Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Hola, Hello, AlĂ´ - I am... long and lanky (good for reaching high books and cereals, but my elbows are far-reaching lethal weapons)... super-organized when it comes to work but my bedroom looks like kindergardners just had recess in it... a traveler of the "passport-is-at-the-bottom-of-my-overweight-suitcase" variety... likely to be seen sweating like a pig as I make a mad dash to Blockbuster before it closes at 11PM... the kind of person who's shopping list reads: "apples" "kleenex" and "other things I like"... semi-terrible at updating my stories (I blame my... er... ok, I got nothing). I am not... comfortable to cuddle with (see the above section on elbows)... going to care much if you spill ink on my bedspread, but angels protect you if you ever mislabel my file folders... good at understanding how some people can vote for certain politicians (such as the "I can see Russia from my home state hence I am good at US foreign policy" variety)... by any any any means a patient person, I mean really, why must brownies take over half an hour to bake?? STORIES: The Bewitchment of James Potter: My L/J story. Nine Months: A one-shot. Wrote it for kicks and gigs :) The Persuasion of Lily Evans: I wrote this one mainly for myself... I love it BUT I took it off the site until it's been reworked a little! Some random facts about me you may or may not want to know: Likes: TRAVELING, sandy beaches, vegetarian options, keychains, pilates, roadtrips, long weekends, rainy days Dislikes: papayas. Favorite Quote: "Life is either a great adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller |
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