Author has written 7 stories for Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Elder Scroll series, Stargate: SG-1, Lord of the Rings, and Phantom of the Opera. I am an aspiring Shakespearean scholar/actor/director, hence the inspiration for "The Oncoming Tempest" and "Poems to the Aedra and Daedra." I tend to write a combination of comedy and drama. Essentially fluff that takes a turn for the serious. I am particularly interested in exploring the humanity of villains, getting inside their worldviews and motivations. I love talking to readers, so if you write a review I am likely to respond, look at your stories, and possibly write a review of my own. I believe sites like this exist to create dialogues between writers, and to help us improve writing by exposing it to the views and criticism or others. I am primarily a script writer, so most of my writing can not currently be posted to |
lordessoftime-tau (15) |