Author has written 30 stories for Jet Grind Radio, Bible, Akira, Death Note, Doctor Who, Portal, Enid Blyton, Sarah Jane Adventures, and Saw. Hi. I am Tallulah, Grammar Songstress; fanfic-writer and lover of punctuation/grammar. I'm in my late twenties, from England, and love writing and reading. Most of the fanfics I've got up here are for Jet Set Radio, Akira (generally quite slashy), and Death Note. Most of my older Akira stuff is up here but I have several newer pieces up at skyehawke (where my penname is 'Tallulah'), and some other fics linked from my LiveJournal, versipellis. I also write fics for Battle Royale, which are at the LiveJournal community battle(low hyphen)writing and on my LJ. The fics up here have been written at different points over the last ten years (... argh) and so there are probably dramatic variations in content, style, approach, and general actually-knowing-what-the-heck-I'm-doing. Still, if you read something you like, or at any rate find mildly interesting, that's awesome. I'm happy to receive reviews so do let me know if you checked out my work and what you thought. All-purpose disclaimer: |
BansheeCat (5) Charles RocketBoy (34) cirrusarts (3) Crazy Girl Person (32) | Ish Potato Fiend (6) Javva Cup (0) | Nik Hasta (1) sashwizzled (4) The Lotus (7) |