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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Shugo Chara!, Misc. Plays/Musicals, and Misc. Games. i am amahzing you dont need to tell me you should call me rigby because i love cake and grilled cheese i am lactose intolerant (meaning i cant drink milk/have dairy products without insane amounts of bloating and painful painful painful cramps) i come from my mom (no not your mom you're sick) i spend my life wishing i was somewhere else like an island with only really cute cats omg a cat party can u just imagine im actually not that smart im really good in math i suppose i dont bother using grammar on the internet i mean the only point of using it is if i don't want to make people mad i am like the sluttiest virgin you will ever meet omg i love boys and their hair and i just love boys a lot i am like straighter than an arrow i mean BOYS OMGGOMG and are you really still reading this come on man i can't even read this i actually don't type my stories like this so fashahaha i like placebo queenadreena the office regular show r9k boner jokes purple and kissing i hate kids that complain of friendzoning teenagers with facial hair people,that,use,too,many,commas gurl gamrrz yellow and most food i WrIIt3 aNGsth b/cAZ !m leik 5ooooO0 d3pr3$$3D i report songfics for teh lulz, if you need a song to tell you how to write a story you're not doing it right dont read any of that it sounds like im adhd or something also hey if you like playing free otome games online where there's a bunch of stuff to do then play mycandylove or starproject because you wont get bored i promise tumblr: http:// my friendlies: Kit-Kat 'n Beef (just look in my fave authors) i have like two other accounts but i lost the passwords one is besu-nee-chan and the other is You Pop My Popcorn omg augh i was so horrible at writing ;_; |