![]() Author has written 1 story for Misc. Plays/Musicals. hey, check out this forum, it's awsome: The Pokemon Roleplay club I felt the need to updat my profile, but I didnt want to get rid of the old one because Everything there is still true for the most part. So I'll just add on this random outburst : DOCTOR WHO! BOTDF! RANDOM OTP! BVB! ADVENTURE TIME! DINOSAURS! SHERLOCK! JERASIC PARK! KRISS THE MOTHERF*CKING BUNNY! Sorry. I promise not to cuss or scream (on my profile) again. XD here is some stuff about me: I havent been on fanfiction for long but im already obsesed. I have lost my phone so many times i lost count. i go swimming with electronics in my pocket because i forgot it was there. i won't even put my gameboy by a glass of water because if it broke i would have to go a day without playing pokemon and i would die. my favorite color is green, thats why my name is green seal. im realy nerdy, i love starwars, X-men, Avengers, basicly anything sci-fi or supper hero. I have a extreme obsesion with pokemon. im obsesed with anime/manga! the first manga i ever read was inu-yasha but i never finished the whole series I want to go to comic con copy and paste this into your profile if you are also a nerd. Nerds are cool. Nerds are smart. Nerds will one day rule the universe. If you're a nerd and proud of it, copy this into your profile |