Author has written 8 stories for Phantom of the Opera, Labyrinth, Once Upon a Time, Harry Potter, Thor, and Dragon Age. About Me: I'm 28 and a teacher. I'm an avid reader, and I love to read "serious" novels (Austen, Bronte, etc.) and even the YA novels (Twilight, Fallen, etc.) I'm an anime lover as well so look out for fanfiction coming out in that neck of the woods soon. I love to write not just fanfiction but fiction novels as well. I have an account on but no published stories as of yet. Everything is still in the works and I have a tendency to change a story fifty million times before even completing Chapter One. I love to sing and enjoy teaching private lessons to those who are willing to learn. I do not sing for any type of gain other than the fact that it makes me happy and I usually end up playing and singing pieces from musicals while sometimes singing an aria from an opera. For any and all who are curious, I am very much an OC/Canon paring. This is clearly evident in the summaries below. :-) Completed Works: She Walks in Beauty Like the Night: A PofTO fanfic taking place 5 years after the fire. Anastasia Hillcrest ( more commonly referred to as Anne ) lives with her Aunt Giry at the Opera Populaire that's been rebuilt by some very wealthy benefactors. Anne was sent to live with her Aunt when it was finally revealed to her that her beloved mother was dying from consumption. Trust me, there is a reason why Anne was not allowed to watch her mother die. Our beloved Erik is still very much in love with Christine, who has since married [that stupid Raoul de Chagny] and born two children. Anne, now at the age of twenty five and very much considered an old maid, surrounds herself with the music of the Opera House but because of her strange ability to play the piano so proficiently, she draws the Phantom's eye. A singer, she will one day be, but because of the dark memories of her past, she refuses to sing even a nursery rhyme. They both shall be tested and tried as they find the healing of their sorrows in music and possibly in love. ( Don't count on this summary being 100% accurate because Anne herself as already gone through many many MANY character revisions. ) The Latest Works in Progress: A True Angel: This is my second PofTO fanfic that mostly takes place during Christine de Chagny's visit to Coney Island and the preceding time after her death. Based very much on Love Never Dies and touches on the events of The Phantom of the Opera. Mystic, an almost complete albino ( white skin, white hair, no red eyes ) once lived at the Opera Populaire with Christine and stumbled upon our Erik. Seeing his face and loving him despite it, Mysty chose to not interfere despite his obsession with Christine. Now, the two have a chance at love again. Erik still in love with Christine, Mysty still in love with Erik. Emily: Labyrinth fanfiction! Sarah was not the first, but she was the last. It wasn't the spunky fifteen year old that Jareth wanted, but the older sister who had once come to his Labyrinth as a child and, now that she was grown, he wanted her back. OC/Jareth Rated T for safety The Fairy's Daughter: "Evelyn, I'd like for you to meet my daughter." Maurice's eyes led me to understand that there was to be no referring to this young girl as my sister. "Her name is Belle." Works to Look out For: Sail Across Time: Time travel PofTO fanfic, the last in the PofTO craze. Chrissy and her friends travel to Coney Island in order to take a break from the crazy life they have as musicians at a top performing arts school in New York. While there, Chrissy separates from her friends and a young boy who looks as if he's from a different era mistakes her for his mother. Dragging her to an abandoned building, Chrissy is taken back to a time where Coney Island was still very much alive and Phantasma ruled the night. The Rose Part I and The Rose Part II: Harry Potter fanfiction!! Marauders era The Golden Trio era. Lacrimosa Rose Donovan ( commonly referred to as Lacria, Ria, or Rose ) is a Gryffindor and her best friend is Lily Evans and the love of her life is Severus Snape. The Only Exception: Harry Potter fanfiction! Marauders era The Golden Trio era. Jane Austen { no not the writer }, a seer, is the only magical child out of three. Sorted into Hufflepuff, and becomes close friends with who we eventually know as Alice Longbottom. She is an anti-pureblood-is-better and works in the Ministry of Magic. She is also a part of the original Order of the Phoenix and is paired with Severus Snape. Love Song Requiem: Harry Potter fanfiction! Pre Golden Trio Golden Trio. Emily Potter half sister to James Potter is a Slytherin in Professor Snape's first year of teaching. Interesting student teacher interaction abounds!!! Nothing inappropriate until after Emily has graduated!!! Tales of Egyptian Royalty: Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfiction!!! This is a ridiculously long fanfic that will never be finished. Pairings: OC/Maximillion Pegasus, OC/Seto Kaiba, OC/Marik Ishtar. The Twins: DNAngel fanfiction!! A sculpture designed by the Hikari family. Like all Hikari artwork "The Twins" have souls that have somehow managed to be born into humans!! Pairings OC/Satoshi, OC/Dark Death Note Fanfiction: No title as of yet. It's about a unique girl who happens to stumble upon the mysterious L and the things she will do in order to make sure he does not die! Fire and Ice, Sweeter than Heaven, Hotter than Hell, and Where Demons Hide: A Dragon Age saga, these three stories tell of the main three protagonists of the three games of Dragon Age. (Soon to be 4 when I it's finally released!) Delia Amell, Kaitlynn Hawke, and Anerin Lavellan are thrust into lives that none of them ever wanted, and as such use those systems to create the lives they do want. Summary is crap, but oh so good when it's finally written. Ships to include Amell/Alistair, Hawke/Anders, Hawke/Sebastian, Lavellan/Solas, and Amell/Cullen. YOU figure out how this is going to work lol |