Author has written 3 stories for Ed, Edd n Eddy, Invader Zim, and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. My name is Sam and you should read my stories...yes...this is peer pressure people. Um...I smoke crappy ultra light ciggarettes because I like the feeling I get when the smoke makes me dizzy and I fall off the the back porch. Plus, people find it interesting when I tell them I smoke to get the cancer. Yeah right. Like ultralights are gonna burn a hole in my lung any time soon. Besides. It makes me look coooool. Yes, feel free to laugh at that, it sounds stupid even to me. I enjoy a good slash fic as much as the next over-obsessed teenage girl. I am currently writing one on fictionpress. I guess it's okay...? Kinda lacking in overly flowery adjectives, BUT the dialogue is decent. I like Zebra gum. The Stripes gum, with the...zebra? His name is YIPES people! I know you know what I'm talking about! I also like Dunkaroos... Jeez, what is it what all the weird animal themed food products? I need a stronger hobby...I'm gonna go smoke. Review my story. I crave the public's attention! |