Author has written 9 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Supernatural. If you're here from an email claiming that I have followed or favorited you or your work, despite's enbyphobic language, I'm neither a "he" or a "she." I apologize for being upfront about it, but I find the fact that this website uses exclusive language in its emails extremely upsetting — so despite that it claims I've added your work to "her/his" follow list or favorites, I am debunking that myth here that because I'm a person, I'm a "her" or a "him." Thanks, You make me feel so existent and comfortable. Anyway. I also want to say that the messaging system thoroughly confuses me here. I see every review, but besides that, I don't know how to operate the private messaging system, and it's fairly likely that reviews or messages won't be responded to (unless possibly in an author's note). That does not mean I'm ignoring you! I'm not anywhere near professional when it comes to writing, but I hope you enjoy my work anyway. I'm hoping this account will inspire me to get better. But at the moment, don't expect me to upload a lot. I have extreme anxieties with writing that I work past in my free time because, heck, writing is an enjoyable hobby nonetheless! I don't write as often as someone who might label themselves a writer or an author, but I do believe I write often enough to post my stories and have some fun. I'll also keep my work on here even as it starts to get old, no matter how horrible I may think it is because I know it's a shame when things get deleted. So, beware the old work! I no longer write for Hetalia. But do expect a lot of Supernatural, especially Sastiel. I tend to specialize in ridiculous, short pieces where I try to show off just why I am the Prin of Hilarity. |
Caseydraft001 (0) deleted24956 (0) | Trash Droid Prince (55) Witty Teacup (66) |