![]() Author has written 10 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Trigun, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Msn: AnimeQueen98@ Aim: Yuri Otome/ Heasie9825 Yim: Heasie9825 Hello everybody.If you want to learn a little more about me well here it goes. I Have changed my name. So it's me Anime Queen Favorite color:Pink, Blue, and White Age: Read down below Favorite food: Chocolate (have you notice that some males in anime like chocolate as their fav. food like Darien off of Sailor Moon or Syaoran off of CCS) Favorite movie: Harlem Nights that movie is really funny. Favorite ending theme(strange I know): Touch and Go off of Blue Seed or Bubble gum crisis theme. Favorite Singers: Brandy and Monica Favorite shows:Read down below Couples I like I got another E-Mail address also: AnimeQueen98@ I'm 17 I take band i play the flute. My real name well I'm not telling you that just call me Anime.And i love watching anime. Who wouldn't? I'm a very open minded person, because I learn the hard way, don't judge a book by their cover. I'm a very friendly person, unless you one of the people who gets on my nerves. And I'm any person, pure and simple, you just need to get to know me, then tell me what you like about me. But anyways, I love Sailor moon, it's my favorite show in the world,Card Captor Sakura ,or Card Captors, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball, Gt , and Tenchi Muyo,Tokyo,or,Ova, Blue Seed, Bubblegum Crisis 2040, Getting how much i love anime, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Rouruni Kenshin, Digimon, Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh, 3x3 eyes,Inyusha, Cowboy Bebop,Trigun, Cybong 009, Last Exile, Full Metal Alchemist, Wolf's Rain,Ghost in the Shell, Hellsing, and alot more.I would name more but i use up more space than i want to. Well, I'm on my way of going through each anime of . Going to take a while though -_-; Well, cheer me on, Anime here, taking one anime at a time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_For For my country Sign Well here the stories I wrote. |