AN: So it's been a while because I'm participated in NaNoWriMo and have been almost completely focused on that. Well, the reviews for the last chapter were awesome and I most say that they made me want to update almost immediately. Unfortunately, my plans did not coincide. So after a few weeks of waiting, here's the newest chapter~

Please continue to review for Mattie hugs! They really make my day so fantastic!

It was about 7:50 AM and Matthew was standing outside, waiting for his best friend to pick him up and take him wherever the hell he planned on taking him that day. Yesterday had gone surprisingly well; no fights with his dad or brother, no major crisis, no nightmares. He had gone to sleep early and felt completely refreshed upon waking up. It was the kind of day that came once in a blue moon and Matthew was ecstatic. Now the only question was where Gilbert planned on taking him.

Matthew knew it was best not to dwell on it, but he just could not help himself. He wanted to know what was happening today. He had dressed just like Gilbert had told him to, but he couldn't be sure that he was dressed appropriately. He didn't have any sort of plan for today. He didn't even have the slightest idea on how the day would progress. That drove him absolutely insane.

After about 15 minutes of standing outside, only five minutes later than the planned time, Gilbert's car pulled into the driveway. The Prussian was visible through the windshield, his crimson eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses. He waved at Matthew in greeting before motioning that Matthew should get in the car. The Canadian complied with a friendly smile.

"Hey Gil," he called as he slid into the passenger seat of the car. "Right on time today."

"Like I'm ever late," Gilbert scoffed playfully. "You ready to go Birdie?"

Matthew put on his seatbelt and nodded in response to Gilbert's question. He was definitely ready for today. It had been an awesome weekend followed by an awesome day. He was ready to continue the trend today. It did not matter that much if he didn't know where they were going, even if he was incredibly curious. He just wanted to have a good day with his best friend. He had kind of missed Gil over the past few days. It was strange for him to go that long without talking to his best friend.

"So where are we going?" Matthew asked.

Gilbert shook his head. "Now Birdie, I can't tell you that. It's got to be a surprise when we get there."

"Fine," Matthew pouted a bit. "I'll let that slide for now. You better make this worth my time though. If you don't I'll be sure to kick your ass. Or make you watch hockey with me again."

Gilbert shuddered at the memory of the last time Matthew made him watch hockey. The Canadian appeared sweet and docile, but when he was watching hockey, he got fierce and terrifying. It was a fascinating transformation that left most people feeling uneasy. "I promise it will be."

Matthew nodded; pacified for the time being, and leaned his had against the window. He loved watching the world whiz by when he was in a car. It was relaxing to see the town, or the green of the grass, or a city, or just the road in front of them.

A comfortable silence came over the passengers of the car for a while as Matthew stared out the window and Gilbert drove.

Matthew was not sure how long they stayed that way, but it couldn't have been more than half an hour.

He glanced at Gilbert when the car slowed down. They were turning into a parking lot which led Matthew to believe they had finally reached their destination. Matthew looked around them, eager to get a first glance at the place he was going to be for the majority of his day. He shot Gilbert a surprised and pleased look when he recognized the amusement park.

Gilbert smiled at Matthew's surprised expression. It seemed like Mattie hadn't expected his plan to be a trip to the amusement park. True, Gilbert didn't seem like the kind of guy who got excited over amusement parks, but who didn't like them? "We're here birdie," he stated the obvious.

Matthew stifled his laughter; he had dressed appropriately after all. "Not a bad choice Gil."

The car was already parked so Gilbert opened his door. "Thought you would like it." He stepped out of the car and watched as Matthew go out. The adorable Canadian looked so damn cute when he was excited. "Today's all about fun Birdie."


An hour had passed and so far the day had been a huge success. The pair had already gotten a few rides in and were on line for another one. It was about 10:00 by then and Gilbert planned on staying here with Matthew all day. Tomorrow was going to be stressful for the Prussian so he needed today to be wonderful. There wasn't an actual plan for the amusement park, other than going on every ride they could go on.

They were currently waiting to get on a roller coaster and Gilbert sensed Matthew's nervous anticipation. "You sure you want to get on this one?" he asked the Canadian.

Matthew gave a nervous smile and nodded. "It's fine. I always get this way before I go on a roller coaster. I get the nerves and then they go away once I actually get on ride," he explained.

Gilbert gave a soft chuckle and nodded in understanding. He put a hand on Matthew's shoulder. "No need to get nervous Birdie, the awesome me is here to make sure the nerves go away."

Matthew considered hitting Gil right then. It seemed like the perfect idea. Although, it was strange that Gilbert had managed to calm his nerves with a few arrogant comments.

Gilbert's red eyes met Matthew's violet ones. The Prussian had taken off his sunglasses a while ago. Matthew quickly broke eye contact as soon as the line moved forward and they finally made it to the front. They were seated and ended up in the front row. The ride started and Matthew felt a rush of nerves and excitement. By the time the ride ended, Matthew was filled with a new and strange energy.

The pair continued on the roller coaster rush until they got hungry at about one. Gilbert picked out a buffet-type restaurant and led the smaller boy inside with him. They picked a table and talked animatedly over lunch. "You look happy" Gilbert stated.

Matthew stopped in the middle of his excited tirade and smiled up at Gil. "I guess I am. It's been a good few days."

"That's awesome Birdie. You deserve it."

Mattie wasn't sure if he agreed with Gilbert on that fact but he could definitely appreciate it. It was so easy to just let go and have fun when he was with Gil. The Prussian was just easy to be with. It was something that Matthew didn't experience with most people in his life. Matthew sighed and went back to his light and mindless chatter from before.

After a few rides and a few hours later, Gilbert put his hand on Matthew's shoulder. "Hey Birdie, how about we go shopping for souvenirs?"

Matthew nodded in agreement. "That sounds amazing Gil."

Gilbert smiled and led Matthew into the nearest shop. He watched the Canadian run around, picking up the most interesting things as he went and then stop and considered what he actually wanted. Gilbert browed a bit before he saw a little stuffed polar bear. He smiled to himself and picked it up. They paid for their stuff and then walked out into the fading light of sunset. They walked around, getting to the last of the rides in the park.

When they got off the last ride, it was completely dark except for the unnatural lights of the amusement park. Gilbert put a hand up to stop Matthew and the Canadian looked up in confusion. Gilbert pointed at the sky and Matthew looked up to see the bright flash of fireworks bursting overhead. Matthew had completely forgotten about the fireworks show that the park put on almost every night. He kept his eyes trained on the sky with a smile on his face. He had always loved how fireworks could light up a night sky with brilliant pinks and blues and yellows.

Gilbert's red eyes weren't on the sky; they were on the sweet Canadian next to him. Matthew looked so damn happy today. Happy, excited, and bright. It was a new view and one that Gilbert loved.

After about ten minutes of standing like that, Gilbert put a hand on Matthew's shoulder and moved him towards the parking lot slowly. He pushed him close to wall next to them and was suddenly overcome by impulse. He stepped closer to the small blonde male, backing him into the wall.

Unable and unwilling to control this strong impulse, Gilbert leaned forward and lightly brushed the Canadian's lips with his own. Matthew's eyes were huge and fearful. He backed up a bit further, but didn't say a word to stop the Prussian. He was yet again frozen by gilbert. Gilbert wasn't thinking anymore. If he had been, he would never have pushed Matthew into this when he knew how his best friend felt.

Gilbert's mind was clear of everything except for Matthew. He had reached a breaking point and wasn't aware of it until watching those fireworks. He leaned even closer to the Canadians and brought his lips down to the Matthew's again. The kiss was much deeper this time, but still soft and gentle with only the slightest hint of fire underneath. Gilbert put all of his feelings of tenderness and care into it. One hand cupped the back of Matthew's neck and the other was on the Canadian's waist.

Matthew was afraid and shocked, but after a moment, he responded nervously. His hand rose and gripped Gilbert's lightly. Gilbert could taste the nerves, but was slightly encouraged by the response. He was encouraged by the fact that Matthew did not pull away.

Gilbert deepened the kiss and let in more of that passion and frustration he had been pushing back for so long. It was then that Gilbert started to regain his senses. He had pushed past a boundary. Reluctantly, he broke off the kiss. He stayed close to Matthew for only a moment before backing up slowly. He was nervous now and watched Matthew carefully. He was afraid that he had pushed too far too soon.

Matthew stared ahead of him, shocked at both Gilbert's actions and his own reactions. He leaned back against the wall in an effort to get control over himself once more. He should have pushed Gilbert away, he should have said something. The problem was he didn't want to. That very thought terrified Matthew more than anything else. It left him feeling uneasy and confused as hell. "G-Gil," he stuttered. "What the hell was that?"

Gilbert looked down at the ground. "I got ahead of myself," he explained. "I'm sorry."

Matthew shook his head at the apology. He didn't want apologies. Tears fell softly as he considered the situation. They were not tears of sadness though. They were tears of frustration and fear and confusion. Why the hell did everyone have to leave him scared and confused? "Sorry? I don't know if I can accept that Gilbert."

Gilbert moved a few steps forward, but stopped himself short of touching the Canadian. "Shit. Please don't cry Mattie. I'm sorry. I fucked up and gave in and I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry."

Matthew turned to face the wall for a moment. He needed to get himself back under control. He was freaking out over the kiss and taking it out on Gilbert. Matthew took a few deep breaths to stop the tears and then counted to ten. He had been told once that it was a good way to calm yourself down. When he turned back around he wasn't crying anymore. His gaze was guarded, but no longer accusing. "It's fine Gil. We all slip up sometimes. I just overreacted."

Gilbert could see that Matthew was still upset even if the stubborn Canadian wouldn't admit it. He gave an apologetic smile. "Let's just get home and forget this happened." he said the words, but knew he didn't mean them. He wasn't really sorry either and he didn't regret what he had done. He only regretted his timing. He should have waited longer for this moment. One thing was certain though, there was no way in hell he would ever forget that kiss. His resolve for what had to be done tomorrow had tripled. Those three were going to get an earful whether they liked it or not.

Gilbert now realized that Matthew wasn't going to come around on his own, at least not any time soon. It was going to take a lot of pressure from him and the ones who had done this to him in the first place. Gilbert was more determined than ever to get through to his best friend.

Matthew nodded and led the way to the car. Once on the road, the car was absolutely silent. It was such a contrast to the loud and fun day that had preceded it. Matthew wished that he could think of something to say but, he was at a loss now. He did not want things to be awkward between the two, but he could not see any other way after what had transpired. Finally, the silence got too much for Matthew to bear. "Thanks a lot for taking me today. It was a lot of fun."

"Glad you liked it Birdie."

"And about what happened…"Matthew trailed off, not entirely sure what to say about it.

"Don't" Gilbert insisted. "It's fine. You don't need to explain anything."

Matthew let out a sigh. That wasn't true; he did have to explain everything. True, Gilbert already knew the story but he didn't, he couldn't, understand how hard all of this was. He knew better than to argue with Gil so he just let it die into silence. This time, the silence lasted until Gilbert pulled into Matthew's driveway.

"Thanks again," Matthew said as he went to get out of the car.

Gilberts hand on his arm stopped him. "Hey Birdie," he began, pulling a small stuffed animal out of his bag. "I got this for you."

Matthew smiled when he saw that it was a polar bear, his favorite animal. "You didn't have to."

Gilbert nodded. "I know. I wanted to."

Matthew looked at Gilbert for a moment, for the third time that night he didn't know what to say. "Thanks Gil. I love it."

Gilbert smiled softly. "I hoped you would. Now go on and get inside. It's late and you're probably tired."

Matthew nodded in appreciation. He really was exhausted now. "Goodnight Gil."

"Goodnight Birdie," Gil said as he watched Matthew walk towards the house. He then backed out of the driveway and smirked to himself as he thought of the next day. He would have lots of fun tearing the three morons apart.

AN: So I personally think that this long chapter was quite good! I personally think that the PruCan scene was my favorite part to write!

Please review!