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![]() Author has written 30 stories for Treasure Planet, Superjail!, Rise of the Guardians, Wreck-It Ralph, Monsters vs. Aliens, Kim Possible, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, Frozen, My Little Pony, Steven Universe, and How I Met Your Mother. Come one, come all! Boys and Girls of all ages! (Okay, maybe not of all ages...) Welcome to my profile! I must give you a warning if you are looking to enter. Things get dirty...and I mean dirty. I'd hate to be the cause of your loss of innocence...But if you are willing then have fun as you roam through the ideas that partake in my mind! You must know that I have a lot of girl on girl pairings. Some for the expense of my friends, and others as my own guilty pleasure. If you can't handle it, I suggest you respect my own and leave it alone. I do the same for other pairings I don't like, so the favor could be returned...please? Favorite Movies: Treasure Planet - This movie is my childhood! It was the first movie I ever saw, and it was one of the only six I had as a young child. Wreck-It Ralph - This was so fucking adorable I can't put it into words. My school once played it on a half day, and my friends had to sit their and calm me down for the majority of it... Pitch Perfect - I don't even know why I like this one...It made me laugh...a lot... Favorite TV Shows/Cartoons: Kim Possible - You ever go back to one of your old childhood shows and see all the underlying messages? Let's just say there were a few parts in here where I had to put down my coffee... Superjail - Midgets, Robots, Trans, Convicts, Gruesome Deaths, and Rivals?! What more could one ask for!?! Adventure Time - When I first heard about it, I thought it'd be a stupid kid's show. Then, I had to babysit my cousin and we ended up watching it...Needless to say, I love subtext. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Two words: Toph Beifong. Legend of Korra - Three words: Chief Lin Beifong. Favorite Characters: Warden (Superjail) Mistress (Superjail) Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet) Dr. Delbert Doppler (Treasure Planet) Jim Hawkings (Treasure Planet) Sergeant Calhoun (Wreck-It Ralph) Vanellope Von Schweetz (Wreck-It Ralph) Shego (Kim Possible) Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time) Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Korra (Legend of Korra) Lin Beifong (Legend of Korra) Favorite Pairings: Captain Amelia/Dr. Doppler Hero's Cuties (Fix-It Felix Jr./Sergeant Calhoun) KiGo (Kim Possible/Shego) Wardess (Warden/Mistress) Bubbline (Princess Bubblegum/Marceline) KaToph (Katara/Toph) Azutara (Azula/Katara) Linorra (Lin/Korra) |