bowser comunist lv x
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Joined 12-28-11, id: 3572727, Profile Updated: 04-29-12
Author has written 2 stories for Super Smash Brothers, and Pokémon.

hello audience wait im trying to come up with my own jokes cuss tobuscus threatened to sue VARIMID get your lawyer brother

i will be makeing 3 storys here

1 bowser comunist tod of epicosity: with both varimid and steve: humor

2 mew born: a Pokemon (maybe skyrim cross) story telling steves random story: humor/hurt&comfort/(maybe romances)

3 that bloody code: a story of varimids life in smash mansion after he puts the konami code into the game out of boredom: humor/adventure

about me

likes: pie, pokemon, videogames, johto, Link in pain,senile wizards dwarfs, mews,CAP-TIN FAL-CON, Canadians, video game music with lyrics, doughnuts, apple rain, cheese, girls(but cant talk to them), speaking dragon, swearing, ninjas, and lets plays

hates: hoenn, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, square enics in general (will give them a chance if they give geno back to nintendo), school, home work, where i live (ha gotcha stalkers ill give you a hint its cold), my memorys (don't ask), dialga (we had a time Pokemon already), and any episode of the anime after johto

i play smash bros brawl online a ton. my friend code for it is 3869-0026-6282 send me yours. if you are wondering if you face my randomly i play as red snake, dark link, original color toon link ( as in link from the first game), normal lucario (or as i call him pokemon goku), or red hat pikachu. i also do random power where i just do random every time :P.

now for the oc or as you guys know them "crazy"

from the world of minecraft

varimid grizzwald peculiar,. amnesiac dwarf of kaz-modan, 15 years old

he has a short brown drwaven beard and blue eyes, he wares a yellow shirt with a mario star with the word "invincible" under it, he whares black sweet pants and has iron shoulder pads.

weapons: insanity, a diamond pick-ax, a katana, his "boom stick" his shot gun

personality: all out crazy, a good friend if you can get to know him, pretty gullible but knows when to gtfto. is the glue that keeps the house of bc together treats simon like a son.

how he came to the house of b.c: i found him hungry a tried in the slums of golden rod city i offered him a place to stay and boom the insanity was born.

final smash: forgoten past: throws his pick down summoning a army of dwarfs he then pumps his shot gun and shoots the closest dude

theme song: diggy diggy hole remix, yogscast

other info: has a crush on kussa but cant grow a pair to tell her

47 (2.0. thank you very much tgms), the mega-bat from the neather, as old as the world itself and beyond even that

he has the body shape similar to zero of the mega-man sires but is colored to look like batman he has deep white eyes

wepons: bat-a-rangs, a mega buster, unlimited obsidean, large amount of info on any under world

personality: can be a real grifer but is nice to his friends, very human like and enjoys grifing humans, hates it when people dystroy minecraftia for kicks alone and usaly kills them with out a care. SUPER protective over kussa as she reactivated him

how he came to the house of b.c: i won him in a fiddle off with herobrine and kussa reactivated him by putting in the code "12345"

final smash: over drive: summons a ghast made of fire that attacks everyone, he is stunned after words

theme song: robo rolled, crono triger/brentall floss

other info: he ends most sentences with "snarf!" "SHNARF!" if positive "derp." if negative

t-bag (tb), the mlg minecrafter, 15 years old

he looks alot like steve of minecraft but has a white shirt that says "cut,it,out" on it with the sigh language symbols under each word

weapon: a bucket, a stone shovel, and any gun he can get his hands on

personality: ANY "MLG PRO" GAMER. but if you want a better example look up "the adventures of n00bly" on you tube should be easy finding him. has a crush on kussa and has convinced him self there in a relationship

how he came to the house of b.c: he was digging a hole and ended up in our basement. (we take any one we can get)

final smash: camp power: becomes in-tangible for a short time but can still hurt others.

theme song: eye of the creeper, omfgcata/survivor

other info: has a fear of herobrine like no other

from the world of pokemon

steve senri, the shiny dragon born mew, 14 mew years

a shiny mew. that's it. why are you still reading this? i kill you!!!

weapon: psychic powers, UN-relenting force, psychic bubbles

personality: exactly like varimid, but dose not like pokemon trainers in any way shape or form

how he came to the house of bc: found him with a arrow in his knee i helped him out and the rest is history

final smash: fus ro bomb: focuses un-relenting force into a small ball trows it causing a smart bomb like explosion

theme song: pokemon theme

other info: has a red bouncy ball he plays with when bored

kussa, the frosslass pokemorph, 15 years old

she has bright blue hair that gos down to her shoulders and a white komono with a orange rope around it, sha also has purple eyes

weapons: ice abilitys, psychic powers

personality: to us at the house of bc she is as crazy as varimid just with a more female touch, but with others she is very very shy and will hide behind the closet bc oc. is very nice to her freinds and is a peace maker, she is very motherly to Simon and treats him as her own son. she hates any one that rys to act like a gangster/pimp/mlg boss.

how she came to the house of b.c: varimid got separated from us when we where at mt silver, she found him and saved him from a cold grave and after we got tired of ignoring the fact she had been following us after that day we let her join.

final smash: big freeze: will shoot huge "off wave" like waves that freeze any one who cant doge it (dose only minor damage)

theam song: brent-mass mad lib

other info: she has sworn to never use her powers to eat sols after she killed her own father by mistake, has a huge fear of cites

simon, ralts, pokemorph, 5 years old

he has green hair in a bole cut style with a huge red Mohawk in the middle, all his cloths are baggy on him and are dead white.

weapons: psychic powers, extreme street smarts, best darn grifter in the world, extreme cuteness.

personality: he cute and he knows it, a real con artist and thief will guilt trip you out of your wallet and then steal your belt. he dose however care deeply for his friends and will not steal from them. he really mature for his age in reality he knows many swear words and is attracted to females more so then just puppy love, but he will only show it when he knows hes only with villains as he can relate with them easily. thinks of kussa as his "mommy" and if you insult her well hit it "hide your kids hide your wife and hide your husband"

how he came to the house of bc: we found him behind a dumpster after a night of partying. (we also found a drunk guini pig but we left him there)

final smash: bam-bam: picks up a fighter and beats the liveing crap out of them saying "BAM-BAM"

theme: pokemon gets played

other info: looks up to many villains as a roll model and will look upon them like rock stars

ezio the gangar, the failed oc, 15 (gangar years)

looks like any other gangar

weapons: basic gangar atacks and powers, he can speak human freely not just in story's that the author is to lazy to do it right.

personality: a real "lost puppy" that no matter how many times i feed him to maya, no matter how many times i lock him in the basement he comes back and is loyal to me, enjoys messing with varimid and has a fear of gardivors

how he came to the house of bc: he was one of my failed experiments along with a succabus gardivor, a black VVVVVV person, and ghost dragon born. after a while of begging i said yes

final smash: blasting off again!!: creates a big explosion that shoots every one sky-ward that only counts as a kill if he star ko's them

theme: team rocket (original) mato

other info: can turn into a black hover board that anyone can ride on

bebe the electravire, the shocking tomboy, 9 years old

looks like any other electravire

weapons: basic electric moves, and a FALCON PWNCH

personality: a over all tom-boy that likes to play rough, she doesn't yet get or understand her strength and so is a bit of a klutz. she dose have a soft spot for anything that cant say proper English. she looks "up" to varimid as a father figure.

how she came to the house of bc: little known fact: varimid lived in the johto daycare center before the house of bc, he hatched her there and after he left (do to the un-even flow of time) she evolved twice and after i got bored teleported her here.

final smash: lightning falcon: combines thunder punch, mega punch, and falcon pwnch to totally kill who ever is right next to her.

theme: song of storms (heavy metal style)

amber, the fisher women, 4 years old

she has amber coloerd hair that is pretty long, her eyes are a neon purple color. she is a bit short but not dwarvin short. she wares a orange poncho that covers most of her body, under it she has black pants and a black t.

weapons: a costom battle fishing pole (half staff, half whip)

personality: very strong willed and caring, she is usually nice to everyone even villains! (just last night she gave tabu cookies) and can put a smile on even the most harden beings,

how she came to the house of bc: kussa's and varimid's daughter

final smash: summons a giant ice dwarf of death

theme: epona's song

other info: is scared of the dark, like will rip you eyes out in panic scared

from the world of "stupid mario bros" by richaveras

sage (coconut), prince of the gerudo, 18 years old

looks like a friendlier Ganon with a obi-won like robe and fedora

weapons: energy balls, WARLOCK PWNCH, twin swords (the ones used by the gerudo pirates)

personality: very calm and collected and though he can quote 90% of what varimid can he doesn't usually. he is the most sane and the voice of reason. he also translates memes into English for those not into the internet. has high respect for women (whould'nt you, living with over 9000 violent female pirates?) and will let them choose what happens.

how he came to the house of bc: me, varimid, and steve acidentaly killed all his warriors after we smashed a rock into a VERY weak part of the ship

final smash: sandstorm: basically.. the Pokemon move.

my o.s (own sport)

orange ball!

the rules of orange ball are simple there are three main objects

the north acid pit

the south lava pit

and orange's liveing disembody head

orange: wait what?

there are two teams in orange ball the blue team who in this tutorial are akuma, sephoroth, and varimid

and the red team who here are crazy hand, herobrine, and 47

red and blue: lets kill orange

orange: i blame you for this t.g.m.s

the red teams job is to get the ball to fall and completely melt in the lava while the blue have the acid (don't forget to dribble.)

orange: ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-arrrrrrggghhhhh

akuma: yes i am the ultimate warrior even in this childish game!

me: would you say its childish if it was fueled on revenge?

akuma: i would say this is my new fav sport!

after 11 deaths the winner is decried who ever has the most points win!

final score red-5, blue-6

song time yay :D

the dragon born comes from skyrim

our hero our hero claims a warriors harte

i tell you i tell you the dragonborn comes

with the voice wielding power of the ancient nord art

belive belive the dragon born comes

its the end to the evil of all skyrims foes

beware beware the dragon born come

for the darkness has past yet the legand still grows

youll know youll know the dragon brons come

soft huming*

Dovahkiin Dovahkiin

Naal ok zin los vahriin

wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal

ahrk fin norok paal graan

fod nust hon zindro zaan

Dovahkiin fah hin kogaan mu draal.

robo rolled by brentall floss (in tone to rick rolled)

I'm not programmed to love
But I'll be yours till the end of time
So put your hand in my metallic glove
Let's take a long walk down an assembly line
I don't have the circuitry for feelings
But you make my lasers beam

Never gonna glitch you up
Never gonna power down
Never gonna spin around and invert you
Never gonna cut and run
Never gonna end the fun
Never gonna malfunction and hurt you

the yognught anthem (diggy diggy hole)

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
I'm Digging a Hole!
I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
I'm Digging a Hole!

Dwarf! Dwarf!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
Dwarf! Dwarf!
I'm Digging a Hole!
Dwarf! Dwarf!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
Dwarf! Dwarf!
I'm Digging a Hole!

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
I'm Digging a Hole!
I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
I'm Digging a Hole!

Dwarf! Dwarf!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
Dwarf! Dwarf!
I'm Digging a Hole!
Dwarf! Dwarf!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
Dwarf! Dwarf!
I'm Digging a Hole!

I am a
I am a
I am a Dwarf!
I am a
I am a
Diggy Diggy Hole!
I am a
I am a
I am a Dwarf!
I am a
I am a
Diggy Diggy Hole!

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
I'm Digging a Hole!
I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!
Diggy Diggy Hole!
I'm Digging a Hole!


Crazy is when you have a voice in your head that you named Pedro, even though he clearly isn't Spanish and you just do that to annoy him.

Crazy is when you're so obsessed with eating your Jell-o (and you forgot to put a spoon in your lunch box) that you try drinking your Jell-o through a straw and using straw chopsticks because straws were the only utensil-type thing available.

Crazy is when you start dancing in Walmart to its cheesy music.

Crazy is when you laugh uncontrollably at your own jokes.

Crazy is when you stare at a pencil and laugh when someone asks you what is so interesting about the eraser.

Crazy is when you have an hour-long sob fest, and then start singing and dancing when your favorite song comes on.

Crazy is when you do or say a completely random thing, like "Do you ever wonder where the eraser bits go?" or having a thumbwar with yourself. (I say random things...)

Crazy is when you type up all your favorite sayings, print them off and tape them to your wall, just for something to do.

Crazy is when you laugh when nothing's funny.

Crazy is when you crack up if someone says "Oatmeal!".

Crazy is when you forget what you're saying in the middle of a sentence. (I do that.)

Crazy is when you take the time to write down stuff like this and memorize it.

Crazy is when your are going through this as a checklist.

Crazy is when you quote Charlie the Unicorn at random momments.

Crazy is when you eat twenty pixie sticks in one day.

Crazy is when you're crazy.(I KNOW I'm crazy.)

Crazy is when start talking nonsense everyday during gym.

Crazy is when you convince your friends you're 'high' because you can't stop laughing even when nothing is funny. And then all of you convince the nearest adult that you're having a breakdown.

Crazy is when you trip up the stairs, and laugh all the way back down them.

Crazy is when it is last day of school you scream and run around in circles.

Crazy is when you get drunk on air and laugh during the saddest part of the move.

Crazy is when you can call yourself something else, and completely become that person, forgetting your reason for hating the world, (Well, I do this except the part about forgetting my reason for hating thy world.)

Crazy is when you laugh at nothing during school and laugh when everyone looks at you like your insane.

Crazy is when you trip over nothing at all, fall, and say "I see the's pretty".

Crazy is when you are asked to get someone's phone from the other room, and you go and grab it epically, then crack up and spit out your oreos halfway through.

Crazy is when you hit your head on an object, then start yelling and swearing revenge.

Crazy is when you mix five box-fulls of Jello Pudding Mix with Dish Soap and Green food coloring in a jar,pour it on the side walk,and say it's "alien bloooood".

Crazy is when you make up stupid texts and faces just for pleasure.

Crazy is when you get into an in-depth conversation with your split personalities for hours on end and talk about nothing in particular. (I do this.)

Crazy is when you laugh at something serious.

Crazy is when you have 21 different ways of saying one swear word

If you're crazy, copy this onto your profile and add something crazy you've done to the list!

List your favourite video game characters and act as if you were actually in their games! ill do some oc because screw the rules im in spaaaaccceeee

1. kussa (sorry varimid)

2. varimid

3. heavy weapons guy

4. okami amaterastu

5. susano

6. steve (pikmin)

7. steve (minecraft)

8. steve (shiny mew)

9. genscet

10. mewtwo

Answer these questions

What would happen if Number 1 woke you up in bed?

me: nightmare?

kussa: *nods*

me: its ok *rubs head*

Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you're showering?

me: this is not the fridge

heavy: my bad

Number 4 announced he/she's going to marry 9 tomorrow?

me: so much irony!

Number Five cooked you dinner?

me: dude im under-aged

susano: madness all should have saki

Number Six is lying next to you on the beach what do you do?

me: *makes water proof wall of sand* we cant have a hero die.

Number 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family?

me: this explains alot

Number 8 got into the hospital somehow?

me: note to self make sure lass trainers cant get in house

Number Nine made fun of all your friends?

me: dude i understand you hate humans but really?

Number Ten ignored you all the time?

me: *gets bfg9000* hi dude how was your day?

Two serial killers are hunting you down! Quick! What will Number One do?

kussa: have a ice day *freezes killers*

me: kussa, white can do it, you cant. but thanks

You're on vacation with Number Two, and you manage to break your leg. What does Two do?

varimid: golden apple?

me: ADVENTURE *fly's into air*

It's your birthday. What does 3 get you?

me: awesome a mini gun thanks dude!

heavy: no problem little baby

You seem to have stuck yourself in a house that is on fire! What does Four do?

draws 3 lines causing it to rain and or hurricane

You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will Five do?

he'll get a bottle ready

You're about to marry Number 10! What is One's reaction?

kussa: *breaks hypnosis*

me: damn-it steve!

You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up?

steve: *barfs dirt on me*

me: *barfs the same dirt back*

You compete in a tournament. How does 9 support you?

by killing everyone else

You can't stop laughing! What will 10 do?

mewtwo: SHUT THE HELL UP *shoots shadow ball*

Number One is all you've ever dreamed of. Why?

damn-it steve

Number Two tell you his/her deeply hidden love for Nine?

me: dude your engaged to kussa... jealousy wont work to get you more stuff

You're dating Three, and he/she introduces you to his/her parents. Would you get along?


Would Five and Six ever kiss?

not likely

Number Six appears to be a player, breaking many hearts...

me: dude your a hero don't abuse that

steve: *flips me off*

me: *dumps water on head*

You had a haircut, and Seven can't stop staring at you.

me: unlike you we cant just change when we want all of a sudden

Eight thinks that he/she'll never get a girl/boy friend. What do you tell him/her?

me: hey you could always transform into a human you know how to get to lasses well

steve: genius!!!

Nine is too shy to face you, and confesses their love by sending an email. Now what?

me: im sorry dude i cant do this to day

gensect: D:

You spot Ten kissing One. How do you react?

me: mewtwo you do realize she's Giovanni's daughter right?

mewtwo: MUTHA F-

You notice that 3 and 4 have been inside that hotel room for MORE than a few hours. What are you thinking?

me: i wonder if i could take shadow back to the past and save the native Americans

Could 1 and 6 be soul mates?

kussa doesn't like people that let there job and status go to their head

Would 2 trust 5?

probably their both fans of getting drunk

Number 4 is bored and pokes 10. What happens after that?


If 5 and 1 are forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick?

probably something involving japan

If 6 and 3 cooked dinner what would they make?

me: pellet posies and sandviches... AWSOME

If 7 and 9 apply for a job. What job?

most likely building something idk

If 8 gives 5 a haircut. Is that okay?

I'm gonna say "no"

If 9 sketches what 6's perfect girl/boyfriend should look like, will 6 be happy?

probably seeing as he has a color printer in his butt

10 and 9 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about?

a: loopuny, b: gardivor, c: frosslass, d: blue from pokemon manga

What would happen if 1 accidentally kicked 10?

kussa hurt, varimid angry, mewtwo with a pick in his head

If 2 sent a message to his/her Bf/Gf but 9 got it. What would happen?

genesect: yo, dwarf you sent me the e-mail of the china you wanted for your wedding

varimid: sorry dude

If 5 and 6 did a workout together?

the gym would be in ruins

If 6 noticed he/she wasn't invited to your birthday?

me: dude its at a water park

steve: ohh

If 7 won the lottery?

me: golden apples for all!!!!!

If 8 had quite a big secret?

me: what do you mean "not proud of this maga- ... dude i am NEVER letting you subscribe to a magazine again

If 9 became a singer?

me: RAVE PARTY!!!!

If 10 got a daughter?


mewtwo: i dont remember

What would 1 think of 2?

kussa: this little guy is kinda funny and he seems nice

me: thats what she thought of varimid when she first met him

What would 2 think of 1?

varimid: wow. she may not be smoking hot but she is actually not hurting me... did she just LAUGH at one of MY jokes?... thank you oh great notch.

me: when varimid first met kussa

What would 4 envy about 5?

amateratsu: he gets all the saki he can drink

What do 6 and 7 have in common?

hmmm steve and steve... nothing i can think of

What would make 7 angry at 8?

steve: lass trainer

steve: ahhhhh

Where would 8 meet

a pokemon bar

What would 9 never dare to tell 10?

me: YOUR A GIRL?!?!?!?

gensect: DONT TELL MEWTWO!!!

mewtwo: tell me what

gensect: ummm i like pie

mewtwo: ok then...

What would make 10 scared of 1?

the fact she is Giovanni's daughter

FINISH THIS PHRASE YOUR WAY: When life gives you lemons...

Eat them! Lemons are yummy! -noonesorange-StarsRShiney

Read Them! O.O -noonespurple-toxilev

Squirt the juice in your enemy's eye! -Kicon


. . . use them to power your doomsday device and hold a few countries ransom, THEN use the resulting influx in cash to take over the world. -M. Burusu

make applesauce! -FrostDeman

... use one lemon bunch's seeds to grow more lemons and start a lemon farm, use the other bunch to make a pitcher of poisoned lemonade, which you give to your worst enemy, then you use the last bunch to power up a time bomb which you use to scare the mayor of your city into giving you complete control over it. Then you use your city control to enslave the townspeople as soldiers to aid you in your plan to take over the world. (Profile worthy, eh?)- Cresle Generation X

... Use them to make a love potion! -Raikim4Never

...Make apple juice and let the world wonder how you did it -Rainsong or Moonfeather

... Squirt them in Life's eyes, rendering him powerless. Then harness his limitless power to assassinate the president and take over the world!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! - Moonstream-Sunstripe

...tell me about your cookies! -Spottedpaw13 cherry pie. I mean seriously, which would you rather have? -Rainhead

... Turn around, throw them at a window, then blame it on your neighbor, get them arrested, and last of all, LET THE WORLD WONDER HOW YOU DID IT WITHOUT EXPLODING! -InvaderTyleana

...Throw them at rush-hour traffic, causing a terrible accident and killing several people, then wet yourself laughing uncontrollably. Oh, and possibly make some bad pun about how their cars must have been lemons.- Invader ShadowWolf

...wonder who released the moose. Because everyone knows that the moose used to give out lemons on National Pi Day. -Invader Cakez're normal, when life gives you melons, you're special... or dyslexic. -LibertyEevee

... give em back i dont want your damn lemons -bowser comunist lev x

50 facts bout bc

1: im 50% deaf

2: i have psychic powa once i predicted a light bulb would die 1 sec before it blew up

3: i didnt talk till i was 3.5 years old

4: my fav game is pokemon white

5: i was grounded from cartoon network for 2 years due to my mom hating ed, edd, & eddy

6: i have yet to beat a loz game. i am not a good legend of zelda :/

7: i did this list out of bordom

8: i have a phobia of zombies, poison, and gardivoirs.

9: my first ever Pokemon i caught was a zigzagoon

10: im left eyed

11: im right handed

12: im left footed

13: im f*ed up

14: i allways break my right foot never my left

15: i prefer scooter over bike or skate board

16: the fist lp i ever saw was lets play pokemon crystal by chuggaconroy

17: my name comes from the runawayguys's " bowser communism" and the Pokemon trading card game "level X"

18: i originally came to fan fiction to flame beacuse i thought it was full of final fantasy fan girls that want to bone cloud.

19: my first game system was a pikachu n64

20: when i was 1.5 years old i would get on my dog and he would help me steal cherrios.

21: i cant pronounce "Apocalypse"

22: i have mild insomia

23: my fav holiday is holloween (its like comic con with out the comic con)

24: my dad hates me being a geek

25: i hate final fantasy. i find it as a mega hitlar.

26: i tend to put my leg behind my head when i sleep

27: i was NOT introduced to minecraft by the yogcast rather farfromsubtle

28: the first game i ever beat was sly cooper and the thevius racoonus

29: my fav food is coconut

30: i have a mouth as dirty as the angry video game nerd

31: my dog thinks its a cat

32: im running out of ideas at this point

33: my fav movie is blues brothers

34: my fav tv show is breaking in

35: my fav super hero is the flash

36: my fav pokemon is frosslass

37: i once spent a 3 hours trying to touch my nose with my toung

38: i have a habit of chewing on plastic

39: i have had a crush on a total of 7 cartoon characters (im pathetic)

40: i have self-esteem issues

41: i have killed a total of 58 fish ':P

42: im a cat person

43: i learned to avoid the death question "dose this *blank* make me look fat" at the age of 1. my mom asked me that and i walked away

44: i learned to walk my first on bithday

45: i learned to use the vhs the day after

46: my mom wanted to smash all my vhs tapes the following day

47: this is my lucky number

48: my happiest memory is watching amaricas funniest videos with my family

49: i almost drowned when i was 5

50: im tagging daylight sorrow, ninja mongoose, and ddd-man

people to see for epicosity

daylight sorrow (go see her shes my first g.f)



total biscuit

far from subtle

omfg cata

meet josh jepson, his boy chugaa(conroy), dughter (proton) jony (sa), tim (Nintendo caprisun) his wife

the runaway guys

and any one i faved here :)

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Human Born Charizard Raised by Houndmon reviews
What would happen if Ash wasn't raised with Delia? How would the story change if he was raised by pokemon? AU; will be Pokeshipping eventually.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 11 - Words: 22,120 - Reviews: 95 - Favs: 279 - Follows: 245 - Updated: 5/24/2013 - Published: 4/7/2012 - Ash K./Satoshi, Charizard/Lizardon
The Super Nerd Show! by Neoshadowwolf reviews
Is Lugia predominantly a water dweller? Why is Venomoth susceptible to earthquakes? Which came first: the Unown or the Latin alphabet? I'm DJ Bob of the Variety Channel and together we will explore the oddities of the Pokémon world in the Super Nerd Show!
Pokémon - Rated: K+ - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 8 - Words: 9,099 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 6/20/2012 - Published: 5/21/2012
25 Ways to Make Sure You're Insane by Deltra 307 reviews
Collection of one-shots based on Pokemon Special. Fully summary inside.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 35,657 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 5/31/2012 - Published: 2/18/2012 - Red, Yellow
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

training each other reviews
latias is angry, a human is tired of his world, red is bored, unova is peeing itself in fear dedicated to all my fav authors, thanks guys/girls/others
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,498 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 5/8/2012 - Published: 3/22/2012 - Latias, Red
the epic quest for white castle yep white castle reviews
Super Smash Brothers - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,584 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 2/22/2012 - Published: 2/19/2012 - Captain Falcon