If you're mad enough to want to adopt any ideas from any of my works, you're welcome to PM me and we'll hammer out the details over some virtual tea and biscuits _ And, without further ado, I hope you enjoy my weavings! Fiametta xxx Update, 26th October 2012 Hello, anyone who's managed to stumble across my random comments! As you can see by my super-slow update rates, University has started. Since I'm doing a Medical degree, it means that I have no such thing as free time. Even now, I have a textbook on genetic imprinting disorders open next to me and wondering if it would be any more painful to bash my head against the wall, the table or the book. So, what all this means is that, if I don't update for a while, it does not mean that I've abandoned the story - it just means that I've got an assignment/exam/essay/lab work session on the way, and with my part-time job on top of it all, fanfiction is kind of low on my list of priorities. Anyway... hope you all have a lovely Halloween next week, and don't get too high on sugar! Fiametta xxx Update, 13th November 2012 Again, hello to anyone who's checking in to see if I'm still active. My apologies to everyone, but it's been a rough couple of weeks - I've been trying to get ethical approval for my project from the local council, so that's going swimmingly, and I've just had to give a ten minute presentation on my project followed by five minutes questioning. I timed it. I got ten minutes questioning; they were the longest ten minutes of my life! Anyhow, I'm finally free from it, so it's now just the usual to contend with - labs, essay deadlines, lecture notes to catch up on, getting my immune system to beat the winter bug that's spreading like wildfire... you know, the usual _'. I've also discovered a little thing called Pottermore! My username is RainRose26620 and I'm in Slytherin (which came as a bit of a surprise). Add me if you've got an account! I will get right onto my betaing, and the next installment of Natsume Takako! Fiametta xxx Update, 31st January 2013 So, despite their best efforts, my exams did not manage to kill me! However, despite ,y best efforts, I may do the deed myself when I get my results. No, I am not exaggerating. They were really that bad. Anyway, moving onto less depressing news - I'm back! And the plot bunnies are trying to invade as well, but I've promised myself that, until I get the final details of my Natsume Yuujinchou story hammered out, I will not start another story! For anyone who's interested enough to want to know, I'm not letting any relationships develop in the story - not the romantic kind, anyway - unless there is some sort of massive outcry for a romance. I want to keep the story strictly platonic, and any guys fighting over Natsume will be over her powers rather than any personal attachment. I'm already working on the next chapter! Hopefully it won't be quite so long a wait this time (and I really am sorry about that!) Fiametta xxx Update, 17th October 2013 Wow... 8 chapters in one and a bit years - that's pretty weak. At any rate... this year is going to be pretty tough, what with placements and clinics and exams and whatnot, so unfortunately, due to prioritising, updates are going to be as slow as ever - I thought the summer might give me some time to catch up, but it was used up for experience and volunteering so that was a bit of a fail as well, to coin the popular phrasing. I've got most of the details hammered out now for the Natsume Yuujinchou story, although the ending is still in the planning stage since I'm not sure how I want to end it. I'm working on the next chapter and a drabble series that accompanies it! Fiametta xxx |