Hey guys! FeelLikeSmiling here! I know you've been waiting long. But like almost every other fanfic writer, I'm terribly busy and ideas are running dry. Why write then, you ask? Well. I don't know. But if you enjoy it, then isn't it good? Not saying that mine is good. But thanks for all your reads and reviews. And love to all those who followed/favourited me/my story. Arigatou Gozaimasu! (THANK YOU!)
Okay. This will be a short one. And a twist. Yes a twist. Nope not a twister. Just a regular twist. So hope you enjoy this!
acubia01 : HEY! Thanks for thy faithfulness. It will be greatly rewarded. Promise. And I will continue to update.:)
NiceBadGirlVillian : Hmmm...noted. Just don't expect it to be so straightforward. Hehehe! Thanks!
non-existantance : And what's 'that'? hehe. Be patient.:) I don't plan on writing lemon yet...just small cute stuff. MAYBE will do.
GreenSeal: HEYYYYY! WAZZUP O'Seal the Guvna. Thanks so much for the reviews and follows. Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks...thanks thanks...:) Will update you when I update on Pokemon Roleplay Club. K? :)
Guest(TurquoiseGlowingStar) : I know its you! Lazy to review using your account? Haha. Thanks so muchie! And yes, I know you're alive. Or you will not be reviewing this. :P
Lord fran-sama : You sound cold...And sorry...when there's yaoi, there's yaoi. SO MR X_ _ thanks! and I updated. HOORAY!
Okay, and now...here's chapter 7!
~A FeelLikeSmiling Productions~
Chapter 7 : Misunderstandings
I like you...
I know you like me too...
"That's why..." the boy leaned down on him gently onto the ground, and kis-
Ash woke up. He glanced furtively around the dark room. Only the moonlight shone from the window onto the bed.
Why am I dreaming about him? He thought to himself. Then suddenly he remembered what happened just a few hours ago.
He recalled himself lying on the ground. Alone? No. With Gary. Where? On top of him! DOING WHAT?
He then remembered it. That kiss. It felt really good that he didn't want to let go. In fact it was so good, he swore he heard fireworks. Then Gary let go and said: "I like you, I know you do too. Somewhere deep inside your heart, you actually really like me too..."
He remembered at that moment, he was completely stunned. He didn't struggle against the kiss, neither did he kiss back. But for a moment there, he thought he did kiss back. And when Gary told him that he liked him...he had sort of already suspected it, but didn't believe it was true. Until that moment. And what did he mean by 'I know you like me too'? Ash just could not figure it out.
The more he thought, the more confused Ash felt. He gripped his hair tightly in frustration.
Doesn't Gary like Dawn? I just don't get it. Why me? Why...
He turned to look at Misty pitifully. He remembered only yesterday morning, that she had said something similar. 'I like you' was what she had said. And he answered, yes. He looked again at her pitifully, wondering what it really meant to like someone.
One thing he thought he was sure of: he thought he liked Misty. Then why, WHY did Gary appear in his thoughts and dreams?
Maybe I do like Gary...NO how can I say that! That's freaking GAY!
...But...what if...I do...
Sigh...I'm sorry Gary, it's just not right. I think I may like you, but it really isn't right. Maybe we weren't meant to be...maybe...in our next lives... Yes, yes, that's what I'll tell him.
And just like that, Ash made up his mind. He inhaled and exhaled deeply a few times, and calmed himself down. He then lay down on the bed. Leaning over, he took Misty's hand and planted a kiss on her cheek. Her face looked really cute when she was sleeping. It was so peaceful - like a baby. He closed his eyes slowly, sinking into the depths of slumber.
Gary reappeared in his dreams. This time he wore that apologetic look. As if to reply Ash, he said, "Who's to forbid true love from us? If you really like me, and I like you too, then we shouldn't be too bothered about what people say about us. It's our life. And know that in this life and the lives to come, I will love you till the very end..."
He sleepily dragged his feet into the kitchen. The aroma of fried sausages and bacon wafting in air and the sizzling of the oil immediately excited Ash's taste buds.
"Morning Ash!" He was greeted warmly by everyone. Being the last one to wake up, he sheepishly smiled as he knew that it wasn't just a regular greeting. He knew they were teasing him as well. "You're early," Gary teased.
"It's not my fault if I can't wake up early as you guys right? At least I'm healthier than you all!" He retorted jokingly. Only Misty did not smile.
He then took the seat next to Misty. As the rest were engaged in hearty conversations, Ash noticed her not-so-obvious melancholic look. He ran his hands on her lap, trying to comfort her. She looked really moody and responded with a tiny grin - must be fake, he thought. He frowned at her, twitching his eyebrows, as if to say, "Sad, why?"
Her face then revealed an angry side, shooting it directly at him. He turned around, and realized that Gary was sitting next to him. He blushed a little as a stray thought entering into his head. Looking back at her in pretense, he made another unsure look.
A little mumble came out of her.
"Huh?" He whispered back.
Misty inhaled deeply.
"YOU LIKE HIM, DON'T YOU?" She hollered at the top of her voice.
Time suddenly seemed to stop. The conversations died down almost immediately. Everything was silent and still. Only the sizzling of the food rung in the air. She could feel the tears almost pouring out.
She blurted, "One day...ONE DAY. And you cheat on me, with HIM!" She pointed to Gary. Brock , who was cooking, Brendan, May and Ash turned their heads to the direction. But he was already gone.
"Hey. This is all just a misunderstandi-"
"Misunderstanding? Yeah, tell me who took your first kiss? Me?" She coldly answered back, trying to make him feel as guilty as possible. She did not know why she felt so mad.
"..." How does she know?
"Yeah. I knew it. It was Gary right?" Again she questioned herself
Ash still kept quiet.
"RIGHT?" She asked again, this time, more angry, yet more pleading.
"YES OKAY! But-"
"I knew it...I KNEW IT...dis-dis-gusting idiot." Then she stormed out of the kitchen.
What was all of that about?
The rest of them just remained silent, afraid to complicate things. May gestured to Brendan, then chased after the other girl.
Why did she explode like that?
Brendan sighed. "Women are like a present. You never know what's inside. Whether it's a cute Skitty or a explosive Voltorb, you won't know until you open it." He then turned to him.
Explosive Voltorb eh?
"Girls are like that. Give Misty some time. But you have to convince her that you don't like Gary. Unless...you do."
Ash looked away. He wanted to scream it all out. But at the same time he wanted to just fall down. He was really unsure of his answer.
Brendan stood up and walked up behind to Ash. He whispered, "Relax..." He ran his fingers around Ash's stomach, slowly progressing to his hips.
"Hey! What are yo-"
"I said relax."His tone was sharp and demanding. "Relax."He reiterated it, this time more assuring. In fact, it sounded more...seductive. Brock just watched silently, and he felt another misunderstanding was about to crop up. Oh no...he sighed.
A/N : Hello. Heh. Twist...ies! So...I know many of you may be unhappy...but don't worry. Surprises for you in store! And you may notice my writing style may change after awhile. Well, I'm continuously improving myself.:) Anyway, please review, follow, favourite. And follow my twitter account, FeelLSmiling_FF! Lastly, when you review, please tell me when I can/cannot put 'A/N:'. Thanks!