Vexus Titan
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Joined 05-15-12, id: 4006372, Profile Updated: 05-18-12
Author has written 1 story for Naruto.

Hi guys! My name is Vexus Titan! cool name hunh? Anyway Lets talk about me ne?

Lets see...Oh I know how to start! I'm gonna be a freshman in august. Uh... I'm a guy. And i'm a big fan of Naruto. and bleach. And sekerei. Lets just say I like a lot of Anime.

I have lots of favorite authors but my most favorite is Satio Namikaze Reborn. At first when he came out with the Shinobi story I was like whatever. But then he came out with So cold which was genius! just needed a few things here and there. Now I'm a big fan and hope he continues most of his stories.

My other favroite author is Kyuubi Goku. and lots of others. Anyway here are the stories i want to release later after i'm done with my first, The Shadow clan.

A son's rebellion. Which is a Naru/Fem.Madara story.

The Death contract. A Naru/ Fem.Shinigami story.

And a few more that haven't come up with names. By goal here on fanfiction is too do stories with pairnings people rarely do. For Example a Naru/Fem.Madara has never been done before. Neither has a full story with a Naru/fem.Shinigami which has at least 5 long chapters.

I Really don't care who Naruto is paired up with except for Hinata. That is one thing I won't read and can't stand. I think Hinata is a wimp. So is Sakura but it doesn't really matter to me. I kinda hate Sakura too but I can tolerate her. I will tolerate Hinata if she is in a harem and is not the main girl. more like the 5th or something.

Anyway I'm done rambling. SEE YA!!

Soul reviews
Naruto Namikaze is neglected by his parents for twelve years. Right after team placement he leaves to train with his new powers gained from the Hyogaku. After Naruto encounters a wierd alien and his true heritage is revealed. Crossover. Bleach & DBZ
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 9 - Words: 105,742 - Reviews: 279 - Favs: 1,275 - Follows: 990 - Updated: 7/11/2016 - Published: 5/23/2012 - Naruto U.