![]() Author has written 15 stories for Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, Big Bang Theory, Brave, 2012, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Ouran High School Host Club. My first fandom is Adventure Time, which has birthed many others. Yes, I am technically an adult. Follow me on tumblr- mathematicaltardistime. Facts about me: I live in Texas and own more scarves than I actually get to wear in any given year. It's cold for like, 10 days here. Hardly anyone in my real life knows I write fanfiction, and those who do know don't get it. The work on here I do just for me! I'm writing a fantasy novel. I get an inordinate amount of satisfaction when I finish folding laundry and there are no stray socks left over. Also, when I run out of shampoo and conditioner at the same time or when I think I'll have to get up for something and discover it's right next to me. I don't prefer fictional stories to reality, as much as I love them. As I've grown, reality seems pretty darn beautiful in a flawed, unconventional way. Window blinds are my arch enemy. It's really pathetic trying to watch me get them down. I thought Unicorns were real until I was 11! I asked my mom if we could go to a zoo that had them because they must be super endangered or hard to breed in captivity. Then she looked at me like I was a weirdo and told me they weren't real. I love using Q-tips. Every time I see them my ears itch for a little cotton massage. When I was a kid, I described things using the wrong senses; I would say a rose smelled pink or a wool sweater felt screechy. I like playing with words. I have perfect vision. I get really hyper when I play board games. I like to narrate my actions when I cook and pretend I'm on food network. I prefer skinny guys to muscled ones. Yes, I say "y'all." A lot. I hate handling money. I was a pesco vegetarian for 8 years. Every time I leave my house, I turn to my dog, look her in the eye, and say "Be a good bear." Sometimes I say it 2 or 3 times. I feel very unsettled if I don't get to do it. I will not back into a parking spot and I will drive 20 minutes to avoid parallel parking. I have been told I have great bedside manner and I don't get squeamish around blood or sickness. When I'm especially stressed, I have a bad habit of over committing myself and then freaking out about the lack of free time. I love the holidays and I'm very good with children. I have a bachelor's degree in recreation therapy. I LOVE backpacking and just travelling in general. My goal this year is to go on my first backpacking trip by myself, and to go to the hot air balloon festival in New Mexico. Luckily, I also love writing, and that's free. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome. When I was a toddler, I thought I was a dog. My mother had me tested. I do not deny the existence of anything that has unconfirmed existence. This is a pretty fun view to hold, because it allows me to have that child-like glimmer of hope that things like fairies, dragons, and alternate worlds exist just barely hidden behind our fragile veil of reality. |