Author has written 5 stories for Thor, and Twilight. My name is Danni. Although sometimes I go by Alina in other places where I feel criticism may turn personal. I have had this account since 2012 and somehow, try as I might, I just can't seem to pull myself away from it completely. I've deleted stories, discontinued them, and I once even declared this account cancelled. But I'm still here. I log in from time to time regardless. I think about how I started writing Blind and Susceptible in 2015, and that I still haven't finished it. I don't know why I come and go. I do this on my fanfiction tumblr as well. I just can't seem to stay in one place. But for now, I'm back. Over the past few months a spark of inspiration has returned. It tends to come and go as I do. Right now, it's telling me to try and finish Blind and Susceptible. I remember how excited I was to share the ending with all my readers. I doubt any of you are left by this point, but hopefully I can finish the story for myself, even if you're all gone. Still, I'm debating rewriting B&S altogether to avoid inconsistencies. My Marvel fanfiction can be found here, but if you're a twilight fan please check out my writing on http:// I have a story I'm inspired to write for my blog, as well. And to any of my readers who are left? I am deeply sorry for my inconsistency. I guess life just got in the way? I'm not even sure why I stopped writing here. I think after I tried writing the sequel to Fidelity, and it didn't work out well, I deleted it. That was a blow to my confidence, I think. And once I started Blind and Susceptible, I was as enthusiastic as ever. Then my mental health took a hit, school became hard, and posting fanfiction felt too much like an obligation; causing me to crack under the pressure. I am sorry. This time - while I welcome any and all supportive readers - I will be writing and posting for my own enjoyment and at times that suit my own schedule. I won't push myself too hard to finish things, as the reason I joined this community in the first place was because I wanted to have a fun time. I will be having a fun time, but I will be following my own rules. Don't expect Permanently Yours to be updated for a while. Again, if you're interested in Twilight content please check out my tumblr. Danni x |